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Of all the Away Team members, I had the knowledge and ability
to carry out almost any plan requiring technical skills. After returning from
Delphi 4, I went to work on a stasis field for the Orb. While working on the
stasis field, I also secretly planned to work on a "personal" modification
to the transporter log system' which would allow me to beam the Orb off the
ship undetected. But, I never had an opportunity to complete this work.
As events unfolded, my plan had to change ... very quickly.

After the poker game in Will's quarters, I went straight to
engineering to work on my "personal" project. Upon arrival, I interrupted
Data suspiciously working at a hardware replicator. When Data left, I
checked the replicator memory and discovered Data's fake Orb program.
Unless I could steal the Orb first, the real Orb would be gone. Using
Data's program, I quickly replicated a fake Orb, placed it in a gray bag,
and headed off to my quarters to ponder the change in events. A few minutes
later at 10:30, I went to the science lab where I switched my fake Orb for
the real Orb, making my switch a mere 15 minutes before Data. I
initially had possession of the real Orb. I immediately returned to my
quarters, hid the bag and reported for night-duty.

At 10:00 this morning, I took the gray bag to the shuttle bay and
hid it in the rear of the Voltaire shuttle. I then directed the maintenance
and repair crew to work on other shuttles. my plan was to send the Orb
of Knowledge to the Romulans later in the afternoon by launching the
shuttle under the guise of testing maintenance and repairs. Despite Will's
orders to the contrary, I launched the Voltaire shuttle at 4:45 this
afternoon via remote programming from engineering, but things didn't quite
work out the way I had imagined ..



My Bajoran background dictated my plan of action. It began yesterday eveningwhen I spotted Geordi at the hardware replicator making a fake Orb. Curious thinks I and followed him to his quarters.
When he did not emerge, I went to my one hour rendezvous with Dr.
Eulan. I knew Geordi was on night-duty and impulsively went to his
quarters when I left Dr. Eulan's, sneaked inside and took the gray bag
containing what I thought was a fake Orb. In reality, the gray bag now
contained the real Orb. Within minutes I was in the science lab switching
Orbs. Frightened when Worf confronted me, I was relieved to only be
denied further access to the lab. What I didn't realize was Data had
switched Orbs 15 minutes before I arrived. I had unwittingly taken
Data's fake Orb and put the real Orb back in the containment field!

Getting dressed a little before 7:00 the next morning, I dropped my
communicator badge and overheard Geordi relaying a private message: "I
made the switch at 2230 hours (10:30 last night)." Geordi had switched
Orbs 30 minutes before I stole the bag from his room! Aghast, I realized
what I had done. I would have to steal the Orb all over again!
Desperately needing more time, I returned the gray bag to Geordi's
quarters to cover my tracks. This was the Orb Geordi took to the shuttle.

My second attempt to steal the Orb was based on the crimes of a
character I met while in prison. Just before 4:30 this afternoon, I used a
magnetronic resonator to cause a blackout on a large portion of the saucer
section of the GaGa Enterprise. Wearing My modified night vision equipment, I used a manual override on the science lab door and silently slipped inside and hid. When the lights came back on, the guard immediately came into the lab and checked the Orb. After he left, I grabbed the Orb and escaped into a Jefferies Tube, exiting in the shuttle bay. I placed the Orb in the back of the Hawking shuttle and programmed it to launch at 4:45 today. But, alas, I had taken the wrong Orb again. This time it was Geordi's fake which Data had placed in the empty containment field minutes after Will had beamed out of the science lab with the real Orb ..

So who shot the guard? Arriving at the lab just after the blackout, Dr.Eulan needed an alibi. Returning with a phaser, he shot the guard before the 5:00 check. Eulan then shot the phaser at a reflective surface to self-inflict a minor stun. Unfortunately, he hit a small concave area which concentrated the phaser's strength. While unconscious, sick bay discovered he was Romulan. Dr. Eulan may end up spending time in my old prison cell !!!...


