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Have only just come back online after not having internet for a couple of weeks.

I was very shocked and saddened to read this news, such a loss for our community. brisket was always such a kind and thoughtful person, the sort of person who spent his time thinking of ways to make other peoples lives happier.

RIP brisket - you will be so sadly missed by all here xx

Originally Posted by Marguerita:

Kathy thank you for coming here  we would never have guessed brisket had been ill suffering from cancer and a heart condition for many years,he never let on or complained about how ill he was which would be so typical of him,he would be there for everyone of us going through bad times.. he was a lovely kind gentle man and will be sadly missed by all and much loved  and will never forgotten .. sending heartfelt condolences to yourself his friends and his family 

I think that says it all Marg Thank you Kathy.... my sincerest condolences to you and to his family. I feel blessed to have *known* him, and the world could do with more  people like brisket


Oh my! 


Ditty emailed me yesterday to let me know this very sad news, for which I thank her dearly.


brisket was a very good cyber friend and confidante, one who I know I could trust wholeheartedly, often something you can never take for granted in cyberworld. Thank you Kathy for confirming what we all felt about him here. We had a few PM exchange of thoughts and I asked him if he ever saw people asking after me as I have to post less now due to my own health issues that he should let folk know. He did so with the utmost sensitivity. Little did I know he had so many problems of his own. That was brisket all over though, wasn't it?  


What generous spirit he was. Kind and thoughtful and, as everyone has already said, the very epitome of a gentleman. But I shall also remember his sometimes little grumps... hair-flicking and his dislike of some modern ways of speech or pronunciation! Remember his 'ask/axe' grump?  Like Blousey said, it was an honour to have spent time with him here.

brisket, my dear on-line friend, when Wimbledon starts I shall be watching it with you very much in my heart and mind. 


(Marge, my mum died on Sunday morning after a long and sad period of illness and the poem you posted for brisket I shall in due course send to my dad. Thank you so much for it. But this thread is dedicated to dearest brisket so please remember him only here. I'm doing fine, I promise.) 


Originally Posted by Renton:

Just as BAZ said on the "Historical Chats" thread that she would like to talk to James Stewart to see if he was the true gentlemen as he was always portayed, I picked up an article in the Daily Mail about David Niven hoping to learn the same.


At the end of the article it said the final word on David Niven should be left to the porters at Heathrow Airport who sent a wreath to his funeral. It read,


"To the finest gentleman who ever walked these halls"


 . . . that's how i shall remember Brisket

Awww thats so lovely....

Originally Posted by Kkkathykk:

Hello Everyone. I've only just joined. I am the friend of brisket who told you about his death. I've just been reading this thread - not all of it, because I've been interrupted and have to stop imminently. I just want to say I'm overwhelmed and touched by what you all have to say. Having known him in real life for over 20 years I can confirm that you are all completely correct in describing him as a gentleman. He was a really lovely person.


I will be reading everything written here, and will print them out so I can read and re-read. Your thoughts are wonderfully kind, and it does help when coping with the loss of a wonderful friend.


He often talked about this community and was very proud of his design on the t-shirt.


He had been suffering from a heart condition and cancer for a number of years. We don't know exactly what happened at the end. He was last seen returning from a shopping trip last Tuesday. I understand that neighbours became concerned at not seeing or hearing from him and called the emergency services on Thursday morning. He was found dead in his bed, so we have to hope that the end was peaceful.


I will probably know more soon, and will let you know.


Thank you all so much for having been such great friends for him. I'll post again here soon when I have some more time.



Thankyou Kathy for taking time to sign up and come here to let us know, its comforting to think he may have just nodded off peacefully and trundled off to wherever he believed he would rest....


Hello again. I just had to say again how amazingly touching it is to read all your thoughts. It makes me cry but it's lovely all the same.


There's a little more news today. The report from the coroner is that his death was caused by heart disease. After hearing this, I'm more hopeful that he just died peacefully in his sleep. We'll never know for sure, but he died in his bed, and he didn't make a 999 call, so let's all hope he wasn't aware of anything.


People have wondered so - he was 72. He is survived by a brother, sister-in-law, and nephews (two of them I think). I've never met any of them, but he seemed very fond of them. Since his death I've spoken to his nephew, who sounds like a lovely man.


He appears to have had many on-line friends, was on good terms with his neighbours, but to my knowledge was mainly visited by two long-term friends - one who is probably going to join this community, and used to visit him for a drink every week, and me, who lives a distance away, so used to spend Christmas and long weekends with him.


He was as lovely in the off-line world as you all describe he was here - always kind and tremendously good fun. I've loved hearing you describe some of his rants. I would never have dared to flick my hair in his presence!


So many of you have said lovely things. I thank you all, and recognise that we're all sharing in the loss of a good friend.


You've made some great suggestions of ways to remember him - all of them good ideas. My favourite of all is the one Sweet Summer said " Let's all honour him by being good to each other and keeping up with his generosity of spirit". I think he would have loved to think of being remembered that way, just as I think he would have been amazed and thrilled at all the expressions of affection on this forum.





RIP brisket....such sad thoughts are with his family and friends at this time being part of this forum obviously brought joy to his life and his being part of the forum brought joy to many people


i'm so sorry to hear about your mum xochi my mum died suddenly in september last year and it still has yet to sink in...the support of family and friends in RL and online helps so much



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