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Originally Posted by Geordi:

Crew members, listen carefully, I will say this only once.....You are all ordered to immediately hand in to me your Communicators as they have a serious fault.



Kimota you need to immediately go to Crusher who has a special Elixer for you.


you mean I can't continue playin on words with friends communicate with home

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:



Because Starfleet Admiral Hoochie said so on the other page

Really? Where



I read it wrong...sorry supes

I'm sure I heard Chief O'Brien say that there was no way we could get back on board until Friday and that's all the enouragement I needed 'chin chin darlinks'

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:



I read it wrong...sorry supes

I'm sure I heard Chief O'Brien say that there was no way we could get back on board until Friday and that's all the enouragement I needed 'chin chin darlinks'

Out of role:

Before I go completely mad I thought you guys had to be back within 48hrs with Scotty to save the warp core, (and I can't bliddy believe I just sodding well googled warp core Am I right to assume that things are being 'time delayed 'til Fri for rl practical reasons?

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Kimota has gone on a sex holiday to Risa? And all I get is a lousy game

 Don't you worry Ambassador Soops -you get ..



He was found lurking around Main Engineering just after the damage to the dilithium crystals was discovered.  Thus far our interrogation team have been unable to get him to talk ..........

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Bugga, I thought I was on to something there

So, who has gone to Risa then?



I'm not sure how many boarded Supes...I've fell over seen at least two in the bar

Who are they then Deanna?



Beverly and Geordi... oh, I'm sure Vi will be in anyones someone's bunk somewhere

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Kimota has gone on a sex holiday to Risa? And all I get is a lousy game

 Don't you worry Ambassador Soops -you get ..



He was found lurking around Main Engineering just after the damage to the dilithium crystals was discovered.  Thus far our interrogation team have been unable to get him to talk ..........

You really are too kind Admiral! (Just watched the undateables and therefore remembers beauty is only skin deep)

Now I'm going to have to google blumin dilithium crystals too aren't I 

Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
 Am I right to assume that things are being 'time delayed 'til Fri for rl practical reasons?

 God you're good!!   if Worf resigns his commission count yourself head-hunted!   

I'm not wanting a head like Worf ta v muchly!

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:



I read it wrong...sorry supes

I'm sure I heard Chief O'Brien say that there was no way we could get back on board until Friday and that's all the enouragement I needed 'chin chin darlinks'

Out of role:

Before I go completely mad I thought you guys had to be back within 48hrs with Scotty to save the warp core, (and I can't bliddy believe I just sodding well googled warp core Am I right to assume that things are being 'time delayed 'til Fri for rl practical reasons?


Although keep your eye on the thread Supes, there could be some clues before then

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

Reporting to Dr Crusher for this elixir stuff! 

 You'll be staying aboard crewman - I need somebody working on this ship!

Aye Aye  captain  Admiral! I wasn't keen on going there anyway. Knowing my luck I'd get molested to death by those sex-crazed Rizorians!


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