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She was starved of oxygen as a baby and it left her a bit brain damaged.

Was she really? That makes sense then, I have a cousin that happened to. She's middle aged now, but (unlike Susan) she got married and had kids but she is a bit 'simple' - which sounds a horrible insult, but it's not meant that way - she genuinely is just uncomplicated, no guile and says whatever comes into her head at the time. For me it would also explain how she doesn't see how the 'sexy' act coming from such an innocent mature woman can look a bit ... well... weird.
Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
Storm..I don't think that you should call people that don't like Susan Boyle jealous and bitter and to 'grow up'!

Please remember that her 'talents'are not to everyones taste and we on this forum are entitled to express that opinion. Now then, having got that off my chest, I wish you a fabulous day! Smiler

Exactymundo. I wasn`t that impressed by Susan first time around and I haven`t changed my mind. Cackpoo is a new word invented by Watty Valentine I think it`s fab..if that`s ok with you storm? Moon Big Grin
Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
Storm..I don't think that you should call people that don't like Susan Boyle jealous and bitter and to 'grow up'!

Please remember that her 'talents'are not to everyones taste and we on this forum are entitled to express that opinion. Now then, having got that off my chest, I wish you a fabulous day! Smiler

Hollygolightly, I am not telling everyone who doesn't like Susan Boyle to grow up and stop being so jealous and bitter; you completely misinterpreted me. It's the minority of people making nasty and spiteful remarks about her that I am saying this to... not just people who do not care for her as an artist. It's the childish petty spiteful ones on here I am aiming those remarks at, who are being horrid about Susan.

I mean, what has she done to deserve this nasty treatment, apart from go on a reality tv show, and become very popular, because she is talented and people like her?!

She is merely a very talented lady who has a great voice and is naturally talented, and now has a completely new life, and the remarks on here like ' I am sooooo over Susan Boyle,' and 'she is cackpoo' (sounds like a 5 year old put that) and she is 'ugly' and she is 'crap' are totally uncalled for.

The woman has done nothing to deserve this treatment, and IMO people making these kind of remarks are bitter and jealous, because someone is doing something with their life, and isn't sitting there making spiteful bitchy remarks on message forums about someone who is talented and who is doing well for herself.

You said we are all entitled to express an opinion; I presume that extends to me also...??? Well that is MY opinion - on the spiteful and bitter FMS who are being nasty and mean about a really nice genuine lady, who is doing very well thank you, and does not deserve a scrap of the nastiness she is getting. If YOU and the rest of the haters are 'entitled' to state that Susan Boyle is crap and 'cackpoo' and ugly and so on, then I reserve the right to state that I think the FMs SAYING this kind of stuff are bitter and jealous, because IMO, they are. It's the only explanation for the nastiness. Yes, you don't have to like her, but quit with the nastiness FFS! What has she done to YOU, to warrant that treatment?

As YOU say, we are all entitled to express and opinion, and that is mine; that the haters are bitter and jealous.

I wish YOU a fabulous day too!
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Originally posted by storm:
Originally posted by Hollygolightly:
Storm..I don't think that you should call people that don't like Susan Boyle jealous and bitter and to 'grow up'!

Please remember that her 'talents'are not to everyones taste and we on this forum are entitled to express that opinion. Now then, having got that off my chest, I wish you a fabulous day! Smiler

Hollygolightly, I am not telling everyone who doesn't like Susan Boyle to grow up and stop being so jealous and bitter; you completely misinterpreted me. It's people making nasty and spiteful remarks about her that I am saying this to. What has she done to deserve people's this nasty treatment, apart from go on a reality tv show, and become very popular, because she is talented and people like her?!

She is merely a very talented lady who has a great voice and is naturally talented, and now has a completely new life, and the remarks on here like ' I am sooooo over Susan Boyle,' and 'she is cackpoo' (sounds like a 5 year old put that) and she is 'ugly' and she is 'crap' are totally uncalled for.

The woman has done nothing to deserve this treatment, and IMO people making these kind of remarks are bitter and jealous, because someone is doing something with their life, and isn't sitting there making spiteful bitchy remarks on message forums about someone who is talented and who is doing well for herself.

You said we are all entitled to express an opionion; I presume that extends to me also...???

Well that is MY opinion - on the spiteful and bitter FMS who are being nasty and mean about a really nice genuine lady, who is doing very well thank you, and does not deserve a scrap of the nastiness she is getting.

So as YOU say, we are all entitled to express and opinion, and that is mine; that the haters are bitter and jealous. You don't have to like her of course..., but is there any necessity to be nasty?! NO!

I wish YOU a fabulous day too!

Quote: From Storm
"Grow up, stop being so jealous and bitter, and quit with the hating!"

How has that misinterpreted you, you wrote it along with a lot of other directives to those of us who do not share your opinions on Ms. Boyles talents.
I have never EVER been nasty on this forum to anyone and certainly not to you Storm.

I genuinely wished you a good day and I feel you have thrown it back at me. Oh well, thought this forum was a place one could give their opinion, I didn't realise it had to conform to yours. Frowner

Please re-read what I have written and you will see that nastiness is not something I indulge in. You must respect that if you write a long post that is quite 'sharp, not to say LOUD' you will get responses. OK nothing personal Storm.
I am not spending all day on here arguing with people who can't read properly, can't understand perfect clear English, and makes out they are the victim, and acts all wounded when someone outsmarts them...and they can't think of a decent reply.

I am off out, and shall not reply to Hollygolightly OR Scotty again on this thread, as I can't be bothered to continually argue, even if it's what YOU enjoy doing.. Got better things to do.

Bye Wave
Originally posted by storm:
I am not spending all day on here arguing with people who can't read properly, can't understand perfect clear English, and makes out they are the victim, and acts all wounded when someone outsmarts them...

I am off out, and shall not reply to Holygolightly OR Scotty again on this thread, as I can't be bothered to continually argue, even if it's what YOU enjoy doing.. Got better things to do.

Bye Wave

Well I'm Multi lingual so perhaps thats the problem Wink
So long, Farwell, Auf Wiedersehen, Adieuwavey

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