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I hate Purnell with a venomous and spiteful loathing that would see me cheer at him coming a cropper.

He's a nasty careerist who would join any party if he thought it would further his profile and swell his ego.

Sad thing is I think since Blair people are going for the vaguely pleasant looking suited and booted thing...some might think of him as a "left (hah!) version of Cameron.

Oh I hate him, hate him, hate him Mad
Let's remind ourselves of snippets from his resignation letter shall we.

It calls for a government that measures itself by how it treats the poorest in society. Those are our values, not David Cameron's.

What like making disabled people your scapegoats and trying to charge 20 odd% interest on DPW fricking CRISIS LOANS!?

I am not seeking the leadership, nor acting with anyone else. My actions are my own considered view, nothing more.

And it only took you 4 days James, well done! What a stand up guy.
Originally posted by electric6:
I hate Purnell with a venomous and spiteful loathing that would see me cheer at him coming a cropper.

He's a nasty careerist who would join any party if he thought it would further his profile and swell his ego.

Sad thing is I think since Blair people are going for the vaguely pleasant looking suited and booted thing...some might think of him as a "left (hah!) version of Cameron.

Oh I hate him, hate him, hate him Mad


Completely agree. After what he's been trying to push through at the DWP he shouldn't show his face in public ever again.

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