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Nothing on BBC yet (nor the website) a full half hour after the news has broke. BBC always behind as usual. Sky broke it pretty much straight away.
That's cos the BBC are too scared to report anything without proper confirmation from about 60 different sources.

Good job it took them nearly 4 months to bury Michael Jackson cos it took the BBC nearly as long to actually confirm he was dead!
i'm just waiting for them to 'break' the news as 'breaking news' as if they are telling you something you don't already know.

On their saturday football scores service they often tell you news of a goal about 5 minutes after Sky Sports do. I wonder if that's because their reporters have to see the replay at least 50 times before being sure that it hit the net
Crunchy  Nuts
All the BBC need do is look on twitter if they want confirmation, the incompetent useless idiots
 Twitter is a load of people gossiping, not a reliable news source. The Beeb tend to make sure they have concrete confirmation of stories before they use them, because certain members of parliament can't wait to jump on the slightest mistake.
Oddly enough, they aren't that fussed about breaking celeb stories first, because real news is a bit more important, such as thousands of people being stranded by Eurostar.
because real news is a bit more important, such as thousands of people being stranded by Eurostar.
Hardly more important than someone dying aged 32, but get what you mean.

The BBC are amateur, from their news production, right through to their sports coverage. ITV get a lot of stick, but BBC make a lot more cock ups from what I've seen.

As for twitter, my point was that it was Ashton Kutcher tweeting, that's as much a reliable source as any given that he knew the girl. He wouldn't have tweeted if it wasn't true.

Also what's the harm in them writing 'reports in LA say that.....'
I'd much prefer up to date news rather than them waiting for it to be concrete. It's hardly latest news then is it? They are useless.
Crunchy  Nuts
Hardly more important than someone dying aged 32, but get what you mean.

Yes it is. People far younger die all the time. A personal tragedy for her and her family, but not that important in the scheme of things. My OH works for BBC News Online and they are not "amateur", thanks very much. We'll agree to differ and leave it there, yes?
In defence of beeb online, it is the only site I trust to give accurate news and is my daily port of call. Having worked for old Murdoch I know how over excited his lot can get at the sniff of a missed heartbeat. Although, anything re death I've seen lately (Michael Jackson, Stephen Gateley) has been reported (and accurately may I add) by Sky/Fox hours before the Beeb has disclosed it.

My bro does a lot of freelance work for the Beeb too Deman, he nearly spat in disgust when I worked for News International
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