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Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

I need a stiff drink, my head is reeling with all this drama, I am feeling that I cannot trust any of the mottley crew!



you going to need more than one Geordi


During the card game last night, Dr Eulan handed you a card, I sensed a strong reaction from you, so later I found the card which looked perfectly normal until put it through the optical scan!


Here are the results Geordi, can you explain it and why was Dr Eulan giving you secret coordinates?



Deanna Clue Round20001



Deanne, what time did the poker game start and finish? Who was there? Where did it take place?


Deanna did not turn up for the game


I thought that it was Bev who didn't turn up

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Beverly/ Will, Did you sleep together that night

  no we did not - I have eyes for one man only and it most definitely isn't Will Riker

and just to clarify - I didn't sleep with Ro Laren either

I'm  game!!!

Have you ever 'slept' (in the broadest  sense of the word!) with RE Ro?

OK I might have rolled in the hay with him but I did not sleep

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Okay, don't really understand how this works, but, am I allowed to ask questions? If so:

Beverley, I assume that you are attending to the sick: Dr. Rhom Eulan and the two guards, (the one with phaser burns who was at the scene and the one who had severe temporal disorientation) Is that correct? If so, how are they doing? Has anyone questioned them about what happened? Oh, and what are the guards names?

as I've said, that comes under the temporal prime directive which means I can't disclose any information until I have permission from Captain Jean Luc Picard.


In fact it's a tad annoying that Cmdr Riker is releasing my medical log records and something I shall be taking up with Star Fleet Command

But you are tending to them yes? (You mentioned several times that you had burns to tend to!)

What makes you assert that Cmdr Riker is releasing your medical log records? What has he released and how do you know this?

Sorry Ambassador Supes - I missed this communique - when I say he is releasing my medical log records I mean in that he released that PADD information about Dr Eulan and his physiology.  That information is strictly confidential and should not have been released by anyone but the Captain.  I have had no such message from Cpt Picard to say it was being released.

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Beverly/ Will, Did you sleep together that night

  no we did not - I have eyes for one man only and it most definitely isn't Will Riker

and just to clarify - I didn't sleep with Ro Laren either

So, who did you sleep with?

I'm a widow - no one has ever measured up to my sainted hubby Jack - but someone has stolen my heart   however, I don't think he sees me in that way as it might be deemed unprofessional, so for the moment

Who is that then?

Oh and btw...I'm still awaiting answers to my other questions!  

Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:

and some more juicy gossip.....



Why was Ro coming out of your quarters at 07.00?...and in a bad mood too, nothing wrong with my sensory powers this morning 


We had a quick game of poker and Ro of a bad loser....

 We were in a time warp......

Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

I found myself in Deanna's quarters earlier today as we were supposed to meet for a girlie chat and chocci.  Anyhoo on the computer console was a hand written journal - some sort of Betazoid keepsake I think.


Well being the nosey cow that I am   I read some of it as the journal was open I swear .  When Deanna didn't arrive anytime soon, I carried on reading it and before I knew it, I was in sick bay with the journal in tow.


funnily enough I have it here and I think there is something you should all see:



Well what do you lot make of that entry???  No not the one about Will not being as hard as people think - I believe we all knew there wasn't much lead in his pencil    But it proves that Will does talk in his sleep and Deanna is making notes about what he's saying - explain yourself young lady  


Did Will inadvertently tell you where the Orb was?


BTW sorry for the betrayal of reading and publishing your journal - hope we're still BBF




I explained all this earlier Bevvy  he said something about the Orb and about moving it.... this is about as much as I know.


and reading my journal 

Mmm Deanne, I don't think you did! What did you 'sense' about Will and the Orb and how was it confirmed?

Originally Posted by Geordi:

At 1650 hours (4.50 this afternoon) I felt a bit parched and went to Ten-Forward to get a drink................Guinan wasn't there so I went behind the bar to help myself to a large one..............I was suprised to see an Engineering Tricorder with a technical drawing on it's screen.........



Nope No image again... Sob sob

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

I need a stiff drink, my head is reeling with all this drama, I am feeling that I cannot trust any of the mottley crew!



you going to need more than one Geordi


During the card game last night, Dr Eulan handed you a card, I sensed a strong reaction from you, so later I found the card which looked perfectly normal until put it through the optical scan!


