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How very, very sad... 


I tend to lurk these days and I only remember posting with brisket once (he was pro and I was anti one of the suggested new colour schemes for Gaga - I tried to persuade him that his rose looked so much better with the scheme I was in favour of and he kindly changed his mind - that's how I choose to remember it anyway ) but I did read a lot of his posts.


Considering I didn't really "know" him on here I was a little surprised at how shocked and saddened I was to hear of his passing. I have read every post in this thread and become more and more saddened as I did so. It is not only his family and friends in the "real world" who are grieving, he obviously meant so much to people on here too.


I remember he went through a spate of creating LOTS (it seemed there was at least one a day ) of polls and someone got all (pretend ) suspicious and questioned his motives! They questioned what was he actually doing with all of the data he was gathering?!  Maybe he was working freelance for The Office for National Statistics!!


He was a prolific poster and contributor to this forum and, as someone has already said, there is now a huge forum hole where brisket used to be...


RIP dear brisket. 






 To anyone remembering the loss of someone dear.


A nice quote from someone's sig...


People will forget what you said and what you did, but will never forget the way you made them feel

Baby Bunny

Kathy, thanks for coming in to give us a more rounded picture of brisket   It is lovely to 'meet' you, and I am so very sorry for your loss. We have all written about how wonderful brisket was and what he meant to this community. What always particularly struck me was his eloquence and turn of phrase - it must have been lovely for you and his family and friends to converse with him and enjoy his articulacy first hand.

I hope you will visit us again and I am thrilled that one of brisket's friends will be joining us. I wish you love and strength for the days ahead x


For Kathy, Xochi and everyone else



Death is nothing at all,
I have only slipped away into the next room.

I am I, and you are you.
Whatever we were to each other, that we still are.

Call me by my old familiar name, speak to me
In the easy way that you always used.

Put no difference in your tone,
Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow.
Laugh as we always laughed
At the little jokes we enjoyed together.

Play, smile, think of me, pray for me.
Let my name be ever the household word
That it always was.
Let it be spoken without effect,
Without the trace of shadow on it.

Life means all that it ever meant.
It is the same as it ever was;
There is unbroken continuity.
Why should I be out of mind
Because I am out of sight?

I am waiting for you, for an interval,
Somewhere very near,
Just around the corner.

All is well.

Henry Scott Holland (1847-1918)
El Loro

Thank you for filling us in Kathy. It's lovely to know that brisket was exactly the person we all thought he was. It's also good to hear that he probably died peacefully in his sleep. I'm a little shocked at how sad this has made me. I'm sure I'm not the only one to have felt a bit silly shedding tears over a man that I never met and haven't even spoken to in months. But that just goes to show how much respect and natural affection he earned, just by being himself.

I am cross with myself that I didn't make time to come in and have a quick chat with him. He had asked after me and my family. The last thing he said to me was that he knew I was busy but it was nice to know I was keeping an eye on everyone on here. So typically sweet, kind and generous. Brisket's passing has made me realise how much we take for granted in our little online communities. There is so much genuine friendship and support out there. We should treasure it more.  

Queen of the High Teas
Originally Posted by Blizz'ard:

He had an old world charm and wisdom, combined with a youthful playfulness.

I'd never have guessed he was 72, either, but he was ageless, I suppose.


Thanks again, Kathy.

It's good to know that he probably passed away peacefully. 

That's him to a T, Blizzie.



I too would like to thank Kathy for taking the time to tell us about brisket's life.

The forum already feels odd without him but it's so lovely to read the funny and poignant stories that people remember brisket for.  I can't help but smile despite the sorrow.


Thank you all in Seattle for understanding how much he meant to people; the wallpaper is a nice gesture and is greatly appreciated.


for Xochi, Aquarius & weesmurf; my condolences to you for your losses.


Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Thank you all in Seattle for understanding how much he meant to people; the wallpaper is a nice gesture and is greatly appreciated.


for Xochi, Aquarius & weesmurf; my condolences to you for your losses.


I think it's wonderful that the people at GaGa (LiveCloud) have shown so much compassion .........................I LOVE THE WALLPAPER - we would never have got this at Ch4. I know early on that I was sceptical but I think very differently now! I think they loved Brisket as we all did,


Then again - who couldn't love him?

Soozy Woo
Originally Posted by Kkkathykk:

Hello again. I just had to say again how amazingly touching it is to read all your thoughts. It makes me cry but it's lovely all the same.


There's a little more news today. The report from the coroner is that his death was caused by heart disease. After hearing this, I'm more hopeful that he just died peacefully in his sleep. We'll never know for sure, but he died in his bed, and he didn't make a 999 call, so let's all hope he wasn't aware of anything.


People have wondered so - he was 72. He is survived by a brother, sister-in-law, and nephews (two of them I think). I've never met any of them, but he seemed very fond of them. Since his death I've spoken to his nephew, who sounds like a lovely man.


He appears to have had many on-line friends, was on good terms with his neighbours, but to my knowledge was mainly visited by two long-term friends - one who is probably going to join this community, and used to visit him for a drink every week, and me, who lives a distance away, so used to spend Christmas and long weekends with him.


He was as lovely in the off-line world as you all describe he was here - always kind and tremendously good fun. I've loved hearing you describe some of his rants. I would never have dared to flick my hair in his presence!


So many of you have said lovely things. I thank you all, and recognise that we're all sharing in the loss of a good friend.


