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Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

right night night scans to do and tests to examine


Goodnight Beverly. I do hope your scans and tests do not keep you from any midnight appointments. 


My intention was to pass this to you yesterday when I found it in Ten-Forward. Poor Spot's untimely visit to the veterinary with the restless index finger distracted me from delivering it to you in time. My sincere apologies. 





Who is R.E.? What have I missed now??

Could they be Dr Eulans initials?


They could. I suppose.


Smart ar$e.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

right night night scans to do and tests to examine


Goodnight Beverly. I do hope your scans and tests do not keep you from any midnight appointments. 


My intention was to pass this to you yesterday when I found it in Ten-Forward. Poor Spot's untimely visit to the veterinary with the restless index finger distracted me from delivering it to you in time. My sincere apologies. 





Who is R.E.? What have I missed now??

Could they be Dr Eulans initials?


They could. I suppose.


Smart ar$e.

Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

right night night scans to do and tests to examine




Who is R.E.? What have I missed now??

Could they be Dr Eulans initials?


They could. I suppose.


Smart ar$e.

Hold on wasn't Ro talking to Rohm in Ten forward? Dr Rohm Eulans??




Cmd William T Riker
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Worf, I never saw the info you posted about my Star Fleet record there is something wrong with the computer Keeps saying I can't access other peoples messages.. ?? Big hole there I'm afraid.


Anyway my Star Fleet record is common Knowledge. Everyone knows how awkward I can be but only when it's necessary. Remember it was Captain Picard that requested I serve on this ship not you!


Sometimes I have to do things that look a little suspicious. It's what I do.


Shall I just arrest you now? You drink potent cocktails in the afternoon, sleep around and have a criminal record....maybe you are my brother by another mother.


Ooooops....make that sister.


*tries to record reminder to buy Ro a Wonderbra on log up and writes note on back of hand*

Whats criminal here is you Vi seemingly thinking all men go for women with boobs 3 feet in front of their chests and I don't need a wonderbra (There's nothing to put in it). The rest of me makes up for that.


Hey so I'm a bit of a bad gal that has seem a lot of action, There are things I have done that leave a bad taste in my mouth. But that was in the line of duty, not the kind of sucking up you do to stay on top.


*Smudges ink on Vi's hand*

Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:


They could. I suppose.


Smart ar$e.


Commander Riker has a smart arse?  Is this what Beverly means when she tells me he talks out of it?    


*adds new information regarding intelligent buttocks to data bank* 

Though everything is smart when compared to Vi

Cmd William T Riker
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:


They could. I suppose.


Smart ar$e.


Commander Riker has a smart arse?  Is this what Beverly means when she tells me he talks out of it?    


*adds new information regarding intelligent buttocks to data bank* 

 Data has developed a sense of humour!

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:


They could. I suppose.


Smart ar$e.


Commander Riker has a smart arse?  Is this what Beverly means when she tells me he talks out of it?    


*adds new information regarding intelligent buttocks to data bank* 

 Data has developed a sense of humour!

But I wonder of that is the only new development in Data's character? I have heard it said that not all androids of his ilk are as well programmed.

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Whats criminal here is you Vi seemingly thinking all men go for women with boobs 3 feet in front of their chests and I don't need a wonderbra (There's nothing to put in it). The rest of me makes up for that.


Hey so I'm a bit of a bad gal that has seem a lot of action, There are things I have done that leave a bad taste in my mouth. But that was in the line of duty, not the kind of sucking up you do to stay on top.


*Smudges ink on Vi's hand*


I always leave a bottle of listerine by the bed to get rid of that.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Whats criminal here is you Vi seemingly thinking all men go for women with boobs 3 feet in front of their chests and I don't need a wonderbra (There's nothing to put in it). The rest of me makes up for that.


Hey so I'm a bit of a bad gal that has seem a lot of action, There are things I have done that leave a bad taste in my mouth. But that was in the line of duty, not the kind of sucking up you do to stay on top.