Here are the results Geordi, can you explain it and why was Dr Eulan giving you secret coordinates?



Deanna Clue Round20001



Deanne, what time did the poker game start and finish? Who was there? Where did it take place?


Deanna did not turn up for the game

Beverly didn't turn up for the game you mean

Cmd William T Riker
Originally Posted by Geordi:

At 1650 hours (4.50 this afternoon) I felt a bit parched and went to Ten-Forward to get a drink................Guinan wasn't there so I went behind the bar to help myself to a large one..............I was suprised to see an Engineering Tricorder with a technical drawing on it's screen.........



I can't see that ^^^^  Geordi


Now then, I have a question for Guinan - I was on my way to sickbay at about 1515 today when I passed you coming out of my office.  There was a smile on your face - a secretive smile.


Well not long after one of my assitants noticed that a temporal disorientation drug was missing - you know the one - Mickeyfinnaly


You took it didn't you and what did you do with it and why did you need it?

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

At 1650 hours (4.50 this afternoon) I felt a bit parched and went to Ten-Forward to get a drink................Guinan wasn't there so I went behind the bar to help myself to a large one..............I was suprised to see an Engineering Tricorder with a technical drawing on it's screen.........



Nope No image again... Sob sob



can you attach it Geordi please. we can't see it

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Beverly/ Will, Did you sleep together that night

  no we did not - I have eyes for one man only and it most definitely isn't Will Riker

and just to clarify - I didn't sleep with Ro Laren either

So, who did you sleep with?

I'm a widow - no one has ever measured up to my sainted hubby Jack - but someone has stolen my heart   however, I don't think he sees me in that way as it might be deemed unprofessional, so for the moment

Who is that then?

Oh and btw...I'm still awaiting answers to my other questions!  

I can't say - he's superior Supes in every way  with his cute little egg head and dreamy readings of Shakespeare Oops!  don't you dare tell anyone

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

I need a stiff drink, my head is reeling with all this drama, I am feeling that I cannot trust any of the mottley crew!



you going to need more than one Geordi


During the card game last night, Dr Eulan handed you a card, I sensed a strong reaction from you, so later I found the card which looked perfectly normal until put it through the optical scan!


Here are the results Geordi, can you explain it and why was Dr Eulan giving you secret coordinates?



Deanna Clue Round20001



Deanne, what time did the poker game start and finish? Who was there? Where did it take place?


Deanna did not turn up for the game


I thought that it was Bev who didn't turn up


I knew someone didn't turn up 

Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Geordi:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:

and some more juicy gossip.....



Why was Ro coming out of your quarters at 07.00?...and in a bad mood too, nothing wrong with my sensory powers this morning 


We had a quick game of poker and Ro of a bad loser....

Think thats why I lost



I do not know or care about the name of the guard - is it the same one ??Worf does not know - they all look the same to me

Dr Eulan though -HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM interesting - i will look more closely at the others now

 lu' luq' qast aftH nuq'

my laser thingy is not working properly - so cannot track  the orb - must check the cross transgression  of  magnetic forces around my tricorder and the magnetic field around the ship for rogue particles of plythymol


nuq' gol'qum' caij jai'


off to try some vodka

lined prune juice partciles


Lieutenant Worf
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:



Will/Ensignmuf Commander Riker


At 14.05 you initiated a transporter sequence to beam into the forward probe storage area and you were carrying a gray engineering bag...what was in it, or more to the point what were you going to put in it? 

What was in it?

Why some flowers for you dear.


I feel bad now, I'll make up for it later


Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:



Will/Ensignmuf Commander Riker


At 14.05 you initiated a transporter sequence to beam into the forward probe storage area and you were carrying a gray engineering bag...what was in it, or more to the point what were you going to put in it? 

What was in it?

Why some flowers for you dear.


I feel bad now, I'll make up for it later


Turns a deep shade of green 

Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:



Will/Ensignmuf Commander Riker


At 14.05 you initiated a transporter sequence to beam into the forward probe storage area and you were carrying a gray engineering bag...what was in it, or more to the point what were you going to put in it? 

