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Bruce Forsyth has insisted that Anton Du Beke should not be fired from the BBC for making a racist remark. The Strictly Come Dancing star made the comment to his celebrity partner Laila Rouass off-camera. He has apologised for his actions, but anti-racism groups have called for him to be removed from the reality series. Speaking about the controversy, Forsyth argued that people should not take Du Beke's "slip up" so seriously. "We used to have a sense of humour about this," the 81-year-old told TalkSport. "You go back 25, 30, 40 years and there has always been a bit of humour about the whole thing. "At one time the Americans used to call us 'limeys', which doesn't sound very nice, but we used to laugh about it. Everybody has a nickname. And Anton is such a sweet guy, it's such a terrible shame." He added: "[Anton] is a lovely, sensitive guy. OK, he can be a bit mouthy and can say quick things off-the-cuff like I do. If someone says something to me then I'm straight back. Quick reflex of the tongue is what we've got. "But when you're like that you can slip up every now and again. You can say something that you don't mean. But I'm sure there was nothing vindictive about what he said and [Anton's apology] should be accepted and the page should be closed on it. It's a damn shame and I feel for him and Laila, she's a lovely girl." Earlier this week, Rouass said that she wants to "move on" from the incident and does not want Du Beke to be fired.

I think old fogey Bruce should remember things were different 40 years ago, we don't live in those times anymore, what a TWONK, he's passed it anyway!

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another witchunt, he apologised and while he shouldn't have said it, Laila accepted his apology, so please let it go media, they will keep going like they always do.

Forgive me if I've got this wrong, but I'm guessing you are white and English, I for one am not, I'm Asian and I find the P word highly agressive and wrong, I'm certainly not saying you are being blaze about the whole thing, but come and step in my shoes for a while, then you will see why he should not be let off the hook aBout it, luckily I have suffered very little racial abuse in my life, but I still know what it feels like and why it's wrong to make comments like that! 
I do know its wrong pooly and never would excuse that sort of word or use it myself...yes I am white, but my colout shouldn't come into it either, I think if the person whom it is said to has forgiven him, and doesn't want to make an issue then it should be left. that is all I am saying the media in any circumstance like to play around at the moment sort of influence if you like. Sorry if u misunderstood where I was coming from, Maybe I worded it wrong.
If Leila Rouass was offended, fair enough. But I can't understand why so many people are getting offended on her behalf - are they saying they know better than her, even though she was the one there at the time, when she says it wasn't meant maliciously?

It was a bloody stupid thing to say, and I'd never say it. But I think I'll leave it to the person on the receiving end to decide whether she should be offended or not.
When I was growing up, it was a commonly used word - not just offensively.
Every corner shop owned by Asians was known as the P word shop.

As soon as I knew that it was used as an insult and offended Asian people, it was easy to wipe it from my vocabulary.

It makes me wonder how others, younger than me, have not understood that yet.
Blizzie online 7849 Forum Posts Today at 14:25 (Edited: ) This is quite funny

Such as? "I've no time for fat people, they should all be shot."

Don't say: It's political correctness gone mad. They'll be telling him he can't shoot fat people next.

Do say: I'm sorry, Anton, but that sort of language simply isn't appropriate any more. Also, you're going to have to stop shooting fat people.

I'm just LOLed at this:

Oh right, because he's casually racist. That's much worse. Indeed. Which is why Du Beke has made a very clear statement proving he's not: "I must say immediately and categorically that I am not a racist and that I do not use racist language."

Apart from when he said his partner looked "like a Paki"? Obviously, apart from that.


Reference: crossy
Indeed Lilibet1 I was originally, or unoriginally as it turns out, going to use the political correctness gone mad-they'll be saying we can't shoot fat people next, material, but thought better of it. Bruce is right, some people don't have a sense of humour......... sort of.

There is a huge row going on about some Australian show now.
Apparently, 'blacking up' is still acceptable and amusing over there.
I can't stand the word and always pulled my mate up when he referred to the 'P' Shop where he bought his paper....eventually he stopped calling it that when in my company...I was in stitches once when he was telling me this story, he said " I went into the..erm..erm..the thing...what do you call it? you know....ermm..." with me knowing the context of the story I suggested "Newsagents?" which he confirmed that was indeed the word he was searching for...I found it funny in an ironic way that the word 'newsagent' had just completely vanished from his vocabulary !!!! I'm not sure whether its just sad or quite funny
I'm happy to go along with Brucie's "he's apologized, it's been accepted, now let's move on" point. However, his suggestion that we should have "a sense of humour" over the matter sticks in the craw somewhat. It smacks of the bad old days when comedians thought it was alright to black-up or make fun of Chinese people mispronouncing their "r"s. 

Laila was offended by the remark. Is Brucie therefore saying that she shouldn't have been, but should have laughed it off instead?
Personally, I don't consider racist remarks to be a laughing matter...
Eugene's Lair
Here, from BBC News, is the follow-up to Brucie's comments yesterday on Talksport:

The Victoria Derbyshire show on BBC Radio 5 live said they had received a record 600 calls regarding Forsyth's comments. Most of the callers said they thought the veteran host was in the wrong.

Forsyth then issued a clarification, in which he said:
"I have been asked by a number of journalists to clarify what I meant and am therefore issuing this statement via the BBC, though I must emphasise that these are my personal views and not necessarily those of the BBC.

What Anton said to Laila was wrong and he has apologised unreservedly for this. Nor do I in any way excuse or condone the use of such language. To be absolutely clear, the use of racially offensive language is never either funny or acceptable. However, there is a major difference between this and racist comments which are malicious in intent and whilst I accept that we live in a world of extraordinary political correctness, we should keep things in perspective."
Eugene's Lair
When I was growing up the corner shop was called the Paki shop. The owners themselves called it that. It's an abbreviation just as Scot is. It's a shame people took the word and started using it as a form of abuse. I still know shopkeepers who call thier own shop that. I don't apologise for using the word btw as I feel saying things like "the P word" only adds to it being seen as a bad word.
I read an article online a while ago (I'll try to find it again) which said that the younger generation of British Pakistanis are trying to reclaim the word. There was also something about it only being acceptable for them to use it.

Suzy - I think it is a bad word now in the context that most people use it. It hasn't always been that way. If any of my children used it I'd be shocked and questioning them too but only because I think now we are at a point where to even utter the word must mean (to some) you are racist, if they did hear it then it must have been in a negative way etc. Does that make sense? I hope so coz reading it back I'm not so sure myself

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