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Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Have you ever 'slept' (in the broadest  sense of the word!) with RE Ro?

OK I might have rolled in the hay with him but I did not sleep

As I said, in the broadest sense of the word! So when did you have sexual relations with Dr. RE ? And when was the last time?

Are you some kind of pervert ! ?? 

Mind your own business.. 

Who did you sleep with last night, was it good??

Oooo touchy! Have I hit a nerve?

And the answer to my questions are?

I am Bajoran A girl who lived under the rule of the Cardassians as a slave.. I don't have a nerve to hit.

The precise information you are requesting is not within the game profile.

You will have to decide for yourself if a girl leaving the room of a man looking rather ruffled has sexual Relations with him... 

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

I had assumed that you were referring to a specific procedure, I can't open the manual, so can you tell me what this is please

I cannot discuss Technical matters with a non Star fleet person sorry. I was merely talking about the standard rules.

But you can give me the whole manual to read

Ahh  but could you open it? (Snigger)

No, I couldn't!

Anyone else? Is it correct that Ro can't give me the answer to my ? as I'm not one of the crew?

(If so wonders what the point is of me joining in the thread)

Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

At 1650 hours (4.50 this afternoon) I felt a bit parched and went to Ten-Forward to get a drink................Guinan wasn't there so I went behind the bar to help myself to a large one..............I was suprised to see an Engineering Tricorder with a technical drawing on it's screen.........



I wonder how that got there? The things people leave in bars these days is shocking. So careless. And what does Worf have to say about this? His security team is abismal.



That sounded just loike Guinan.. Oh It was Guinan 

Originally Posted by Guinan:

It's working better than Worf's botox.


And I now know that the heady mixture of my Cosmic Daze and mickeyfinnalyn is a most potent one for one of Worf's guards drank my Cosmic Daze just before going on duty. But when I walked past the science lab at about 1610, it was Worf on duty, not this guard. I assumed the guard had taken poorly and was trying to sleep it off. Now he really will face the 'Wrath of Worf'. I hope he can forgive me.

funny you should say that a few minutes after I'd seen Ro near the science lab I happened to see Worf come out of the science lab and there was no guard on duty Worf took up the position of guard and said he was waiting for the 'relief guard' - what was that all about Worf?  Standing guard for anyone other than the Captain is usually considered beneath you so you say, so why were you standing guard?  Was someone in cahoots with you in stealing the orb?

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Oooo touchy! Have I hit a nerve?

And the answer to my questions are?

I am Bajoran A girl who lived under the rule of the Cardassians as a slave.. I don't have a nerve to hit.

The precise information you are requesting is not within the game profile.

You will have to decide for yourself if a girl leaving the room of a man looking rather ruffled has sexual Relations with him... 


Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

At 1650 hours (4.50 this afternoon) I felt a bit parched and went to Ten-Forward to get a drink................Guinan wasn't there so I went behind the bar to help myself to a large one..............I was suprised to see an Engineering Tricorder with a technical drawing on it's screen.........



I wonder how that got there? The things people leave in bars these days is shocking. So careless. And what does Worf have to say about this? His security team is abismal.



That sounded just loike Guinan.. Oh It was Guinan 



Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

It's working better than Worf's botox.


And I now know that the heady mixture of my Cosmic Daze and mickeyfinnalyn is a most potent one for one of Worf's guards drank my Cosmic Daze just before going on duty. But when I walked past the science lab at about 1610, it was Worf on duty, not this guard. I assumed the guard had taken poorly and was trying to sleep it off. Now he really will face the 'Wrath of Worf'. I hope he can forgive me.

funny you should say that a few minutes after I'd seen Ro near the science lab I happened to see Worf come out of the science lab and there was no guard on duty Worf took up the position of guard and said he was waiting for the 'relief guard' - what was that all about Worf?  Standing guard for anyone other than the Captain is usually considered beneath you so you say, so why were you standing guard?  Was someone in cahoots with you in stealing the orb?


When I saw Worf at 1610hrs, he had one of those blue engineering bags at his feet. Was it there when you saw him? And what colour bag did Ro have?