So you want to know what I know about this Orb’s disappearance? Not as much as I’d like to know, I can tell you that. My lack of access to the Orb has been a real problem, I can tell you. No security clearance, no sleeping with the right people. And, to my utter disgust, my cocktails failed miserably. Neither Worf nor Geordi succumbed to them. I was more frustrated than Ro. So I tried to talk my way past the guard during the poker game at Will’s gaff. Another failure! I don’t think I’ve had so many failures so close together in all my years. I then figured I’d try the mickeyfinnalyn. Bugger, that was close when Bev bumped into me. I aged another century then, I can tell you. I mixed it in a Cosmic Daze and gave it to that stupid guard. Now this time it was too potent. I swear, I thought I was smarter than that. The flipping guard passed out before I could get to the lab, though it seems Data was luckier than me there and snuck in. Anyway, Worf was on guard and once more I was scuppered.

I’m not a quitter though and was determined to get to the Orb one way or another. At about 16:25 I clambered very inelegantly into a Jefferies tube and started crawling to the lab. Once more, failure was ready to slap me in the face. The power cut. I was beginning to feel jinxed at this point. I got lost in the dark. Hey, I’m a bartender, not a navigator. Ended up coming out in a concealed corner of the shuttle bay. It was here I saw Ro putting an orb in the back of the Hawking shuttle, sneaky mare.  I watched her leave and then switched the Orb to the Einstein shuttle and programmed it to launch at 16:45. See. I told you I am a good listener. No formal training and I can still do all that shit. Dang, I’m good. Came as  a bit of a shock when neither of those shuttles left, I can tell you. It seems Geordi initiated that program to bring all shuttles on line, it wiped out all our work Ro. He then launched the Voltaire shuttle. Should have put it in that one, shouldn’t I? Not that it would have mattered much. Your shuttle was empty Ro and mine, it turns out, had Data’s fake one in it. Bugger.


  Astonishingly .....but not really   Riker seems to have better things to do than testify at this REALLY IMPORTANT STARFLEET HIGH COMMAND INVESTIGATION



This is what we have learned from our investigations


Will realized from the beginning he had all the power and position he
needed to get the Orb of Knowledge. Yesterday he spent much of his time in
the forward probe storage area, creating a suitable chamber inside a probe to
carry the Orb of Knowledge off the GaGa Enterprise. Feeling secure in his plan, he celebrated with a few sideline activities such as hosting the poker game and
enjoying, once again, Deanna's charms.

In the morning, Will went about business as usual. Just after 4:00 this
afternoon he left the bridge and went to a cargo bay, where he programmed a
transporter with a delayed transmission that would beam him into and out of
the science lab. The transporter offered him the advantage of rapid speed,
thereby reducing his time away from the bridge. Will beamed into the lab,
sending a surprised Data scrambling for cover. He then removed the Orb from
the containment field and placed it in a gray bag. This was the real Orb of
Knowledge which Ro had mistakenly returned to the science lab the night
before. Will and the real Orb were then automatically beamed to the forward
probe storage area by the pre-programmed transporter in the cargo bay. Once
there, he placed the gray bag in the probe chamber he had prepared the day
before. He then programmed the probe using coordinates given to him last
night by Dr. Eulan. He returned to the bridge in record time.

At 4:45 this afternoon, Will ordered Data to launch the probe. By this
time, however, Data was on his trail. After seeing Will beam out of the
science lab with the real Orb, Data discovered Will had been in the forward
probe storage area. From this information and Will's actions, he suspected
Will had placed the Orb in the probe. A minute before he carried out Will's
launch order, Data re-programmed the probe's launch coordinates. The probe
was fired to Data's coordinates ... not Will's. When the launch occurred, Will
sat back in his chair on the bridge and proudly reflected on the success of his
mission.  The irony is that neither of them realized the probe was empty ...

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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