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Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:

Geordi - why was the orb in your apartment last night?? did you know ro had removed it first - did she pass it to you??


We were definitely not playing football with it Worf!

You seen one Orb You seen em all.. It's the bags people want. *Tosses Orb in bin.*

you are q hwlen

do you ever tell the truth or show respect?


obviously not the real orb is it ro and answer with the truth instead of flippant lies


hin' lin qu via cia

When I hear a bag go Wibble wobble I like to investigate, So I "Borrowed the bag" checked it out found a copy and returned it.. Nothing sinister Worf.. 

Lieutenant Worf

a copy of what??? the orb?????? - so there is  a false orb???

More than  one Worf, Where have you been 

Ihwlin qui

I am very important - these are mere trifles

my job is to look after the REAL orb

hewlen qua  gui 'lon

Lieutenant Worf
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by kimota (Corin's Crib #1) FAKER # 1:

I still haven't seen this orb. That's what comes of being a humble crewman. We are always the one's that get killed when we visit some planet as well. That really sucks!

Bet you wear a red uniform... Poor thing...

You know it!

....and a fine uniform it is too! 

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

You claim to have been very disorientated when you landed in the sack with Dr. RE too Dr. Crusher! Any explanation you might have for that happening?

well if you want my opinion I think I was slipped a Mickeyfinnaly mixed with cosmic daze but I think it was Dr E who slipped it to me possibly with the help of Guinan   I didn't get time to test my blood as I was called to the bridge by the captain after washing and changing

Why do you think that Bev? What happened and when/where?

Is my memory correct that it was only go and Guinan were absent from the poker? Where were you?

Oh, and what time did you leave Dr E's place again? And were you 'compos mentis' by then?

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

The values of the real Orb is indeed priceless.. But the real Orb's location has not been made...


The copies are what we ridicule Deanna.

the real orb is on this ship


tlhIngan maH!

So you reckon it's still there somewhere Worf?

How's that?

hwelem caj

My tricorder is tracking the real orb - the others are fakes -it is moving around the ship

that is all I know honourable soops

off to enjoy prune juice


hr'len swl ciaj qu linH'

Lieutenant Worf
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

You claim to have been very disorientated when you landed in the sack with Dr. RE too Dr. Crusher! Any explanation you might have for that happening?

well if you want my opinion I think I was slipped a Mickeyfinnaly mixed with cosmic daze but I think it was Dr E who slipped it to me possibly with the help of Guinan   I didn't get time to test my blood as I was called to the bridge by the captain after washing and changing

Why do you think that Bev? What happened and when/where?

Is my memory correct that it was only go and Guinan were absent from the poker? Where were you?

Oh, and what time did you leave Dr E's place again? And were you 'compos mentis' by then?

All I remember was being in Ten Forward - I was given a drink by Dr E.  shortly after I felt compelled to go to his quarters and then I woke up the next morning and went back to my own quarters (I don't know what time I left his quarters.


I wasn't at the poker match because I had an emergency call - as I've stated I am the only doctor on board and can get a call from anyone anywhere within the ship

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

All I remember was being in Ten Forward - I was given a drink by Dr E.  shortly after I felt compelled to go to his quarters and then I woke up the next morning and went back to my own quarters (I don't know what time I left his quarters.


I wasn't at the poker match because I had an emergency call - as I've stated I am the only doctor on board and can get a call from anyone anywhere within the ship

When I say that I am the only official crew member doctor on board - Dr E was a guest and does not have a licence to treat



Due to an unexplained deterioration of the dilithium crystal matrix the warp core will breach in approximately 48 hours.  The Chief Engineer has been unable to determine the source of the problem and there is no known solution.  ALL crew members should report for duty to begin evacuation Procedures.

Our only possible hope to avert this disaster is if we can find the core designer Admiral Scot (Scotty) last contact 15 years ago heading for the planet Risa.  All power has been diverted to the core and we are now heading for Risa at warp factor 9.  We expect to go into orbit over the planet in 2.3 hours.

Volunteers are now required for an Away Mission to the Planet. Objective: Beam up Scotty.  Only dedicated and committed crew need apply as Risa is a challenging planet for those of less than resolute dispositions!  The future of the ship may depend on the success of the mission. 

Briefing Notes on Risa for those unfamiliar with the planet below:



Files (1)
Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

All I remember was being in Ten Forward - I was given a drink by Dr E.  shortly after I felt compelled to go to his quarters and then I woke up the next morning and went back to my own quarters (I don't know what time I left his quarters.


I wasn't at the poker match because I had an emergency call - as I've stated I am the only doctor on board and can get a call from anyone anywhere within the ship

When I say that I am the only official crew member doctor on board - Dr E was a guest and does not have a licence to treat

Think I recall you saying that he was a Consulting Colleague Bev. What was he consulting on and at whose invite? How long has he been on the ship and where did he come from?

Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:


Due to an unexplained deterioration of the dilithium crystal matrix the warp core will breach in approximately 48 hours.  The Chief Engineer has been unable to determine the source of the problem and there is no known solution.  ALL crew members should report for duty to begin evacuation Procedures.

Our only possible hope to avert this disaster is if we can find the core designer Admiral Scot (Scotty) last contact 15 years ago heading for the planet Risa.  All power has been diverted to the core and we are now heading for Risa at warp factor 9.  We expect to go into orbit over the planet in 2.3 hours.

Volunteers are now required for an Away Mission to the Planet. Objective: Beam up Scotty.  Only dedicated and committed crew need apply as Risa is a challenging planet for those of less than resolute dispositions!  The future of the ship may depend on the success of the mission. 

Briefing Notes on Risa for those unfamiliar with the planet below:



Beam me up Scotty........



Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

All I remember was being in Ten Forward - I was given a drink by Dr E.  shortly after I felt compelled to go to his quarters and then I woke up the next morning and went back to my own quarters (I don't know what time I left his quarters.


I wasn't at the poker match because I had an emergency call - as I've stated I am the only doctor on board and can get a call from anyone anywhere within the ship

When I say that I am the only official crew member doctor on board - Dr E was a guest and does not have a licence to treat

Think I recall you saying that he was a Consulting Colleague Bev. What was he consulting on and at whose invite? How long has he been on the ship and where did he come from?

he was a guest of the captain and his mission is classified for now


  Great to see such team spirit - the cream of Starfleet!  


The shuttle will be ready to go in 15 minutes - please ensure you are in full uniform as befit Starfleet Officers - and remember you represent the Federation when you reach the planet.  


 Oh...... and remember the mission BEAM SCOTTY UP!!

Geordi will be in command of the Away team -   Guinan I know I can count on you to be a good Deputy Commander


I will expect regular updates! Your Crewmates are counting on you!


 Good Luck!

Starfleet Admiral hoochie
Originally Posted by Starfleet Admiral hoochie:

  Great to see such team spirit - the cream of Starfleet!  


The shuttle will be ready to go in 15 minutes - please ensure you are in full uniform as befit Starfleet Officers - and remember you represent the Federation when you reach the planet.  


 Oh...... and remember the mission BEAM SCOTTY UP!!

Geordi will be in command of the Away team -   Guinan I know I can count on you to be a good Deputy Commander


I will expect regular updates! Your Crewmates are counting on you!


 Good Luck!

*stows away*


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