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Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Think you better ask Captain Picard that one Worf.


By the way Worf do you remember yesterday when I was having a conversation in Ten-Forward withRhom, You came and interupted it and dragged him off for a minute. You nearly spoilt my chances with him. I was getting somewhere there


Ooooh! I wonder what was so important?

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

By the way Will... Err Mr Riker Sir. Ensign Trope Was in Ten-Forward later on yesterday. He commented that you had requested plans for a class111 planetary probe Just mentioned it cos he was real pleased to have the chance to assist you. Specially since that kind of request would normally have gone through Geordi first..


Something is not adding up here.


You're lucky you can make enough sense of it to know something isn't adding up 

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

****Adjusts sensory thingamies****

are you having headaches again - I could scan you but I left my medical scanner on Delphi 4 when I went there to treat the injured.  Come and see me if they still persist and I'll run some tests on you and diagnostics on your sensor


You sound as crap disorganised as me.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

Data, after getting back from Delphi 4 yesterday, I noticed you had been seeping energy to your computer terminal for at least 5 hours!!!!!.............What kind of games are you playing with friends on Earth to need so much power?????? 


Yes, 5 hours of continuous work must seem awfully strenuous to inferior organic life forms I agree.... but it was a mere warm up for me Geordi. 


And I am not sure what you refer to when you speak of "friends on Earth"? Are they a worthy but ineffectual environmental group? 


I think I love you.

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

right night night scans to do and tests to examine


Goodnight Beverly. I do hope your scans and tests do not keep you from any midnight appointments. 


My intention was to pass this to you yesterday when I found it in Ten-Forward. Poor Spot's untimely visit to the veterinary with the restless index finger distracted me from delivering it to you in time. My sincere apologies. 





Who is R.E.? What have I missed now??

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

right night night scans to do and tests to examine


Goodnight Beverly. I do hope your scans and tests do not keep you from any midnight appointments. 


My intention was to pass this to you yesterday when I found it in Ten-Forward. Poor Spot's untimely visit to the veterinary with the restless index finger distracted me from delivering it to you in time. My sincere apologies. 





Who is R.E.? What have I missed now??

Could they be Dr Eulans initials?

Cmd William T Riker
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

right night night scans to do and tests to examine


Goodnight Beverly. I do hope your scans and tests do not keep you from any midnight appointments. 


My intention was to pass this to you yesterday when I found it in Ten-Forward. Poor Spot's untimely visit to the veterinary with the restless index finger distracted me from delivering it to you in time. My sincere apologies. 




We have knapkins???!!???

*Completely misses the clue*


*crewman Kimota - you're lucky I'm such a brilliant doctor.  You're cured you may resume light duties for a few days then return to normal duties after*


Curious!! That's Dr Eulan's handwriting alright but why would you have a message that is meant for me Ro Laren?  Explain yourself


and while we are at it, perhaps Cmdr Riker and Geordi could explain what their heated argument was about just before the away team returned from the planet??


Geordi wanted the orb to be placed in engineering where a stasis field could be built. Cmdr Riker on the other hand wanted the orb taken to the science lab to be placed in a containment field "This issue is not open for further discussion.  You have your orders Mr La Forge, and I expect them to be carried out."


Very forceful Will - perhaps a bit too forceful and pulling of ranks here - why?



Come to think of it, you certainly were very argumentative yesterday Will.  Remember yesterday afternoon just after the away team came back from Delphi 4, I overheard you and Worf arguing on the bridge "A guard is not necessary" that's what Worf said as well as "A guard should check the orb every hour on the hour" - seems sensible as Worf is head of security but you didn't seem so keen on a guard Will - why?  And perhaps Worf would like to give his side of events


Right I have rounds to make - I hear we have guests aboard the enterprise - the champagne sozzled envoy Cosmopolitan.  She usually likes me to give her a medical check (more like check she doesn't have cirrhosis of the liver)   I'll be back later 

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

By the way Beverly I was not in possession of the message someone pinned it on the notice board LOL 

did they!!!  you just said you found it in Ten-Forward so I naturally assumed you'd had it in your possession


Ro seems to pick up a lot of things in Ten-Forward.


I'd get that special cream ready for her.


just in case 

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

By the way Beverly I was not in possession of the message someone pinned it on the notice board LOL 

did they!!!  you just said you found it in Ten-Forward so I naturally assumed you'd had it in your possession


Ro seems to pick up a lot of things in Ten-Forward.


I'd get that special cream ready for her.


just in case 

I'd better go and replicate some more batches - I doubt I've got enough

Originally Posted by Ensign Muf:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Eases self out of bed so as not to wake Poor worn out Riker. Heads for the sonic shower.

