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Originally posted by ~~KaffyBaffy~~:
Originally posted by Lazybug:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Lazybug:
I don't know this song Confused

Was good though

I don't either. Who original sung it?

*shrugs* Confused

Was it the awful Whitney? Sounds like her kind of *first of the night* CACKPOO!

Yup cackpoo song Shake Head

Apparently from Dreamgirls - never heard it. I think he was trying to be too mature.
God that kid singing 'I am telling you Im not going' was DIRE! What are the judges hearing? Not the same as me, that's for sure. Is he related to them or something>>?? Coz he is bloody crap and they act like he is Michael frigging Jackson!

All four acts so far have been crap. IMO. The bro and sis dancing were Ok but thats it, and she doesn;t like being told she is average does she? Shake Head Really sorry bunch tonight! Them two girls is pink were SHIT and such crap singers and the sax player was horrible! God help us if any of this shit goes through! They are all rubbish tonight!

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