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Originally posted by Sheep In a Jeep:
Anybody know how to up the milk supply, mine has sadly decreased majorly and I am gutted, enjoyed breastfeeding and now it looks like I am going to have to go to bottles Crying

many years ago now but I used to drink Ovaltine made with milk and have the odd guiness, both were advised and worked for me and I always had plenty of milk Smiler
Originally posted by Sheep In a Jeep:
Ive tried expressing throughout the day to boost it but not proving much good.

I think its got to do with the shock that Marnis sister (her dads other daughter) has passed away aged 7 poor little thing.

OMG. I think shock does do this, because you must be relaxed when making milk, and feeding baby.
I always thought it was a case of supply and demand...?

Can you express any hon?

I struggled to feed my son for the first six weeks after he was born - he arrived by emergency c-section and I am 99.99999% certain he was given a bottle whilst I was out cold with general anaesthetic. After 6 weeks of struggling I admitted defeat and he had a bottle.

Daughter never touched a bottle - was so besotted with boob I had to forcibly remove her from it at 18 months. Big Grin

I understand why it's upsetting. It's something I miss even now they're 13 and nearly 15. It's a fantastic feeling.

BUT ... don't fret if it's not to be. I had one bottle fed and one not. They are currently both very healthy, very smart kids - very evenly matched despite the bottle/boob issue. Smiler
Originally posted by sezit:
Originally posted by Sheep In a Jeep:
Ive tried expressing throughout the day to boost it but not proving much good.

I think its got to do with the shock that Marnis sister (her dads other daughter) has passed away aged 7 poor little thing.

OMG. I think shock does do this, because you must be relaxed when making milk, and feeding baby.

This could be it honey. Poor little mite. Frowner
keep on trying to feed, the more your baby feeds the more milk you will produce, the sucking stimulates the breasts to produce the milk

make sure that the baby is "latched" on properly and drink plently of clear fluids

i cant remember the name of the support group for breast feeding mothers but if you google it you will find an advice number Smiler

breastfeeding is the best for you and the baby, keep trying Hug
I had twins and desperately wanted to breastfeed, although I managed it, I never felt they were getting enough.

My HV told me to have a bottle ready to give to the babes so that I didn't feel stressed out.
She also told me to drink plenty of water whilst nursing and after a feed.

She also told me to massage my boobs at every opportunity Ninja

Just holding your baby close and bottle feeding can be just as wonderful. x
Originally posted by hippychickxxx:
keep on trying to feed, the more your baby feeds the more milk you will produce, the sucking stimulates the breasts to produce the milk

make sure that the baby is "latched" on properly and drink plently of clear fluids

i cant remember the name of the support group for breast feeding mothers but if you google it you will find an advice number Smiler

breastfeeding is the best for you and the baby, keep trying Hug

NCT? National Childbirth Trust. They can be a bit dogmatic about breast is best. Yes it is in an ideal world but I don't see how berating those who can't helps anyone.

Oh you go:
Breastfeeding Line - 0300 33 00 771

8am–10pm, seven days a week

Call our Breastfeeding Line to talk to a qualified breastfeeding counsellor for information and support to help you breastfeed successfully.
Originally posted by Sheep In a Jeep:
10 weeks, she seems contented enough between feeds, but not sure if the lack of milk is making her drowsy, shes not once screamed out. Just gets agitated whilst on the boob after 5 mins or so, and is pulling it lots.

She'll have taken most of what she needs in the first few minutes Wink and at 10 weeks old, she'll be curious about what's going on around her.

