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Didn't know you were having probs with it hun. Glad it's working out now. If you have problems try NCT or one of the other groups as they are much better than the NHS staff regarding breast feeding

I breast fed both of mine, in fact I'm a bit of an old hippie natural childbirth Nazi.

My grandson wasn't gaining weight and seemed to be constantly feeding when he was born. The idiot nurses/midwives/health visitors kept telling my DIL to top him up with bottles which is the worst thing you can do if you are trying to establish breast feeding.
My DIL took him to a specialist drop in for breast feeding, the woman running it took one look at him feeding, saw that he wasn't latching on properly, had a look at his mouth and it turned out he was tongue tied which none of the medical staff had noticed Roll Eyes

Once he had his tongue snipped he and the feeding was fine.
I breastfed my first 16 years ago and then my mum and dad split up and dad took overdose, I dried up over night through stress.
Then I breastfed my other daughter 7 years ago and it ended up with me feeding for 2 hours and I was absolulty wacked, so gave in and bottle fed her.

This time I was adamant I would stick at it, but was worried over the weekend, with the sudden drop in milk after hearing about step daughter. Crying

But I pumped and pumped with breast pump and kept on sticking her on me, finally tueday morning I woke up feeling full again and no probs since.
Sheep in a Jeep
Originally posted by queenshaks:
Well done Sheepy.Thumbs Up

My daughter was born with a hernia too....apparently it's common with Afro Caribbean/African babies.

We were booked in for an op when she was 1 or 2, got to hospital and they said we could go home could it was ok. You would have thought they would have sent us to the GP prior the op eh!

Yes they told me that it was a common thing and that they would operate when she was about 3 years old. Here we are 11 weeks later and its gone.
Sheep in a Jeep
I think the important thing is NOT to feel guilty if it doesn't work out for whatever reason. My son didn't want to know (born by emergency section with me under general anaesthetic and I'm convinced they gave him a bottle) but daughter never had a bottle in her life. Today they are both bright, articulate teenagers.

So glad it's panned out though. All that sterilising hoohaa was a real bugger.

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