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swears on oath


Will's extracurricular activities and abundant confidence led to the
downfall of his plan. I knew my former lover could get things done .
From the beginning, my plan had been to turn his skills to my advantage.
That wasn't so difficult, since I knew Will better than anyone. Last
night, I encouraged the handsome young officer to let the smouldering
embers of their passion ignite once again. Riker was persuaded, and proved
more helpful than I imagined - Will talked in his sleep much of the
night. I learned that Will was planning to secretly move the Orb
from the science lab. I didn't understand his motives, but I decided to
use this new information tomy advantage. I stayed close to him today.

At 4:00 this afternoon I saw Will leave the bridge. I
followed him (he's a bit clueless when it comes to being sneaky) to the cargo bay, where I saw him program a transporter.
After he left, I looked at the transporter panel and discovered he was
beaming to the science lab with an automatic delayed transmission to the
forward probe storage area. I quickly beamed to the forward probe storage
area ahead of him. When Will arrived moments later carrying a gray bag
containing the real Orb of Knowledge (wibble flipping wobbling), I was in hiding. Will placed the gray bag containing the Orb in the probe. He quickly left. I emerged from hiding and removed the gray bag.

I then headed to the nearby shuttle bay. En route, I collided with
Beverly (again, she's like bloody creeping Jesus)y. Too shaken and distracted by our collision to sense any of Beverly's emotions, I quickly continued on my way. About 4:15 today I entered the shuttle bay through the starboard entrance and placed the real Orb in the back of the Voltaire shuttle. I then programmed a launch to the coordinates given to me by Dr. Eulan.

Remember, this was the same shuttle Geordi had used for his Orb. It is also the shuttle Geordi launched at 4:45. By the time the launch occurred, the shuttle was empty. But even the Romulans did not know that. As the shuttle sped on its way to the Romulan coordinates, it was snatched by a cloaked Romulan Warbird and disappeared in space ...

Deanna Troi

OK regarding this Orb my plan as you know included  setting up a fake medical emergency as a cover to transport the Orb in my medkit.  During the poker game, I secretly beamed down to Delphi 4 which I’m sure Deanna is ecstatic about with a "remote beacon" which I programmed to send a fake medical emergency signal to the GaGa Enterprise at 4:25 today. Upon my return, I went to my scheduled meeting in Dr. Eulan's quarters where he whispered Orb coordinates into my ear. *shudders at the thought*

I knew my timing had to be impeccable. The Orb could not be missing from the science lab long before its absence would be discovered. So I carefully timed my activities to correspond to the fake medical emergency. Just after 4:10 today, with hypospray in hand, I approached the science lab to drug the guard and steal the Orb. Suddenly, Worf emerged from the lab to stand guard. I panicked; with only minutes to go, the drug in the hypospray would not work on a Klingon. If I did not have the Orb when the distress signal came, I would miss my chance. 


I was rushing back to the sickbay when I turned a corner and bumped into Deanna.  The collision was an incredibly lucky break. Deanna almost dropped the grey bag she was carrying. I asked if Deanna was okay, and I heard the sound "wibble wobble, wobble wibble," coming from the bag. When Deanna adjusted the bag, I caught a glimpse of the orb. Following Deanna to the starboard entrance of the shuttle bay, I saw her go into the Voltaire shuttle and exit without the bag. Just as Deanna was leaving, a deck officer stepped into the shuttle bay and questioned her for a moment. I stayed hidden but out of earshot.


When Deanna and the deck officer left, I entered the Voltaire shuttle and removed a bag. I was convinced it was the grey bag Deanna placed in the shuttle, but that bag (with the real Orb) had just been removed from the other side of the shuttle. I took the grey bag Geordi hid in the shuttle earlier in the day and returned to sickbay and concealed the Orb in my  medkit, just as I received my fake medical emergency signal.  I immediately beamed down to Delphi 4, where I left the Orb before returning to the GaGa Enterprise. Mission accomplished, or so I thought ... 

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:


When Deanna and the deck officer left, I entered the Voltaire shuttle and removed a bag. I was convinced it was the grey bag Deanna placed in the shuttle, but that bag (with the real Orb) had just been removed from the other side of the shuttle. I took the grey bag Geordi hid in the shuttle earlier in the day and returned to sickbay and concealed the Orb in my  medkit, just as I received my fake medical emergency signal.  I immediately beamed down to Delphi 4, where I left the Orb before returning to the GaGa Enterprise. Mission accomplished, or so I thought ... 



I was soooooooooooo close, I guessed all that

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:


When Deanna and the deck officer left, I entered the Voltaire shuttle and removed a bag. I was convinced it was the grey bag Deanna placed in the shuttle, but that bag (with the real Orb) had just been removed from the other side of the shuttle. I took the grey bag Geordi hid in the shuttle earlier in the day and returned to sickbay and concealed the Orb in my  medkit, just as I received my fake medical emergency signal.  I immediately beamed down to Delphi 4, where I left the Orb before returning to the GaGa Enterprise. Mission accomplished, or so I thought ... 