And why don't I have a bag?

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

I had assumed that you were referring to a specific procedure, I can't open the manual, so can you tell me what this is please

I cannot discuss Technical matters with a non Star fleet person sorry. I was merely talking about the standard rules.

But you can give me the whole manual to read

Ahh  but could you open it? (Snigger)

No, I couldn't!

Anyone else? Is it correct that Ro can't give me the answer to my ? as I'm not one of the crew?

(If so wonders what the point is of me joining in the thread)

There are certain rules in the manual that are not for non Star Fleet eyes.  Your questions are not without merit though as you have been giving us lots to think about Ambassador Supes.


It must also be remembered dear Ambassador that these manuals are given to us during our star fleet academy training but in truth we only ever remember the rules that apply to our particular discipline.  Also there are things that senior officers see that ordinary crewmen or ensigns do not see and will not be privy to without the direct consent of the Captain and only when Star Fleet command has given permission.


Your questions are probing and have given all concerned much to consider - especially the thief (whoever that may be)  so live long and prosper

Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

It's working better than Worf's botox.


And I now know that the heady mixture of my Cosmic Daze and mickeyfinnalyn is a most potent one for one of Worf's guards drank my Cosmic Daze just before going on duty. But when I walked past the science lab at about 1610, it was Worf on duty, not this guard. I assumed the guard had taken poorly and was trying to sleep it off. Now he really will face the 'Wrath of Worf'. I hope he can forgive me.

funny you should say that a few minutes after I'd seen Ro near the science lab I happened to see Worf come out of the science lab and there was no guard on duty Worf took up the position of guard and said he was waiting for the 'relief guard' - what was that all about Worf?  Standing guard for anyone other than the Captain is usually considered beneath you so you say, so why were you standing guard?  Was someone in cahoots with you in stealing the orb?


When I saw Worf at 1610hrs, he had one of those blue engineering bags at his feet. Was it there when you saw him? And what colour bag did Ro have?


And why don't I have a bag?

I saw no bag at his feet   and you're an old bag so you don't need one

Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Guinan:



Commander Riker and I go way back...

So why were you there at such an early hour?



you want all the details? and by the way, what were you doing there at such an early hour? at least I had an excuse


I was just leaving my quarters and heading to the bar to re-stock. A wise thing to do, it turns out. I have never been so busy!

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

It's working better than Worf's botox.


And I now know that the heady mixture of my Cosmic Daze and mickeyfinnalyn is a most potent one for one of Worf's guards drank my Cosmic Daze just before going on duty. But when I walked past the science lab at about 1610, it was Worf on duty, not this guard. I assumed the guard had taken poorly and was trying to sleep it off. Now he really will face the 'Wrath of Worf'. I hope he can forgive me.

funny you should say that a few minutes after I'd seen Ro near the science lab I happened to see Worf come out of the science lab and there was no guard on duty Worf took up the position of guard and said he was waiting for the 'relief guard' - what was that all about Worf?  Standing guard for anyone other than the Captain is usually considered beneath you so you say, so why were you standing guard?  Was someone in cahoots with you in stealing the orb?


When I saw Worf at 1610hrs, he had one of those blue engineering bags at his feet. Was it there when you saw him? And what colour bag did Ro have?


And why don't I have a bag?

I saw no bag at his feet   and you're an old bag so you don't need one


Oh the petty insults of the young. So sad that one so pretty has to have a mouth that doesn't match.

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:


It must also be remembered dear Ambassador that these manuals are given to us during our star fleet academy training but in truth we only ever remember the rules that apply to our particular discipline.  Also there are things that senior officers see that ordinary crewmen or ensigns do not see and will not be privy to without the direct consent of the Captain and only when Star Fleet command has given permission.


Your questions are probing and have given all concerned much to consider - especially the thief (whoever that may be)  so live long and prosper

And with most workplace manuals they remain on the shelf unread....

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Getting back to more important things .....


I happened to see Data at around`16.05 today on his way to the science lab carrying (Wait for it....) A BLUE makeup Engineering Bag and a Tricorder. He came out of the lab a few minutes later.


