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I would try, wherever possible, to not do it in front of anyone, partner or otherwise, and expect the same courtesy from others.... it's rarely too far to a bathroom and I can't say I'm too fond of the smells! Can't stand it when people make a big deal of it and do gross things like say, 'pull that finger' If that makes me psychologically damaged/anally retentive then so be it!
OMG, I am SOOO in agreement with you
PinkBabe1966 4184 Forum PostsToday at 13:00 (Edited: ) I fart in front of my hubby but still apologise for doing it. He on the other hand, does the most horrific farts and doesn't say a thing about it and spends at least 3 weeks (or so it seems!) on the toilet when pooing, and it ALWAYS smells!!
 I used to make my hubby do his poos at work because I didn't want him messing up the toilet and stinking the house out. True story, although I'm a bit less, erm, anal, nowadays.
Queen of the High Teas
When I had been going out with Mr G for about three months, he said he was surprised that he had never heard me fart.  I was still at the stage where I was trying to impress him and be very ladylike.  When he said that, I realised that I no longer had to restrain my wind.  That was almost 30 years ago, and I think he has regretted saying that almost every day since

Growly Jnr is quite an expert when it comes to breaking wind, and has unlimited reserves.  When she was a little younger, she was famous for being able to fart a very passable version of O Little Town of Bethlehem and God Save the Queen.  And if she ever knew that I had posted this on a public forum, I would be dead 
No-one has said that people who don't/won't/can't fart in front of their partner is psychologically damaged. Where was that mentioned? Can someone direct me to that post where someone said that? I said that I wonder if they had parents and a family who made it rude and unnacceptable to break wind? And that is why they feel unable to do it now?

Also, coming from a family who didn't think it a big deal to pump in front of each other, and having a partner who doesn't care if I pump, I find it puzzling that someone can be with someone for many years, and live with someone, and so on, but not ever fart in their presence.

Judging by a few posts here, and reading between the lines, it seems that the people who don't pump in front of their partners, come from a family that took a dim view of public farting. As for the man that tutted at his woman for pumping, as someone said, what are you supposed to do? Explode?! Any man that told me I couldn't fart, would not last long with me. I'm not saying people should just continually fart day in day out and not give a stuff about others, and not care if someone is eating and so on, but to never ever pump in front of your partner, is something I could certainly not live with. I would rather be alone than not be able to relax and be myself, or be restricted in my own home.
Oh goodness I fart and burp A LOT! Mr Bug just rolls his eyes and /or replies in either way back lol

When I was 'going out' with him when we were teenagers I would have been mortified to do either infront of him - I used to die of embarrassment if my tummy rumbled lol

12 years on and we got back together and after a few months of 'being polite' all hell was let loose and no holds barred!

When I was on total bed rest for 6 weeks in hospital I had to poo in a bedpan and Mr bug had to clean me after - no one stands on ceremony after that really do they?

I think Gino is a bit of a tit for saying that and my estimation of him has gone down a bit sadly as I thought he was nice and decent and funny but it seems he's a bit of a control freak.
I hardly ever burp, but fart quite a lot - it seems to have got worse since I had my gall bladder removed about 15 years ago (or maybe that is just an excuse ), but the only people I would do it in front of is my family - OH and kids, though I'm not sure the kids approve!! If I feel the need to fart in public or with friends though, I will try and control myself, though it can be painful to do so.

I have occasionally let a small one out in a shop though, and then walked a long way away.

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