What was in it?

Why some flowers for you dear.



Just for the record Will dearest, that was all that was in the bag, or was intened to be in the bag?

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Geordi:

I need a stiff drink, my head is reeling with all this drama, I am feeling that I cannot trust any of the mottley crew!



you going to need more than one Geordi


During the card game last night, Dr Eulan handed you a card, I sensed a strong reaction from you, so later I found the card which looked perfectly normal until put it through the optical scan!


Here are the results Geordi, can you explain it and why was Dr Eulan giving you secret coordinates?



Deanna Clue Round20001



Deanne, what time did the poker game start and finish? Who was there? Where did it take place?


Deanna did not turn up for the game


If I wasn't there how did I get the card I told you I saw Dr Eulan hand you the card, if I wasn't there how did I see it Th



Supes the game started at 19.00hrs and ended at 21.00hrs, the only one that I can remember not being there was Guinan.


So Ro was definitely there and was handed a card with co-ordinates by Dr. RE during the game? And is now saying that you weren't there, mmm veeeerrry interesting, taps nose!  

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

while I'm at it Ro Laren just after 1610 I noticed you hanging around the access door to the power maintenance module near the science lab


what were you doing there and why did you have a black engineering bag with you?



the should rename this ship Prada, there's more bags flying about than crew

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Deanna Troi:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

while I'm at it Ro Laren just after 1610 I noticed you hanging around the access door to the power maintenance module near the science lab


what were you doing there and why did you have a black engineering bag with you?



the should rename this ship Prada, there's more bags flying about than crew

 It'll be bags at dawn soon...........

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Okay, don't really understand how this works, but, am I allowed to ask questions? If so:

Beverley, I assume that you are attending to the sick: Dr. Rhom Eulan and the two guards, (the one with phaser burns who was at the scene and the one who had severe temporal disorientation) Is that correct? If so, how are they doing? Has anyone questioned them about what happened? Oh, and what are the guards names?

as I've said, that comes under the temporal prime directive which means I can't disclose any information until I have permission from Captain Jean Luc Picard.


In fact it's a tad annoying that Cmdr Riker is releasing my medical log records and something I shall be taking up with Star Fleet Command

But you are tending to them yes? (You mentioned several times that you had burns to tend to!)

What makes you assert that Cmdr Riker is releasing your medical log records? What has he released and how do you know this?

Edit!  re the last bit, see he released the msg that the nurse sent ^^^  Strange that she appears to have the authority to release info but not you, why is that?

Oh, btw, thanks for the info re the guard, but I'm still awaiting the info from you re Dr. RE as requested 

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:


If I wasn't there how did I get the card I told you I saw Dr Eulan hand you the card, if I wasn't there how did I see it Th



Supes the game started at 19.00hrs and ended at 21.00hrs, the only one that I can remember not being there was Guinan.


So Ro was definitely there and was handed a card with co-ordinates by Dr. RE during the game? And is now saying that you weren't there, mmm veeeerrry interesting, taps nose!  

The card was handed to Geordi by Dr Eulan and I was there, I hung around and took the card after the game. I then scanned it and found the co-ordinates.


I was questiong Geordi saying I wasn't there. The only person I didn't notice being there was Guinan, who told me she was going to be on duty at 10 Forward which she later admitted was not true.

Deanna Troi
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Edit!  re the last bit, see he released the msg that the nurse sent ^^^  Strange that she appears to have the authority to release info but not you, why is that?

Oh, btw, thanks for the info re the guard, but I'm still awaiting the info from you re Dr. RE as requested 

she didn't have the authority to release it but sometimes commanders people pull rank and make those lower down the ranks release info or they find themselves on duties like cleaning the jefferies tube conduits for a month


as for the other question - I've missed it so I'll get back to you

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

while I'm at it Ro Laren just after 1610 I noticed you hanging around the access door to the power maintenance module near the science lab


what were you doing there and why did you have a black engineering bag with you?

Black bags blue bags grey bags  everyone ha got bags these day, tell you what, Did mine go Wibble Wobble?? Eh?


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