*Smudges ink on Vi's hand*


I always leave a bottle of listerine by the bed to get rid of that.

Anyone told her your'e not supposed to drink the stuff

Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Hey so I'm a bit of a bad gal that has seem a lot of action, There are things I have done that leave a bad taste in my mouth. But that was in the line of duty, not the kind of sucking up you do to stay on top.


*Smudges ink on Vi's hand*


Don't you like the bad girls then Commander?


I can be an  if you want.


I can be whatever you want. My wardrobe is vast.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

Good Evening, drinks anyone? Ro, you seem to be getting a hard time of it from that Vi creature, would you like me to mix you another Cosmic Daze?

I'll have a Beam me up Scotchie with proper scotch not that synthisised crap fankoo

Sorry my dear, we are right out of scotch.


i can make you one with Irn Bru.

Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Hey so I'm a bit of a bad gal that has seem a lot of action, There are things I have done that leave a bad taste in my mouth. But that was in the line of duty, not the kind of sucking up you do to stay on top.


*Smudges ink on Vi's hand*


Don't you like the bad girls then Commander?


I can be an  if you want.


I can be whatever you want. My wardrobe is vast.

It needs to be to get that chest in it.

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Whats criminal here is you Vi seemingly thinking all men go for women with boobs 3 feet in front of their chests and I don't need a wonderbra (There's nothing to put in it). The rest of me makes up for that.


Hey so I'm a bit of a bad gal that has seem a lot of action, There are things I have done that leave a bad taste in my mouth. But that was in the line of duty, not the kind of sucking up you do to stay on top.


*Smudges ink on Vi's hand*


I always leave a bottle of listerine by the bed to get rid of that.

Anyone told her your'e not supposed to drink the stuff


ooooh, that dratted woman, she told me that was a newly created substitue for Creme de Menthe. There go my retro cocktail night plans.

Originally Posted by Guinan:

, would you like me to mix you another Cosmic Daze?


Ah, in the interests of further developing my sense of humour, I am curious about this concoction of yours Guinan. It seems to have a dramatic effect on the humour of those who partake in a glass or two.


I recently heard a number of crew members attending a social gathering in Ten-Forward laughing intensely as they drank a Cosmic Daze, particularly it seemed when someone described you as the "Wizard of Orb"  


I took the time to do a analysis of a Cosmic Daze to further my understanding of this strange phenomenon. One of the ingredients struck me as being very odd. The ancient chemical "alcohol". Where did you get such a thing? 

Lt Commander Data Duck
Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

do you have Pimms Guinan??

Indeed I do Ro. Would you like a glass of shall I just whip up a jug full and you can make a real night of it?

How could i possibly make a jug last a whole night ????  Pimms it is then add a dash of lemonade ,it's an old Earth tradition I believe.

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

Sorry my dear, we are right out of scotch.


i can make you one with Irn Bru.

  meh!  Got any andorian ale instead?

Andorian Ale, the stuff to give you the blues...

Oh Lordy are Cmdr Riker and Data playing a set tonight

Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

, would you like me to mix you another Cosmic Daze?


Ah, in the interests of further developing my sense of humour, I am curious about this concoction of yours Guinan. It seems to have a dramatic effect on the humour of those who partake in a glass or two.


I recently heard a number of crew members attending a social gathering in Ten-Forward laughing intensely as they drank a Cosmic Daze, particularly it seemed when someone described you as the "Wizard of Orb"  


I took the time to do a analysis of a Cosmic Daze to further my understanding of this strange phenomenon. One of the ingredients struck me as being very odd. The ancient chemical "alcohol". Where did you get such a thing? 

Oh Data, you ask a woman who has travelled our vast galaxies for 100s of years such a question. You will know, obviously, of the planet Earth? Well, many moons ago on that planet was a land mass called England and in the north of England was a place called Newcastle. It was here that I witnessed first hans the amazing power of alcohol. It seemed to turn the most hideous of females into highly desirable ones. It also seemed to protect them against their harsh winters. They were able to venture out in the snow and freezing temperatures wearing even less than Vi. I decided to go about acquiring some of this alcohol and have been recently experimenting with it. As you can see, it has worked wonders for Ro, she has pulled the Commander. I am hoping that the consignment I sent to Delphi 4 on the shuttle will help them stay warm on their exploration.