I was soooooooooooo close, I guessed all that

Lieutenant Worf


I  wasn't head of security for nothing.

Ghu’juHdu’kin hun’qui

Hunqui chijai

 Shortly after the Away Team returned, I attached a micro-optic tracer to the real Orb of Knowledge so I could follow its movements with his tricorder. What a journey!


When I  checked at 11:00 last night, I discovered the Orb had been taken to Geordi's quarters and was being moved again. Surprised, I  set off in pursuit.When I approached the science lab, I  saw Ro enter with a grey bag. As Ro was leaving, my  tricorder  surprisingly indicated the Orb was back in the containment field.


 I just couldn’t figure out what Ro was up to, but  hunqui - i denied her further access to the lab as a security precaution.nuq’ maj qa

Hun’qui chi qna klin out


Getting the Orb off the GaGa Enterprisewas was my biggest challenge – nepwl daba- until I stumbled upon Data's unique "homing module" program. I realized it could be used to beam the Orb into space on an open-ended transmission, scattering the molecules in a cloud of energy.

The "homing module" would enable the Romulans to trace the energy cloud and retrieve the Orb from its transposed state.


I  went to engineering, ran the program, placed the "homing module" in a blue bag, and headed to the science lab to get the Orb.

As I approached the science lab just after 4:05 today, my tricorder
indicated the Orb was moving again. Will had just beamed out of the science lab with the real Orb. Finding the disoriented guard, he called for a replacement. Inside the lab, the containment field was holding Geordi's fake Orb placed there moments ago by Data.


 Hunqui’ ron cai jai ghondi realizing the Orb was a fake, I rushed out in pursuit of the real thing. I was ‘however, delayed  by Beverly and Guinan, and remained at the lab door until the replacement guard arrived. Hun qui thhochai’


With my tricorder showing the Orb heading toward the shuttle bay, I entered via the port side entrance and followed the signal directly to a grey bag in the Voltaire shuttle. Deanna had just exited the shuttle from the other side and was talking to a deck officer.

Beverly was in hiding.


I took the grey bag containing the Orb and the blue bag containing the "homing module" to the cargo bay where I spent about twenty minutes attaching the "homing module" to the Orb. When the power blackout occurred, I dropped the ''homing module" but it appeared to be okay. At 4:45 I beamed the Orb into space on an open-ended transmission and quickly left.


I stole the Orb - zookers hun qui

Hunqui’goonq – worf son of Wogh , I  revel in my victory! 

The nanites got memaj qa’ jIai nuq

Lieutenant Worf
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:




With my tricorder showing the Orb heading toward the shuttle bay, I entered via the port side entrance and followed the signal directly to a grey bag in the Voltaire shuttle. Deanna had just exited the shuttle from the other side and was talking to a deck officer.

Beverly was in hiding.


I took the grey bag containing the Orb and the blue bag containing the "homing module" to the cargo bay where I spent about twenty minutes attaching the "homing module" to the Orb. When the power blackout occurred, I dropped the ''homing module" but it appeared to be okay. At 4:45 I beamed the Orb into space on an open-ended transmission and quickly left.


I stole the Orb - zookers hun qui

Hunqui’goonq – worf son of Wogh , I  revel in my victory! 

The nanites got memaj qa’ jIai nuq posted all that yesterday as well....gutted! 

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:





With my tricorder showing the Orb heading toward the shuttle bay, I entered via the port side entrance and followed the signal directly to a grey bag in the Voltaire shuttle. Deanna had just exited the shuttle from the other side and was talking to a deck officer.

Beverly was in hiding.


I took the grey bag containing the Orb and the blue bag containing the "homing module" to the cargo bay where I spent about twenty minutes attaching the "homing module" to the Orb. When the power blackout occurred, I dropped the ''homing module" but it appeared to be okay. At 4:45 I beamed the Orb into space on an open-ended transmission and quickly left.


I stole the Orb - zookers hun qui

Hunqui’goonq – worf son of Wogh , I  revel in my victory! 

The nanites got memaj qa’ jIai nuq posted all that yesterday as well....gutted! 

I know

Lieutenant Worf
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:





With my tricorder showing the Orb heading toward the shuttle bay, I entered via the port side entrance and followed the signal directly to a grey bag in the Voltaire shuttle. Deanna had just exited the shuttle from the other side and was talking to a deck officer.

Beverly was in hiding.


I took the grey bag containing the Orb and the blue bag containing the "homing module" to the cargo bay where I spent about twenty minutes attaching the "homing module" to the Orb. When the power blackout occurred, I dropped the ''homing module" but it appeared to be okay. At 4:45 I beamed the Orb into space on an open-ended transmission and quickly left.


I stole the Orb - zookers hun qui

Hunqui’goonq – worf son of Wogh , I  revel in my victory! 

The nanites got memaj qa’ jIai nuq posted all that yesterday as well....gutted! 

I know


By that point I had no idea who had the real one or the fake ones and assumed it was a bluff ....did you accidentally post all that??!!!!!!!

Izzy Gonyett

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