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Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by Duckypup:
This is going to be the first time I can watch it and post at the same time.

My sister normally comes to visit when it's on and she considers it rude if I ignore her and post. Roll Eyes Laugh

Yay welcome to the BGT threads Big Grin

Thank you Miss S. Big Grin I haven't simultaneously watched TV and posted since CBB, so I may be a little out of practice. Blush
I have a corner sofa... with a long bit for your legs, so I'll be sat with my feet up, directly facing the TV with my laptop on my knee. All I need now is somewhere to put a diet coke can without risking spillage on my cream sofa and all will be well. Laugh

The problem I'll have is typing speed. By the time I've posted something you'll all be on the next act. Crazy
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Not looking forward to seeing Susan Boyle Roll Eyes Sleepy, only because they will be more hype after but she's talented and has a great voice.

I agree the hype is too much but I think that was only because she was the first really talented act we had seen this series - she certainly has a lot of competition now Big Grin

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