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

do you have Pimms Guinan??

Indeed I do Ro. Would you like a glass of shall I just whip up a jug full and you can make a real night of it?

How could i possibly make a jug last a whole night ????  Pimms it is then add a dash of lemonade ,it's an old Earth tradition I believe.


It is indeed. My many visits to Earth have shown me that it is very traditional.


Would you like me to prepare you a barrel load then?

Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

do you have Pimms Guinan??

Indeed I do Ro. Would you like a glass of shall I just whip up a jug full and you can make a real night of it?

How could i possibly make a jug last a whole night ????  Pimms it is then add a dash of lemonade ,it's an old Earth tradition I believe.


It is indeed. My many visits to Earth have shown me that it is very traditional.


Would you like me to prepare you a barrel load then?

How big's the Barrel???


Oh and Ro, whilst you are here, just thought you should know that I overheard a guard from the science lab saying that 11pm last night, Worf caught you coming out of the lab and that you were carrying one of those awful gray engineering bags. He's claiming that Worf has revoked your clearnce to the lab. Surely this isn't so? Is it?


*pours Ro a large drink and waits for answer*

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

do you have Pimms Guinan??

Indeed I do Ro. Would you like a glass of shall I just whip up a jug full and you can make a real night of it?

How could i possibly make a jug last a whole night ????  Pimms it is then add a dash of lemonade ,it's an old Earth tradition I believe.


It is indeed. My many visits to Earth have shown me that it is very traditional.


Would you like me to prepare you a barrel load then?

How big's the Barrel???


Big enough.


Has anyone seen Data today?...


Yesterday evening in engineering I saw him looking shifty at the "Hardware Replicator" fiddling about making something that from what I could see looked like the "Orb"!.......


he had a sneaky smile on his face,  when I confronted him I thought I heard a "Wibble Wobble, Wibble Wobble" sound underneath his excuses for being there, it reminded me of the sound I had heard from the "Orb of Knowledge".....


he hid it in his blue engineering bag.


Oh and talking of Delphi 4, as I was earlier, I have just recalled a conversation I had with Chief o'Brien in the Ten-Forward this morning. He seemed quite perplexed. He told me that at 7:30 the previous night the transporter records showed that there had been an unauthorised visit to Delphi 4. He said that whoever it was didn't want to be discovered as they erased the transporter trace pattern and now he has ni idea as to who or what was transported there. he really was most worried about this. I suppose his job is on the line?


I don't see Geordi around at the moment "Becons Guinan closer"..


Listen to this tit bit.. *Lowers voice but accidentally presses the Shipwide channel on her comms badge*


At around 2130 hours last night I saw Geordi at the hardwear replicator in Engineering. He made something and placed it straight into a grey engineering bag, Now that I think of it ,it look just like the orb. Ensign Thrope stopped Geordi to ask him some technical advice. As he replied I heard a muffled "Wibble Wobble, Wibble Wobble, It came from the grey bag!


Strange or what?

Originally Posted by Geordi:

Has anyone seen Data today?...


Yesterday evening in engineering I saw him looking shifty at the "Hardware Replicator" fiddling about making something that from what I could see looked like the "Orb"!.......


he had a sneaky smile on his face,  when I confronted him I thought I heard a "Wibble Wobble, Wibble Wobble" sound underneath his excuses for being there, it reminded me of the sound I had heard from the "Orb of Knowledge".....


he hid it in his blue engineering bag.

Ah Geordi, do you suppose this has anything to do with your suspiscions about Data and the misprogrammed android that his creator Dr Soong also  made?


*passes Geordi a freshly mixed Cosmic Daze*


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