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Alex should never have been allowed in the house in the first place.

Charley remains the only HM who's actually forced me to switch off. However, that was largely down to her uncontrollable verbal diarrhoea. Although she did have a number of unpleasant moments (her 30-minute-long humiliation of Brian is still one of the most unpleasant things I've seen in BB), her behaviour was almost angelic compared to certain others...

For me, Grace still holds "most disliked HM" status. However, I must admit that Bea's edging closer every day. (And I never thought I'd be saying that about any HM this year - not even Lisa...)
Eugene's Lair
Originally posted by langster:
Jeez I never thought I would say this but I would prefer any of those numpties than the so called peace loving hippy. What a load of old shit!

You left out Jason and Victor Eeker

I loved Sezer and thought he had a raw deal. You would've thought he had murdered someone the way he was spoken about on the forum Disappointed

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