Oi!! I'm in eight forward and you didn't mind keeping me awake all night 

Calling to the prophets is all well and good but do you have to do it till 4 in the morning!!! 

I don't recall a prophet called "Harderwill"

Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Eases self out of bed so as not to wake Poor worn out Riker. Heads for the sonic shower.


Don't worry about the shower, you want to head to the transportation deck and ask them to beam you up some breasts.

 At least I don't have to worry about tripping myself up like You Vi

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

and while we are at it, perhaps Cmdr Riker and Geordi could explain what their heated argument was about just before the away team returned from the planet??

Geordi wanted the orb to be placed in engineering where a stasis field could be built. Cmdr Riker on the other hand wanted the orb taken to the science lab to be placed in a containment field "This issue is not open for further discussion.  You have your orders Mr La Forge, and I expect them to be carried out."

Very forceful Will - perhaps a bit too forceful and pulling of ranks here - why?

Hahaha! I wouldn't say it was an argument. The Orb belongs to science, I was right and he was wrong. The Chief is an engineer and  thinks that everything belongs in engineering 



Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Come to think of it, you certainly were very argumentative yesterday Will.  Remember yesterday afternoon just after the away team came back from Delphi 4, I overheard you and Worf arguing on the bridge "A guard is not necessary" that's what Worf said as well as "A guard should check the orb every hour on the hour" - seems sensible as Worf is head of security but you didn't seem so keen on a guard Will - why?  And perhaps Worf would like to give his side of events

We're on the federation flag ship, I didn't think a guard was necessary but as you say, Worf is the head of security and it is his call

Cmd William T Riker
Last edited by Cmd William T Riker

nuqneH all you honourable people and slappers


there is too much frivolity  on this ship - (it is a mission ship not  a playboys playground )- especially Vi  - Vi who is she??/

pass me the prune juice oh dude


No don'l nabevvo' y' yIglos


my version

i accompanied the orb to eh science lab for extra security. I noticed dat a- that auspicious dubious data duck kept hanging around - I saw dubious data duck handling the orb and carefully inspecting with  his duck shaped  tri thingy -  why?? did the duck substitute the orb - did touching it make it disappear or roll away or worse


also I personally accompanied the orb to the Science lab and immediately posted a guard to control access. Will(I am) - had time off from the voice and morphed him self here to tell me the great Worf that a guard was not necessary but i was not having that - jumped up nobody dude and my commands prevailed - why no guard to spirit away is it  a will/ duck conspiracy - i the great worf will guard the orb like my prune juice


Ask Ro about her starfleet record - secret clue 1

 - about 2 pages back page 2


Heswl - Ro- Heswl *SPIT*



knight know - hudHuq majqa'

Lieutenant Worf
Last edited by Lieutenant Worf

Well Riker You and Geordi both seem to have had a heated day Yesterday because I Heard the 2 of you having an argument later in the afternoon on the the Bridge Remember Geordi saying"You are not competant to touch that probe or anything else to do this equipment on this ship."

If I remember rightly to which you replied," Mr La Forge, I will do anything I consider necessary to maintain this ship and it's equipment in top operating condition" 


Once more my attention is drawn to Geordi.


Why so much contention over what used to be clearly defined operating procedures on this Star Ship.


Every one is acting very strange ever since that Orb came on board. 


Worf, I never saw the info you posted about my Star Fleet record there is something wrong with the computer Keeps saying I can't access other peoples messages.. ?? Big hole there I'm afraid.


Anyway my Star Fleet record is common Knowledge. Everyone knows how awkward I can be but only when it's necessary. Remember it was Captain Picard that requested I serve on this ship not you!


Sometimes I have to do things that look a little suspicious. It's what I do.

Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:

an injured guard - how did this happen - a guard put there at my insistance - that useless vi and dastardly data duck have a lot to answer for


nuquH dunndje' hsiwbg'kie'himw'


What have/haven't I done now? And can I have a translator please, the only klingons I have ever dealt with were on my cat's bum after it ate my leftover curry 

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Worf, I never saw the info you posted about my Star Fleet record there is something wrong with the computer Keeps saying I can't access other peoples messages.. ?? Big hole there I'm afraid.


Anyway my Star Fleet record is common Knowledge. Everyone knows how awkward I can be but only when it's necessary. Remember it was Captain Picard that requested I serve on this ship not you!


Sometimes I have to do things that look a little suspicious. It's what I do.


Shall I just arrest you now? You drink potent cocktails in the afternoon, sleep around and have a criminal record....maybe you are my brother by another mother.


Ooooops....make that sister.


*tries to record reminder to buy Ro a Wonderbra on log up and writes note on back of hand*

Izzy Gonyett

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