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Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

I hacked into a few surveillance systems in various bars last night and guess what I came up with?



 At least someone was working!


 There is no power for the transporter so you'll have to transmit his coordinates to the Away Team and pray that one of them is sober enough to read the message.  They can bring him back on the shuttlecraft 


 Transmit on all frequencies - Time is of the essence!

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

I hacked into a few surveillance systems in various bars last night and guess what I came up with?



 At least someone was working!


 There is no power for the transporter so you'll have to transmit his coordinates to the Away Team and pray that one of them is sober enough to read the message.  They can bring him back on the shuttlecraft 


 Transmit on all frequencies - Time is of the essence!

Transmitting! Maybe he will be back there later!

Originally Posted by Ensign Muf:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:

I'm a hot date with this guy...says he's going to let me play with is light sabre..


He's not from round 'ere 




None of us are....the bloke I pulled last night was from a place called Galafray....he had two hearts 


Mind sure makes a difference when you have two hearts pumping blood to various body parts 

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Admiral Scot:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

***Psssst, Scotty....keep your head down under the bar, I will bring you a large glass of the green stuff when the coast is clear .***

Ta, Geordi...A'll hae that bevvy, now.

Here Scotty, have a large one....Cheers .....keep yer head down tho, there's a Hooch loose aboot this hoose......Hic!

Originally Posted by Admiral Scot:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

Here Scotty, have a large one....Cheers .....keep yer head down tho, there's a Hooch loose aboot this hoose......Hic!

I dunnae ken...what's the fuss aboot?

**Whispers** We are enjoying free time on Risa (well Vi seems to be having a great time anyway .) and we will have to return to the Starship when we find keep yer head down and your glass full and we could be here for the next millenuim 

Originally Posted by Geordi:

**Whispers** We are enjoying free time on Risa (well Vi seems to be having a great time anyway .) and we will have to return to the Starship when we find keep yer head down and your glass full and we could be here for the next millenuim 

Ah! Cheers!

Here's tae us, wha's like us? Damned few an' they're a' deid
 *raises glass*

Ah'm wid ye, lad!

Admiral Scot
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:


Evening Data, care for a drink?


Thank you Geordi. A Cosmic Daze may be just the thing to help me sort out my memory banks  

One Cosmic Daze coming up Data, and don't fret, here on Risa time is of no consequence 


*Data's catch up data log*  



Facts known about others... 


  • I arrived late at Will's poker game. Just before I got there, I was passing a transporter pad and I saw Beverley get on carrying what looked like a "remote beacon" 
  • Will beamed into and out of the science lab at 1605 
  • Just before 1610 I passed Worf in the corridor walking quickly towards the science lab. He was carrying a blue engineering bag and seemed very preoccupied with his tricorder's display. He nearly knocked me down. 
Lt Commander Data Duck

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