You've made some great suggestions of ways to remember him - all of them good ideas. My favourite of all is the one Sweet Summer said " Let's all honour him by being good to each other and keeping up with his generosity of spirit". I think he would have loved to think of being remembered that way, just as I think he would have been amazed and thrilled at all the expressions of affection on this forum.




Bumping forward in case anyone has missed this.   Thank you again Kathy....... there is no way I would have guessed brisket was 72.... he was truly young at heart..... although I did sometimes wonder, because of his in depth knowledge of the Archers........ and I agree, Sweet's suggestion is a true reflection of brisket's spirit...

Originally Posted by Tina:

i didnt post with brisket much  but read alot of his post

i cant belive how sad i feel


Me too, Tina.


It's so heartwarming to see his rose as the wallpaper today, it really touched me when I logged in.


Kathy, thankyou for taking the time to talk to us at what must be such a painful time for you. I hope all the love for brisket on here helps you in some way.


Hugs to all, especially Xochi, Aquarius and weesmurf.

Originally Posted by Soozy Woo:
Originally Posted by ~Cosmopolitan~:

Thank you all in Seattle for understanding how much he meant to people; the wallpaper is a nice gesture and is greatly appreciated.


for Xochi, Aquarius & weesmurf; my condolences to you for your losses.


I think it's wonderful that the people at GaGa (LiveCloud) have shown so much compassion .........................I LOVE THE WALLPAPER - we would never have got this at Ch4. I know early on that I was sceptical but I think very differently now! I think they loved Brisket as we all did,


Then again - who couldn't love him?

That's it, isn't it? We loved him, too!


Thank you Kathy for taking the time to talk to us here in what must be a devastating time for briskets real life family and friends.


I would never have guessed that he was 72   he obviously was young at heart  and he'll be missed greatly.  We'll take comfort from the fact that he passed in his sleep at home and that he's at peace now.




Xochi sorry to hear about your mom 


Thank you Kathy for your posts about brisket, he was well loved by all. I hope he's looking down on us all and is tickled by all the lovely things said about him here....all well deserved.

Thank you Lori and Rosemary for the wallpaper,it's beautiful and apt.


My codolences to Aquarius,Xochi and Wee Smurf for your losses



May there be comfort in knowing that someone so special will never be forgotten.

Last edited by Kaytee

I think I must be the only one to guess his age (approx) .........................I knew he wasn't a spring chicken - I'd have put brisket late sixties early seventies ..............................I'm 54 vand could tell he was a good bit older than me.


He had wisdom and patience and understanding ............IMO - it takes years to get that.

Soozy Woo

I haven't been here at all lately, and saw the news on FB so had to log in and send my sincere condolences to brisket's family.


Also would just like to say thank you to the mods for the lovely gesture with the forum wallpaper, brisket, we didn't post together all that much but I always loved to read your posts, I hope you are free from pain now and wish you peace.


RIP brisket xxx

â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
Originally Posted by ッmufッ:

I've been involved in other stuff just lately and only heard about brisket last night and I'm deeply saddened by the news

It  made me realise how attached I am to you lot on here. I tend to lurk a lot more than I post but with briskets passing I wanted to just say how truly fond I am of you all


Rest in peace brisket..

I think it has made us all feel like that Muf

Originally Posted by ッmufッ:

I've been involved in other stuff just lately and only heard about brisket last night and I'm deeply saddened by the news

It  made me realise how attached I am to you lot on here. I tend to lurk a lot more than I post but with briskets passing I wanted to just say how truly fond I am of you all


Rest in peace brisket..

Originally Posted by Baz:
Originally Posted by ッmufッ:

I've been involved in other stuff just lately and only heard about brisket last night and I'm deeply saddened by the news

It  made me realise how attached I am to you lot on here. I tend to lurk a lot more than I post but with briskets passing I wanted to just say how truly fond I am of you all


Rest in peace brisket..

I think it has made us all feel like that Muf


Originally Posted by erinp:

You should all give yourselves an 'ug from me

Ensign Muf

How lovely to come on here and see brisket's rose - totally agree with you Queen about how great the mods have been at this sad time.


Welcome Kathy and just to echo everyone else, I appreciate you taking the time to come on  and share a wee bit about brisket with us


Its good to know that he had great friends and neighbours who looked out for him.


To everyone else on here who has lost someone -

Originally Posted by ッmufッ:

I've been involved in other stuff just lately and only heard about brisket last night and I'm deeply saddened by the news

It  made me realise how attached I am to you lot on here. I tend to lurk a lot more than I post but with briskets passing I wanted to just say how truly fond I am of you all


Rest in peace brisket..

 lovely post - think we all feel the same muf

Rocking Ros Rose
Originally Posted by Queen of the High Teas:

I think the way the mods have handled this has been incredibly sensitive and, well, just brilliant. Brisket would have been absolutely chuffed to bits with the wallpaper.  


Condolences to Xochi and everyone who has recently lost someone close.


Agree with everything you said, Queenie, the mods have been great.

It's lovely to see you back with us.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Queen of the High Teas:

I think the way the mods have handled this has been incredibly sensitive and, well, just brilliant. Brisket would have been absolutely chuffed to bits with the wallpaper.  


Condolences to Xochi and everyone who has recently lost someone close.


Agree with everything you said, Queenie, the mods have been great.

It's lovely to see you back with us.

yogi -I agree - lovely to see Queenie back

Rocking Ros Rose

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