I wonder if this is the same bag that Big Bird saw at Worf's feet a few minutes later?

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

Well, well, this is the busiest the Ten Forward has been for a while! I'll just make up a few barrels of Cosmic Daze and you can dip in when you like.


Ah, Deanna, my lovely, would I be correct in thinking that you and the lovely Commander Riker have moved beyond the platonic now? I mean, leaving his place at 0700 can really only mean one thing, can't it?



Commander Riker and I go way back...


is he worth the trip?

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Guinan:

It's working better than Worf's botox.


And I now know that the heady mixture of my Cosmic Daze and mickeyfinnalyn is a most potent one for one of Worf's guards drank my Cosmic Daze just before going on duty. But when I walked past the science lab at about 1610, it was Worf on duty, not this guard. I assumed the guard had taken poorly and was trying to sleep it off. Now he really will face the 'Wrath of Worf'. I hope he can forgive me.


So he accidentally drank it did he? Hmmmmmm....

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:

Geordi, You know you mentioned that Data [duck] was using an unusual amount of computer energy. Did you every find out what he/it was working on?

Didn't you say that that was the second time he'd done that since getting back from Delphi 4?

He is using enormous amounts of computer energy, I reckon he is involved in some game with an old mate on Earth, the bags under his eyes are a telling sign 

Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:


It must also be remembered dear Ambassador that these manuals are given to us during our star fleet academy training but in truth we only ever remember the rules that apply to our particular discipline.  Also there are things that senior officers see that ordinary crewmen or ensigns do not see and will not be privy to without the direct consent of the Captain and only when Star Fleet command has given permission.


Your questions are probing and have given all concerned much to consider - especially the thief (whoever that may be)  so live long and prosper

And with most workplace manuals they remain on the shelf unread....

you too

Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:

Geordi, You know you mentioned that Data [duck] was using an unusual amount of computer energy. Did you every find out what he/it was working on?

Didn't you say that that was the second time he'd done that since getting back from Delphi 4?

He is using enormous amounts of computer energy, I reckon he is involved in some game with an old mate on Earth, the bags under his eyes are a telling sign 


Aren't you and Data as close as you were then? Got himself a new best friend has he?

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:


It must also be remembered dear Ambassador that these manuals are given to us during our star fleet academy training but in truth we only ever remember the rules that apply to our particular discipline.  Also there are things that senior officers see that ordinary crewmen or ensigns do not see and will not be privy to without the direct consent of the Captain and only when Star Fleet command has given permission.


Your questions are probing and have given all concerned much to consider - especially the thief (whoever that may be)  so live long and prosper

And with most workplace manuals they remain on the shelf unread....

you too

Mine mysteriously vanished during the Great Toilet Roll Shortage 5 years ago.

Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:

Geordi, You know you mentioned that Data [duck] was using an unusual amount of computer energy. Did you every find out what he/it was working on?

Didn't you say that that was the second time he'd done that since getting back from Delphi 4?

He is using enormous amounts of computer energy, I reckon he is involved in some game with an old mate on Earth, the bags under his eyes are a telling sign 


Aren't you and Data as close as you were then? Got himself a new best friend has he?

With times as they are on board, I am keeping my distance from all on board, right shifty lot you all are.......

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Here's something better than bags... I saw Worf running a program at the hardwear replicator in Engineering at about 1545 hours today.He made a device that looked very interesting. I had never seen anything like it before so I requested the technical specification from the computer. I just happen to have it with me in my BLACK BAG!! 


Take a gander...


cannot see it - repost - then I can answer please honourable lady

Lieutenant Worf
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:

Geordi, You know you mentioned that Data [duck] was using an unusual amount of computer energy. Did you every find out what he/it was working on?

Didn't you say that that was the second time he'd done that since getting back from Delphi 4?

He is using enormous amounts of computer energy, I reckon he is involved in some game with an old mate on Earth, the bags under his eyes are a telling sign 


Aren't you and Data as close as you were then? Got himself a new best friend has he?

