a truly vital topic , i think you'll find.
now, after a lengthy and in depth discussion at work several items are a given and fairly common to all , even if not consumed it's acknowledged that the following are essential.
fried bread.
now, and here we have the crux of the matter, the stray items, these are.
hash browns.
black pudding.
i have a fairly strong,not to say aggressive, anti bean stance on this issue,tempered by my pro hash brown leanings, i know it's an americanisation but i do like them for the nibbly crunch properties.
as for beans, it's unacceptable for them to be paraded as a breakfast item,beans are tea-time.when,may i ask, did the shift take place? there they were the undisputed king of tea-time toast,novel and appetizing refinements were made over the years, grated cheese on top, maybe a poached egg, and there they should have stayed.
i think it best, not to probe too greatly into the properties of black pudding, it's dried blood,i don't pick and eat my scabs, therefore will not entertain the idea of black pudding on my brekkie platter.
now, after a lengthy and in depth discussion at work several items are a given and fairly common to all , even if not consumed it's acknowledged that the following are essential.
fried bread.
now, and here we have the crux of the matter, the stray items, these are.
hash browns.
black pudding.
i have a fairly strong,not to say aggressive, anti bean stance on this issue,tempered by my pro hash brown leanings, i know it's an americanisation but i do like them for the nibbly crunch properties.
as for beans, it's unacceptable for them to be paraded as a breakfast item,beans are tea-time.when,may i ask, did the shift take place? there they were the undisputed king of tea-time toast,novel and appetizing refinements were made over the years, grated cheese on top, maybe a poached egg, and there they should have stayed.
i think it best, not to probe too greatly into the properties of black pudding, it's dried blood,i don't pick and eat my scabs, therefore will not entertain the idea of black pudding on my brekkie platter.