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How true is this lol


1930's, 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's!!

First, we survived being born to mothers
Who smoked and/or drank while they were

They took aspirin, ate blue cheese dressing,
Tuna from a can and didn't get tested for diabetes.

Then after that trauma, we were put to sleep on our tummies in baby cribs covered with bright colored lead-base paints.

We had no childproof lids on medicine bottles,
Locks on doors or cabinets and when we rode
Our bikes, we had baseball caps not helmets on our heads.

As infants & children,
We would ride in cars with no car seats,
No booster seats, no seat belts, no air bags, bald tires and sometimes no brakes.

Riding in the back of a pick-up truck on a warm day
Was always a special treat.

We drank water
From the garden hose and not from a bottle.

We shared one soft drink with four friends,
From one bottle and no one actually died from this.

We ate cupcakes, white bread, real butter and bacon.
We drank Kool-Aid made with real white sugar.
And, we weren't overweight.

Because we were
Always outside playing...that's why!

We would leave home in the morning and play all day,
As long as we were back when the
Streetlights came on.

No one was able
To reach us all day. And, we were O.K.

We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps
And then ride them down the hill, only to find out
We forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes
a few times, we learned to solve the problem.
We did not have Playstations, Nintendo's and X-boxes.
There were no video games, no 150 channels on cable,
No video movies or DVD's, no surround-sound or CD's,
No cell phones,
No personal computers, no Internet and no chat rooms.
And we went outside and found them!

We fell out of trees, got cut, broke bones and teeth
And there were no lawsuits from these accidents.

We ate worms and mud pies made from dirt,
And the worms did not live in us

We were given BB guns for our 10th birthdays,
Made up games with sticks and tennis balls and,
Although we were told it would happen,
We did not put out very many eyes..

We rode bikes or walked to a friend's house and
Knocked on the door or rang the bell, or just
Walked in and talked to them.

Little League had tryouts and not everyone made the team.
Those who didn't had to learn to deal
With disappointment.
Imagine that!!

The idea of a parent bailing us out if we broke the law
Was unheard of.
They actually sided with the law!


Replies sorted oldest to newest

Very very true but there's so much fear of letting kids out to play any further than their own street because of the crazy folk who steal/molest kids. It's a shame because our children won't get to do the things we did. I used to go to the reevoir to find frogs and tadpoles and bring them home. The resevoir was about a 30 minute walk aay and we had to ump over a stream to get to it Laugh
We used to make "perfume" for our Mams by picking rose petals and soaking them in a bowl of water...and "pop" by adding sherbet to tasted rank but we still drank it.


And "ice skate" round the sitting room by putting carrier bags on our feet and sliding round the carpet...NCB sacks for sledges...and oooh sliding down the stairs on a tray. I almost knocked myself out once doing that...careered down the stairs head first into my Mam's brass sewing chest.
Originally posted by Getthekettleon:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Thumbs Up Clapping Big Grin How very true that all is; AND we built camps, even us girlies. Nod Big Grin Whatever happened to them? Frowner

I had a fab den hidden in the woods, none of the boys could find it, but they all wasted loads of time looking Big Grin Girls are fantastic...Boys are elastic Laugh
Laugh I remember that phrase too ! Big Grin
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by electric6:
We used to make "perfume" for our Mams by picking rose petals and soaking them in a bowl of water...and "pop" by adding sherbet to tasted rank but we still drank it.


And "ice skate" round the sitting room by putting carrier bags on our feet and sliding round the carpet...NCB sacks for sledges...and oooh sliding down the stairs on a tray. I almost knocked myself out once doing that...careered down the stairs head first into my Mam's brass sewing chest.

awww I remember making perfume too. And tap dancing on the lino around the rug Laugh
Originally posted by electric6:
We used to make "perfume" for our Mams by picking rose petals and soaking them in a bowl of water...and "pop" by adding sherbet to tasted rank but we still drank it.


And "ice skate" round the sitting room by putting carrier bags on our feet and sliding round the carpet...NCB sacks for sledges...and oooh sliding down the stairs on a tray. I almost knocked myself out once doing that...careered down the stairs head first into my Mam's brass sewing chest.

Omg the perfume! I used to make lavender perfume and give it to my nan for Christmas,when she moved into a warden place,there was about 30 little bottle of it in her drawer Laugh
Sliding down the stairs on a tray was the best,we had a little landing that split our stairs up,but at speed you could bump down and still carry on! My brother hit his head on the long glass mirror at the bottom and smashed it, he got a thrashing for that,i hid in my bedroom pretending i had had no part of any of it Laugh
Originally posted by pussycatj:

awww I remember making perfume too. And tap dancing on the lino around the rug Laugh

Aww yeah tap dancing! In the days before cushion flooring proper lino was dead clippity cloppity Big Grin

We used to play a game of marbles on drain had to get the marbles to go round the grid pattern. Most parents now would have a fit about the germs!
Originally posted by electric6:
We used to make "perfume" for our Mams by picking rose petals and soaking them in a bowl of water...and "pop" by adding sherbet to tasted rank but we still drank it.