With times as they are on board, I am keeping my distance from all on board, right shifty lot you all are.......

same here - the worf is keeping distance as well

nu'qui hunQhin mun cia' him'

Lieutenant Worf
Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:

Geordi, You know you mentioned that Data [duck] was using an unusual amount of computer energy. Did you every find out what he/it was working on?

Didn't you say that that was the second time he'd done that since getting back from Delphi 4?

He is using enormous amounts of computer energy, I reckon he is involved in some game with an old mate on Earth, the bags under his eyes are a telling sign 


Aren't you and Data as close as you were then? Got himself a new best friend has he?

With times as they are on board, I am keeping my distance from all on board, right shifty lot you all are.......

same here - the worf is keeping distance as well

nu'qui hunQhin mun cia' him'


I should hope so, the amount of prune juice you chuck down your throat. 

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

Sorry Ambassador Supes - I missed this communique - when I say he is releasing my medical log records I mean in that he released that PADD information about Dr Eulan and his physiology.  That information is strictly confidential and should not have been released by anyone but the Captain.  I have had no such message from Cpt Picard to say it was being released.

So, you knew this information then Beverly? When did you become aware of it?


So Worf son of Mogh you said you were waiting for the 'relief guard' when I passed you a little after 1610 this afternoon - what was that all about Worf?  Standing guard for anyone other than the Captain is usually considered beneath you so you say, so why were you standing guard?  Was someone in cahoots with you in stealing the orb?

Originally Posted by Vi Brator:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

It's working better than Worf's botox.


And I now know that the heady mixture of my Cosmic Daze and mickeyfinnalyn is a most potent one for one of Worf's guards drank my Cosmic Daze just before going on duty. But when I walked past the science lab at about 1610, it was Worf on duty, not this guard. I assumed the guard had taken poorly and was trying to sleep it off. Now he really will face the 'Wrath of Worf'. I hope he can forgive me.


So he accidentally drank it did he? Hmmmmmm....


Well, no one forced him to drink it.

Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Here's something better than bags... I saw Worf running a program at the hardwear replicator in Engineering at about 1545 hours today.He made a device that looked very interesting. I had never seen anything like it before so I requested the technical specification from the computer. I just happen to have it with me in my BLACK BAG!! 


Take a gander...


cannot see it - repost - then I can answer please honourable lady


Ro, we are not able to take a gander

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

Sorry Ambassador Supes - I missed this communique - when I say he is releasing my medical log records I mean in that he released that PADD information about Dr Eulan and his physiology.  That information is strictly confidential and should not have been released by anyone but the Captain.  I have had no such message from Cpt Picard to say it was being released.

So, you knew this information then Beverly? When did you become aware of it?

I knew this information shortly before it was released by the nurse.  As you know I am the ships medical doctor and my duties are not just confined to sick bay.   That particular PADD had been analysed in sick bay and was still there awaiting confirmation of how we next proceeded.  The nurse concerned was supposed to guard it nothing more.

Originally Posted by Guinan:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

Mine mysteriously vanished during the Great Toilet Roll Shortage 5 years ago.

Awwww I remember it well, the laundry was snowed under that year.....


Shocking wasn't it? And the stink....smelt like Worf's breath with a huge blast of Oust.

And some strange rotund woman sat for hours splitting and sharing out the toilet roll  bless her.

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Okay, don't really understand how this works, but, am I allowed to ask questions? If so:

Beverley, I assume that you are attending to the sick: Dr. Rhom Eulan and the two guards, (the one with phaser burns who was at the scene and the one who had severe temporal disorientation) Is that correct? If so, how are they doing? Has anyone questioned them about what happened? Oh, and what are the guards names?

is it this question Ambassador Supes??  If so I did answer - in that I can't say anything under the temporal prime directive which if you don't know means that I can say nothing under pain of arrest and imprisonment

No, these ones:

 So, the guard with temporal disorientation is the same as the one with phaser burns?

Is RE a medical Doctor/a colleague of yours?

Who did you sleep with that night?

And who is it that you have eyes for? is itDr. RE? 


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