Barry White playing in the background.
I like barry white
Big Bazza was a legend.
- reminds me of my youf
Barry White playing in the background.
I like barry white
Big Bazza was a legend.
- reminds me of my youf
bit sick of these gymnastics things as well
I quite like the gymnasts Ros - it's real talent... but I agree there is too much of it.
Barry White playing in the background.
I like barry white
Big Bazza was a legend.
- reminds me of my youf
He MIGHT be good
He MIGHT be good
Maybe. Maybe not.
Barry White playing in the background.
I like barry white
Big Bazza was a legend.
- reminds me of my youf
a bit
He is a male Subo
Hmmmmmmmmmm - not bad
no.. he is not that good, he is just not as crap as the others... seriously.. he is terrible
Barry White playing in the background.
I like barry white
Big Bazza was a legend.
- reminds me of my youf
a bit
no.. he is not that good, he is just not as crap as the others... seriously.. he is terrible
i think it is soo much better than the rubbish we have seen so far
I quite liked him - not the strongest voice but he looked a wee bit nervous.
He was quite good - in an understated way.
his girfriend looks a bit underwhelmed
yes yogi and miss s - i quite liked him - he will prob improve
his girfriend looks a bit underwhelmed
she did didn't she?
thats me told
This really is terrible I have a feeling i wont be watching much of this series
thats me told
Look at these people
This really is terrible I have a feeling i wont be watching much of this series
It hasn't been a great start.
OMG, we've got handbells next.
Look at these people
the audience is looking totally dismayed too titanic handbells
@ Dec, "They are going to take a run up"
Hey it's talent though eh?
Hey it's talent though eh?
thats me told
Hey it's talent though eh?
wot a pair of weirdos though - or perhaps just exceptionally bright
Aww I like the handbell people
@ Dec, "They are going to take a run up"
I know
Hey it's talent though eh?
wot a pair of weirdos though - or perhaps just exceptionally bright
They are probably very nice people - in an eccentric sort of way.
Aww I like the handbell people
There's no hope for us, we've been seduced by handbells.
Well a disappointing first show but good thread as always - see you next week I'm sure
There's no hope for us, we've been seduced by handbells.
Never thought that would happen in my life Yogi
Well a disappointing first show but good thread as always - see you next week I'm sure
Night Miss S. The threads are always better than the actual programmes.
'Night all, thanks for the company
There's no hope for us, we've been seduced by handbells.
Never thought that would happen in my life Yogi
Me neither.
night all, piers morgan is on now so i`m off
aww - great thread as usual - yes did like the handbells TBH night
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