she'd be great, imagine her wee dances
Ive not seen anything special on here tonight, i reckon britain may be running a bit dry on talent by now?
Apart from the collies, they may have to rename it "Britain Has No Talent"
she'd be great, imagine her wee dances
Ive not seen anything special on here tonight, i reckon britain may be running a bit dry on talent by now?
Apart from the collies, they may have to rename it "Britain Has No Talent"
i turned on and tilted my head several times before i realised i was watching it the right way up and that was indeed a face
- he's an ugly mutha - I didn't even think he was handsome in his day either
The hoff appears to have been in a dreadful face accident
that made me roar
i turned on and tilted my head several times before i realised i was watching it the right way up and that was indeed a face
The booze has taken its toll. Has he had work done?
"I'm a dolphin". No, you are a prat!
I thought he was going to do something fantastic
He looks a bloomin mess...i hope he didnt pay a lot for it!
OHhhh worry not, just when i was starting to loose hope, a man has painted himsef blue and saved the day
Are there really that many odd people out there?
This is worse than last year
Are there really that many odd people out there?
This is worse than last year
It is, a lot worse.
Oh for gawds sake.
I'm losing the will to live.
Why do we never see a lot of the "yes" acts?
TBh - i think they think we like them
I'm losing the will to live.
so am i -
steven hall
I'm getting irritated now.
Why do we never see a lot of the "yes" acts?
TBh - i think they think we like them
They think we like the rubbish? But we don't.
quite like this man
quite like this man
Are there really that many odd people out there?
This is worse than last year
It is, a lot worse.
might need the cowell after all
He was quite funny.
quite like this man
He is sooooooo bad hes different
Cowell woudn't put up with the carp
Are there really that many odd people out there?
This is worse than last year
It is, a lot worse.
might need the cowell after all
And a big hook, to haul the rubbish off the stage.
He was quite funny.
He was quite funny.
I know, I know, but he made me laugh. * hangs head in shame *
Barry White playing in the background.
Nooooooooo, make it stop!
hate this sort of thing - seems to be really bizarre this year
Nooooooooo, make it stop!
i agreee - awfullllllllllll
hate this sort of thing - seems to be really bizarre this year
I don't like it, Ros.
He was quite funny.
I know, I know, but he made me laugh. * hangs head in shame *
*hangs head with yogi*
Fortunately I was out the room
hate this sort of thing - seems to be really bizarre this year
I don't like it, Ros.
no - its rubbish and got through
Fortunately I was out the room
You were lucky, Miss S.
Barry White playing in the background.
I like barry white
Kids - straight through
bit sick of these gymnastics things as well
Barry White playing in the background.
I like barry white
Big Bazza was a legend.
Kids - straight through
I agree - old hat
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