And "ice skate" round the sitting room by putting carrier bags on our feet and sliding round the carpet...NCB sacks for sledges...and oooh sliding down the stairs on a tray. I almost knocked myself out once doing that...careered down the stairs head first into my Mam's brass sewing chest.
OMG!! The flower perfume Big Grin I remember doing that Big Grin Did not smell too good but was fun to make! When my youngest was about 9 or 10, every time her friend Samantha came round, they would disappear into the bathroom, mix up all sorts of stuff; Bubble bath, shampoo, creams, etc, mix it all into one bottle and come out with what they called a "Potion"!! Laugh Laugh Laugh
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Getthekettleon:
Did anyone play 2 balls?

Drink a pint of milk a day M.I.L.K
Shirley Bassey is a star S.T.A.R

And the long sock with the ball in the end,stand against a wall and whack it all over the wall behind you,inbetween your legs and stuff, i suffered many a black eye doing that Laugh

The girls round our way did two ball. It was Shirley Temple is a star, and they had those strange metal star things which they threw up and caught on the back of their hands. Skipping! Much more cost-effective than the X-Box.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Getthekettleon:

Omg the perfume! I used to make lavender perfume and give it to my nan for Christmas,when she moved into a warden place,there was about 30 little bottle of it in her drawer Laugh
Sliding down the stairs on a tray was the best,we had a little landing that split our stairs up,but at speed you could bump down and still carry on! My brother hit his head on the long glass mirror at the bottom and smashed it, he got a thrashing for that,i hid in my bedroom pretending i had had no part of any of it Laugh

That stair sliding lark was hardcore Laugh
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by electric6:
We used to make "perfume" for our Mams by picking rose petals and soaking them in a bowl of water...and "pop" by adding sherbet to tasted rank but we still drank it.


And "ice skate" round the sitting room by putting carrier bags on our feet and sliding round the carpet...NCB sacks for sledges...and oooh sliding down the stairs on a tray. I almost knocked myself out once doing that...careered down the stairs head first into my Mam's brass sewing chest.
OMG!! The flower perfume Big Grin I remember doing that Big Grin Did not smell too good but was fun to make! When my youngest was about 9 or 10, every time her friend Samantha came round, they would disappear into the bathroom, mix up all sorts of stuff; Bubble bath, shampoo, creams, etc, mix it all into one bottle and come out with what they called a "Potion"!! Laugh Laugh Laugh

My granddaughter did that 'till a couple of years ago... Nod
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by pussycatj:

awww I remember making perfume too. And tap dancing on the lino around the rug Laugh

Aww yeah tap dancing! In the days before cushion flooring proper lino was dead clippity cloppity Big Grin

We used to play a game of marbles on drain had to get the marbles to go round the grid pattern. Most parents now would have a fit about the germs!

i used to make perfume too, and do the marbles game Big Grin my dad's kitchen lino is the same one we had when i was little...noisy lol. i also used to feed the bugs in the playground sweets at school (yes we used to take sweets to school lol) and we used to mine for diamonds (broken glass pieces) inbetween the pavement lol
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
The girls round our way did two ball. It was Shirley Temple is a star, and they had those strange metal star things which they threw up and caught on the back of their hands. Skipping! Much more cost-effective than the X-Box.

Chucks,that's what we used to call the little star thing that you threw and caught on the back of your hand, used to come with little wooden cubes. You had to chuck the star, try and flip a cube (or cubes) on the back of your hand by the time you caught the little metal whatsit. I was crap at that Laugh

French skips (or elastics)...wrapped round your ankles and you had to try to do cats cradle with your feet (not so hot at that one either) Laugh
I got a lovely warm, nostalgic glow inside, reading that. Those were the days.. Nod

Can I also add - nobody's parents drove them to school - parents would only turn up there if they were summoned because your were ill or in trouble.
Everybody walked (sometimes more than a mile, across busy roads) or caught the bus. In all weathers. And none of us were grabbed by nutters or knocked over, because we learned common sense and road sense! Big Grin
Originally posted by Getthekettleon:
We would spend hours building our go-carts out of scraps and then ride them down the hill, only to find out we forgot the brakes. After running into the bushes a few times, we learned to solve the problem.

Thumbs Up pmsl we sooooo did that Smiler think I've still got scars from careering into that big thorny rose bush Mad
Originally posted by Getthekettleon:
How many of us played " postmans knock" or "knock down ginger" knocking on doors and running away lol.
Hedge bouncing was the best too Laugh

we used to call it cherry knocking....dunno why lol

kids still do it today round here...or run into the door making it sound like someone's trying to kick it in then leg it

mind you seeing as it's probably the only exercise they do, it's easy to catch them thesedays Laugh
Originally posted by FGG Aka Crocodile Rock:
We had a tuck shop in primary school...and were allowed out round the local sweetshop in our lunch hour as long as we told the dinner lady,

Ohhhhhh we had a tuck shop too, full of crisps fizzy drinks and sugary stuff!
My dad got made redundant and every morning i used to have to line up for a dinner token, everyone used to take the piss out of me cos they knew we were skint Blush Laugh
Originally posted by electric6:
parents would only turn up there if they were summoned because your were ill or in trouble.

I was sick at school once,the school Secretary walked me home...holding my hand...just me and her...and that was only coz I was wobbly on my feet...otherwise they'd have just sent me home on my own (I was about 8) Laugh

When i visit my mum and we go shopping, i still sometimes see Miss Lanchester, she was my old primary school teacher and she always remembers me! Hmmmmmmmm is that a good or bad thing Eeker

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