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Originally posted by cinderella123:
Can't believe that they didn't put that drummer lad in... I think Susan Boyle may be in for a shock, its far from certain she'll get through.

I actually hope she does not go thru, she will be famous anyway and do well, she does not need to win. I hope someone else will get thru. Is that horrible to say?

No Cinders its not horrible..just truthful Thumbs Up
Originally posted by foobar:
The Problem With The Drummer Is That Whilst He Is Talented He Doesn't Have An Act... It's Just Him Playing The Drums, Like Any Other Trained Drummer. Even Singers And Dancers Can Do A Lot Of Very Different Performances, You Can't Do That With Drums As They Are Static

I disagree. The same could be said for the cross dressing belly dancer. I mean, what's that all about? It is supposed to be a talent show and that young lad had loads of talent.
Originally posted by cinderella123:
Can't believe that they didn't put that drummer lad in... I think Susan Boyle may be in for a shock, its far from certain she'll get through.

I actually hope she does not go thru, she will be famous anyway and do well, she does not need to win. I hope someone else will get thru. Is that horrible to say?
I agree that she doesn't need to win as she is already a world wide phenomenon but she will most certainly get through to the final.
If you look at you tube for her rendidtion of "whistle down the wind" you will see that she has about 100000 nore views than any other version and thats just her singing without any music.
I really think that she will win it anyway.
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by foobar:
The Problem With The Drummer Is That Whilst He Is Talented He Doesn't Have An Act... It's Just Him Playing The Drums, Like Any Other Trained Drummer. Even Singers And Dancers Can Do A Lot Of Very Different Performances, You Can't Do That With Drums As They Are Static

I disagree. The same could be said for the cross dressing belly dancer. I mean, what's that all about? It is supposed to be a talent show and that young lad had loads of talent.

I just hope he doesn't put his finger is his belly again Sick
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
Originally posted by Miss Speedway:
Last year we worked it out the favourite act was always on last, wonder if it wil be same this year?

Or maybe they will have her first, to start the show on a real high Big Grin Wink.

Yeah Natalie first Big Grin

I hope they have SB on first, so she is out the way. That is so cruel of me Laugh.
darloboy (Play The Game!)
I know this, I WILL NEVER EVER EVER buy a feckin dominos FECKIN PIZZA in my feckin LIFE, they can take their feckin shite pizzas and their annoying repetitive and totally unfunny shite feckin adverts and shove em RIGHT up their collective exhaust holes
do they think that by shoving the aforementioned shite adverts in my face TWICE every 15 feckin minutes
for over an hour they will convince me to go out n buy one?

ahhhhh thats better, NOW then, MY money is on the bloke with the woolly hat n the big whistle to win it.
old hippy guy

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