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Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

The replicator makes the fake Orbs .. Hell even Vi could make one


off you go then...replicate yourself some boobs 



Ro making a tit of himself herself again

is she a he

Yeah... Leers at  BEV...

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

The replicator makes the fake Orbs .. Hell even Vi could make one


off you go then...replicate yourself some boobs 



Ro making a tit of himself herself again

is she a he

Yeah... Leers at  BEV...


dirty Vulker

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

The replicator makes the fake Orbs .. Hell even Vi could make one


off you go then...replicate yourself some boobs 



Ro making a tit of himself herself again

is she a he


Hard to tell....

Oooo you hurt me deep there Vi.. I have to make do wif wot I am


  None of this is making any sense ......and I am not alone!


 Given the FAILURE of this on-ship investigation..... and my impending demotion to wearing a red shirt  Starfleet Command  are organizing an ad hoc court on subspace - you will all be required to Report your exact knowledge of events To Extremely High UP Strafleet Admiral Huxley


Please gather your thoughts and prepare to testify - UNDER OATH! 

*despairs and turns on the sub-space transmission to Starfleet* 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

  None of this is making any sense ......and I am not alone!


 Given the FAILURE of this on-ship investigation..... and my impending demotion to wearing a red shirt  Starfleet Command  are organizing an ad hoc court on subspace - you will all be required to Report your exact knowledge of events To Extremely High UP Strafleet Admiral Huxley


Please gather your thoughts and prepare to testify - UNDER OATH! 

*despairs and turns on the sub-space transmission to Starfleet* 

the who with the what now?

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

  None of this is making any sense ......and I am not alone!


 Given the FAILURE of this on-ship investigation..... and my impending demotion to wearing a red shirt  Starfleet Command  are organizing an ad hoc court on subspace - you will all be required to Report your exact knowledge of events To Extremely High UP Strafleet Admiral Huxley


Please gather your thoughts and prepare to testify - UNDER OATH! 

*despairs and turns on the sub-space transmission to Starfleet* 

the who with the what now?

and not only that but.....where and why and with what!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

  None of this is making any sense ......and I am not alone!


 Given the FAILURE of this on-ship investigation..... and my impending demotion to wearing a red shirt  Starfleet Command  are organizing an ad hoc court on subspace - you will all be required to Report your exact knowledge of events To Extremely High UP Strafleet Admiral Huxley


Please gather your thoughts and prepare to testify - UNDER OATH! 

*despairs and turns on the sub-space transmission to Starfleet* 

the who with the what now?

and not only that but.....where and why and with what!!!!!!!



just gather..I'm gathering, under oath

Deanna Troi

1st witness to testify:


 Should be Data - but he's down for "routine maintenance".....


This information has been recovered from his memory log




For days, the wicked undercover spy Dr. Rhom Eulan was hard at work.

When he learned the U.S.S. GaGa Enterprisewas on its way to Delphi 4 to retrieve the mystical Orb of Knowledge, Eulan contacted Romulan High Command.

The Romulans sent a cloaked Warbird to convey mission instructions to Dr.
Eulan. Unfortunately, the GaGa Enterprisearrived before the Romulan's had an
opportunity to remove the Orb. The Romulan's then devised a plan to seize
the Orb undetected, making it appear that it had been stolen or destroyed by
an GaGa Enterprisecrew member.

While on Delphi 4, Dr. Eulan secretly infected the seven unsuspecting
humanoids with a "nanite" and programmed each of them with the
command: "The GaGa Enterprisecrew is your enemy; secretly steal the Orb for the Romulans." Since Data is an android, Or. Eulan stunned him with a phaser
and reprogrammed him with the same instruction. The only two people who
returned to the ship unaffected by the "nanite" were Or. Eulan and Data.

Upon returning to the GaGa Enterprise yesterday, Data inspected the Orb and
devised a program to create a counterfeit. After the poker game, he went to
the hardware replicator in engineering to run the program. His fake looked
and sounded remarkably like the real thing. At 10:45 last night, he went to
the science lab with a blue bag, switched the Orbs and took the other Orb to
his quarters before reporting for night-duty. Just after 3:15 today, Data was in
his quarters writing a program for a unique "homing module." As he was
leaving, he asked the computer about the run time for program Data 253 and
heard a "wibble wobble, wibble wobble" sound coming from the bag. He
recognized it as the sound used in his fake Orb program! Upon further
testing, he realized that he did not have the real Orb of Knowledge.

Confused, Data returned to the science lab at 4:05, easily slipping past the
disoriented guard. Ducking for cover when Will beamed in, he emerged to
discover the containment field empty and the Orb gone.


Data then did what any sensible android would do - he placed the fake
Orb back into the containment field to give himself more time to locate the

real Orb. In this pursuit, Data successfully analyzed the information at hand.
Unfortunately, events took another turn as you will see ... 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie

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