Adverts already, and not one decent act yet.
I know
Adverts already, and not one decent act yet.
I know
We must be due a good one now.
I take it the auditions were done after Amanda lost her baby
Or were they before she was pregnant?
I felt so sad for her.
I take it the auditions were done after Amanda lost her baby
Or were they before she was pregnant?
I felt so sad for her.
She did some of the auditions whilst she was pregnant, so they re-shot some clips to edit out her baby bump.
Aww did they Yogi ..... I wondered..... so sad.
Aww did they Yogi ..... I wondered..... so sad.
Must be hard for her to watch
Sorry but that little boy was rubbish - and dressed like an old man.
Aww did they Yogi ..... I wondered..... so sad.
yes felt so sorry for her when that happened
Must be hard for her to watch
Sorry but that little boy was rubbish - and dressed like an old man.
Yes, I really feel for her.
The little lad didn't do it for me either.
Michael McIntyre doesn't like buzzing them off.
Oh, for goodness sake, give us a good one!!
hmmmmm... a song about bestiality.... hmmmmmmmmmmm.. not too funny
hmmmmm... a song about bestiality.... hmmmmmmmmmmm.. not too funny
Oh, for goodness sake, give us a good one!!
hmmmmm... a song about bestiality.... hmmmmmmmmmmm.. not too funny
I kissed a goat & i liked it
Love the dogs
Lovely dogs.
sorry willl have to post as my MM character - it is a pain keep logging in and out (Ros)
hmmmmm... a song about bestiality.... hmmmmmmmmmmm.. not too funny
I kissed a goat & i liked it
I missed that - thankfully.
sorry willl have to post as my MM character - it is a pain keep logging in and out (Ros)
Hello Wilma/Ros.
Aww, I loved that.
They were fab
Have to say Michael McIntyre isn't half as annoying as I thought he would be - so far.
Yay, three yesses.
Have to say Michael McIntyre isn't half as annoying as I thought he would be - so far.
I must admit, I really like him.
Those girls are good.
those tas tic....
Have to say Michael McIntyre isn't half as annoying as I thought he would be - so far.
I must admit, I really like him.
yes so do I - surprising really - it is getting good now - loved the dogs
Why do we never see a lot of the "yes" acts?
those tas tic....
A lot of patience and hard work involved.
Have to say Michael McIntyre isn't half as annoying as I thought he would be - so far.
I must admit, I really like him.
yes so do I - surprising really - it is getting good now - loved the dogs
Why do we never see a lot of the "yes" acts?
We need to see more of the good ones, and less of the rubbish
rubbish yellow dance act
Why do we never see a lot of the "yes" acts?
We need to see more of the good ones, and less of the rubbish
we do... we do indeed
rubbish yellow dance act
Can't believe they got through - they were all out synch - but then again it's a bunch of kids isn't it?
The hoff appears to have been in a dreadful face accident
I want subo as a judge
rubbish yellow dance act
Agreed. They got through on the cute factor.
The hoff appears to have been in a dreadful face accident
I want subo as a judge
Are you mad, woman?!
The hoff appears to have been in a dreadful face accident
that made me roar
she'd be great, imagine her wee dances
Ive not seen anything special on here tonight, i reckon britain may be running a bit dry on talent by now?
The hoff appears to have been in a dreadful face accident
that made me roar
i turned on and tilted my head several times before i realised i was watching it the right way up and that was indeed a face
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