Just relax, you must be doing a great job. Hug
Aww, well if she is 10 weeks, then at least you hve given her a really good start and managed to breastfeed her for quite a while. I wouldn't worry too much if you have to revert to bottle now... Hug She will be on solids in a couple of months. Smiler

If you are desperate to carry on breastfeeding then maybe have a word with your health visitor about how to try and express more. I think you may have exhausted it all though. Happens sometimes... Frowner FTR, I breastfed my daughter til 3 months, and that was more than enough of a good start IMO. :
Originally posted by Sheep In a Jeep:
Anybody know how to up the milk supply, mine has sadly decreased majorly and I am gutted, enjoyed breastfeeding and now it looks like I am going to have to go to bottles Crying

Keep drinking, lots and lots and most importantly do not do a lot to use energy up as all energy is needed to make the milk. You just need to indulge yourself, do as little as possible and drink loads.
Originally posted by Sheep In a Jeep:
10 weeks, she seems contented enough between feeds, but not sure if the lack of milk is making her drowsy, shes not once screamed out. Just gets agitated whilst on the boob after 5 mins or so, and is pulling it lots.

morning Sheepy, awww you poor thing, don't feel so bad, it can happen, especially if you are stresed. It sounds to me as tho she isn't getting enough milk hun, you say she is drowsy, well feeding is actually very hard work for babes. But I would call your health visitor today and maybe they could monitor her weight (first sign that she isn't getting enough), or the reason that she is fidgity could be something as simple as oral thrush, and that makes feeding painful, so it's a viscious circle, she might not be feeding enough, hence your milk balance altering. Good luck hun, and i'm so sorry to hear your bad news Hug
Well she slept all night and has been on me for 25 mins today and is now fast asleep again. Her weight gain up until now as been brilliant, she was born 7lb 1oz and last wednesday she weighed 12lb 6oz. I will see how she goes today and I will have a good look in her mouth when she wakes.

Thankyou for your replies x

I went through all this with my first after my mum and dad seperated, but last weeks news has shattered me to be honest. Poor little thing.
Sheep in a Jeep
Originally posted by Angel of the North:
I think the advice on how to stimulate the milk supply was always to carry on feeding as it's that that makes the milk continue to be made (I know what I mean but I dont think that makes sense Laugh)

Have you spoken to your health visitor Sheep? They would have the best advice. Good luck Hug

I agree with this - this has been the only advice that I was ever given as well, and when I my milk dropped with number 4 I had to give up and go onto bottles instead (but he as a changed baby when I did it!)

It's odd because when I breastfed number 2 I was over-supplying and it went all over the place.
Originally posted by Sheep In a Jeep:
10 weeks, she seems contented enough between feeds, but not sure if the lack of milk is making her drowsy, shes not once screamed out. Just gets agitated whilst on the boob after 5 mins or so, and is pulling it lots.

This is going to sound weird but my babies went through this around the same stage - it's when I stopped bf-ing my first. If she's content between feeds than hunger is very, very unlikely to be making her drowsy and it's far more likely that she's drowsy with contentment. Personally, I would suggest persevering at this stage at give her a couple of weeks to settle again. When they start to get that strength in their neck I think they just become a bit more adventurous and so we end up in this situation!

With number 4 I knew he wasn't getting enough because he was crying every 20-30 minutes for a feed and then getting very agitated during the feeds.
littleleicesterfox -
mother to mother breastfeeding support

This may help you, or the NCT but as someone else said they are very pro-breastfeeding at all costs.
HV on the other hand may well tell you to go on to bottle at the slightest hurdle, as I know mine did. You may have a more pro-breastfeeding one than I did. Smiler

To repeat what everyone else has said - lots of fluids, plenty to eat - not spicy foods to as flavour be passed on - and rest.
Feed/express as often as possible.

However, I am very sure that last week's events will also have had a major effect on the milk supply, so that certainly won't help. Hug

Hope it all works out, cos it is a wonderful feeling. When I gave my younger one his very last breastfeeds, it was really upsetting to know I would never be doing it again.
i'd agree with what's being said, that if she's not complaining between feeds she must be getting enough. i'd just keep going and feed on demand, keeping an eye on things.

is there a breastfeeding support group near you? there used to be one that met every week at the clinic near us. a bit less in your face than the NCT.

hope it works out ok for you both Hug
electric shepherd
I forgot to say - as your body gets taken over with milk production, all energy goes into its creation - you have to eat more calories, so don't go on a diet at this stage and eat more than a woman's daily of 1500 calories. Eat proper food though, not junk which just has "empty" calories (shop bough cakes etc fizzy drink). Just eat, rest and indulge and drink of course.

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