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I'll just post away then....


So  here we are and, for once, I am none the wiser about this situation. I have listened. It’s what I do. I have tried to figure it all out and it has been a real struggle. I found myself wishing, more than once, that that I had Data’s analytical abilities. Sadly, I don’t, so I have to rely on several centuries of experience. Not that they have been much help. I will keep this as short as I can. Can’t stand waffle.


So, it is with very little conviction that I accuse you, Commander Will (you shag me) Riker of stealing the Orb of knowledge. If you remember, Dr Bev said that two people were unaffected by the nanites. Now I reckon one of them was you because you were not doing anything out of the normal at all. Bev was suddenly attracted to Rhom and didn’t know why, Data found himself all misprogrammed. I don’t think this had anything to do with Dr Soong and everything to do with the fiendish Dr Eulan. You seem to have been the only person NOT to have had any contact with Dr Eulan and therefore have not been susceptible to him. I think the nanite infection also needs contact with Dr Eulan to trigger it’s effects. I also think Deanna sensed something along these lines and confided in you. Gotta love a bit of pillow talk. Anyway, you knew, that in order to save the Orb, you had to steal it as everyone else was working for the Romulans via the nanites. This is why you tried to insist that there be no guard for the wanted to be able to get to it without anyone knowing. And why you said in your little arguement with Geordi that you would ‘do anything to maintain this ship and it’s equipment in top working order’. So you did. You stole the Orb to save it.


Right. That’s it. If I’m right, can I go back to Risa? I fancy looking for husband number 24.






here goes...mines short and one brain cell was on overdrive...


After giving this a great deal of thought, also using my skills and the facts I know...this is my conclusion.



At 4.45 when I programmed the Voltarie shuttle, I used the co-ordinates that Dr Eulan had given me. I bumped into Beverly on my way there , who I am sure is in cahoots with Dr Eulan, or at least he thought she was.


I think someone placed the Orb in the shuttle and Beverly set her co-ordinates to be transported to very close to the shuttle, I also think Beverly went back into the shuttle bay, removed the Orb, she then transported the Orb  to Alpha 4 when she went to attend the so called emergency.... the shuttle was lost, Dr Eulan thought the Orb was in the shuttle...the perfect getaway Beverly... nearly 



I rest my case



*that's what you get for reading my journal* 




Deanna Troi

I hope you have all had more than your fair share of Cosmic Dazes because you are going to need them to get through this. Now, your expectations of me can’t be any lower than my own....never has my poor, lonely brain cell had to work so hard and still it has no idea if it is right about this or not. So, I ask you to raise your glasses, drink as much as you can and just glaze over while I try my best to sound as though I know what I am talking about.


*looks around room while they are all drinking and randomly picks one to accuse*


It was you, wasn’t  it, Dr Beverly Crusher who stole the poor Orb of Knowledge? Well, I hope it was. It would be fab to be the first in a long line of Vi Brators to actually get it right. You were flitting about here there and every blooming where. You were up and down to Delphi 4 more often than my knickers on Risa . You were verrrry cosy with old Dr Eulan and I really don’t buy all that rubbish about having a sudden compulsion to see him...not one bit. You were very reluctant to reveal who the two unaffected people were and I think it’s because one of them was you and that if we knew that, we would immediately see that you had been telling lies from the start. Oh, you act the sad widow, but everyone knows you have the hots for Picard. Did he turn you down? Did you plot with the Romulans as revenge for that? I’d like to be able to say that I knew how you did have no idea how much I would like to actually look like I know what I’m doing....but I don’t. I just hope beyond hope know you did.

So there.

Now pour me a large one Guinan, I’m done.

Izzy Gonyett

right - here goes

After many deliberations as really EVERYBODY appears to have acted supiciously I have decided


GEORDI it is you


Hinqui’kai’kin’ caig hondi


Although this may appear an obvious choice  there are many areas of suspicion:


  • From the very beginning Geordie had a very flippant attitude towards the missing Orb – which could be used to deflect the real purpose of what Geordi wanted to achieve – nick the orb!!!!.


  • The argument with Riker is important – especially the statement –‘ you are not competent to touch that probe or anything else to do with the equipment’ – this was  a strange statement in the context of basic clearly defined operating procedures – lack of trust?? – the weak link in the chain of command??? – all in all another pointer to Geordies guilt.


*      21.30 hours : -  The wibble wobble coming from the grey bag he was carrying – again suggests that the grey bag contained the  false orb –added to which he also had the hardcore replication in engineering capabilities / skills to produce a very good replica. The false orb probably got taken to his quarters ready to make the swap. In fact at 11.00 hours I traced it to your quarters.

I think he used his skills to do this to fool us all and so very telling was the comment  made by Ro– ‘Geordie intends to get drunk and dream of his future with the orb – how true – a very good monetary future of riches and honed skills invaluable to bettering his life in space  -a very devious and clever character.


  • Why did Riker ask if you were in the shuttle at 16.20 hours – because he began to suspect you of swapping the orbs – he did not trust you – the weak link  in the chain of command – the traitor!!!Riker sensed you were going to fire a test shuttle against his orders  why? – because you wanted to complete what you set out to achieve – steal the orb. He was very angry with Geordie and upset about Geordie disobeying his orders – did you care – no because all you could see was your own greed.
  • The reverse psychology of your whinging was worst of all –  drawing attention to your looking guilty to make us feel sorry for you – PAH – you even used that simple Doctor Beverley because she is so obsessed with you into your plan.
  • Most importantly after the black out you were seen in the vicinity of the science lab – your visor allows you to see in the dark 1 – You were ready to steal the orb – in fact you did because the probe – Which you sent out???) –  at 16.45 it returned from Delphi 4 with some of its parts missing and a big hole in it 20cms in diameter .Geordie you disobeyed orders to launch the probe – had the skills to build a relica orb ,can see in the dark  with his visor and was in the vicinity
  • I accuse you  Geordie

Hunqui’  ciis hun caij’





Lieutenant Worf
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

Not looking good for the Doc, is it? Bless her.



if she's innocent, she'll learn not to be so nosey

 I sense you're being biatchy there Counsellor Troll Troi


did I have my beak in your journal Bevvy?



*an elephant never forgets *

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:

hunqui - i considered the doc as well

   *sits in the billy no mates corner*



I'll sit with you in Ten-Forward.... *you buying?*

*sniffs* yes what do you want chuck?   I've also got a nice bar of chocci for you as I know you like it so much


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