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Still running round in circles. (In more ways than one) Who'd have guessed this ship was so big.!



Now lets see, We have Data & Geordi making sneaky copies of the orb sticking them in coloured bags. Will acting like he owned the ship and taking over other peoples jobs. Guinan poking her nose into things she would never dream of poking into at any other time. Weird convos about will's sleeping habits. Dr Eulan bedding anything that moves and having sneaky conversations with Worf and Deanna right under my nose .Transporter activity no-one can put a finger on.. Will playing with probes. Data acting all dizzy. Worf sticking tracers all over the place.. Hmmm there might be something in that! 

*Personal log Star date.... I haven't a fekking clue... - Klingon to the Klingon he might have some useful info.*


I'm so confused I need to write this stuff down.. I better replicate myself a pen... 

Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:


     We had a game. Where were you?


          Love Will xx



Sorry Cmdr I had such a busy day.  There seems to be one hell of an outbreak of levodian flu. I was running up and down so many floors of the Enterprise, I was afraid I was going to meet myself coming back   I just didn't get around to coming for our game.  Sorry I should have messaged you


I did come looking for you later - remember at 2310 hours when on my way to confer with Dr Eulan I saw you charging out of his quarters you practically bumped into me.  You were so startled to see me your eyes were like this <------- then you rushed away.  Why?

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

I found myself in Deanna's quarters earlier today as we were supposed to meet for a girlie chat and chocci.  Anyhoo on the computer console was a hand written journal - some sort of Betazoid keepsake I think.


Well being the nosey cow that I am   I read some of it as the journal was open I swear .  When Deanna didn't arrive anytime soon, I carried on reading it and before I knew it, I was in sick bay with the journal in tow.


funnily enough I have it here and I think there is something you should all see:



Well what do you lot make of that entry???  No not the one about Will not being as hard as people think - I believe we all knew there wasn't much lead in his pencil    But it proves that Will does talk in his sleep and Deanna is making notes about what he's saying - explain yourself young lady  


Did Will inadvertently tell you where the Orb was?


BTW sorry for the betrayal of reading and publishing your journal - hope we're still BBF




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Still running round in circles. (In more ways than one) Who'd have guessed this ship was so big.!



Now lets see, We have Data & Geordi making sneaky copies of the orb sticking them in coloured bags. Will acting like he owned the ship and taking over other peoples jobs. Guinan poking her nose into things she would never dream of poking into at any other time. Weird convos about will's sleeping habits. Dr Eulan bedding anything that moves and having sneaky conversations with Worf and Deanna right under my nose .Transporter activity no-one can put a finger on.. Will playing with probes. Data acting all dizzy. Worf sticking tracers all over the place.. Hmmm there might be something in that! 

*Personal log Star date.... I haven't a fekking clue... - Klingon to the Klingon he might have some useful info.*


I'm so confused I need to write this stuff down.. I better replicate myself a pen... 


*hastily copies Ro's observations and tucks them in bra*


Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:

Kind of glad I haven't managed to get my claws into I can't imagine Data and his attachment have any 'hardware' problems....AND he has some serious stamina.


Wonder what Deanna meant about Will and the orb? And if she is so blooming fantastic at all this sensory stuff....why can't she sense who did it???

she'll use the excuse that she's only half Betazoid so only has limited sensations

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Vi Brator:

Kind of glad I haven't managed to get my claws into I can't imagine Data and his attachment have any 'hardware' problems....AND he has some serious stamina.


Wonder what Deanna meant about Will and the orb? And if she is so blooming fantastic at all this sensory stuff....why can't she sense who did it???

she'll use the excuse that she's only half Betazoid so only has limited sensations she is not as fabulous as she would like to think she is?


Hmmmmm...I wonder if the Orb could sort that little problem out??

Izzy Gonyett
Originally Posted by Vi Brator: she is not as fabulous as she would like to think she is?


Hmmmmm...I wonder if the Orb could sort that little problem out??

well if I could get my hands on it, I'm sure it's just like the crytal balls of my ancestors in Scotty land - I could forsee things cos it's an orb of knowledge and all that

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
     We had a game. Where were you?
          Love Will xx

Sorry Cmdr I had such a busy day.  There seems to be one hell of an outbreak of levodian flu. I was running up and down so many floors of the Enterprise, I was afraid I was going to meet myself coming back   I just didn't get around to coming for our game.  Sorry I should have messaged you

I did come looking for you later - remember at 2310 hours when on my way to confer with Dr Eulan I saw you charging out of his quarters you practically bumped into me.  You were so startled to see me your eyes were like this <------- then you rushed away.  Why?
I'm sorry Beverly I was in a rush. I had so much to do on the bridge before I could turn in for the night. As it turned out I didn't get much sleep anyhow 
Cmd William T Riker
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Is there any more info about the Guard who was phasered in the back while in the same room as Rhom who was stunned. 


Beverly do you have any medical records on the guards Temporal Distortion?

I have nothing on the guard but a medical report has just appeared on my PADD with some startling facts about Dr Eulan


It seems that he wasn't all that he seemed!

It says: The patient is unconscious and suffering an unexpected level of thermal radiation resulting from a phaser burn of suspicious nature.

And goes on to say : Although the patient's outward appearance is that of a male in his mid-thirties, bio-assay analysis indicates that he is, in fact, A, physically, altered[.......] RHOMULAN!!! [yadda yadda yadda]


clue 4


Images (1)
  • clue 4
Cmd William T Riker
Originally Posted by Cmd William T Riker:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Is there any more info about the Guard who was phasered in the back while in the same room as Rhom who was stunned. 


Beverly do you have any medical records on the guards Temporal Distortion?

I have nothing on the guard but a medical report has just appeared on my PADD with some startling facts about Dr Eulan


It seems that he wasn't all that he seemed!

It says: The patient is unconscious and suffering an unexpected level of thermal radiation resulting from a phaser burn of suspicious nature.

And goes on to say : Although the patient's outward appearance is that of a male in his mid-thirties, bio-assay analysis indicates that he is, in fact, A, physically, altered[.......] RHOMULAN!!! [yadda yadda yadda]


clue 4


 And this surprises you? 


Oh dear. You really are just a neat beard and a sexy pair of eyes, aren't you?

Izzy Gonyett

Okay, don't really understand how this works, but, am I allowed to ask questions? If so:

Beverley, I assume that you are attending to the sick: Dr. Rhom Eulan and the two guards, (the one with phaser burns who was at the scene and the one who had severe temporal disorientation) Is that correct? If so, how are they doing? Has anyone questioned them about what happened? Oh, and what are the guards names?

Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:

Ah Guinan. Good evening to you. 


Could you please answer a question that has been puzzling me?


Yesterday afternoon in Ten-Forward I was conversing with Shuttle Chief Frath and he remarked that you had recently aksed him how to program a shuttle. As much as I admire your innate ability to direct an inquiry towards the appropriately named staff member I can not help but wonder why you would have the need for such knowledge.  


A prompt answer would sooth the static in my circuitry. Thank you. 

Data, who is Shuttle Chief Frath?

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Okay, don't really understand how this works, but, am I allowed to ask questions? If so:

Beverley, I assume that you are attending to the sick: Dr. Rhom Eulan and the two guards, (the one with phaser burns who was at the scene and the one who had severe temporal disorientation) Is that correct? If so, how are they doing? Has anyone questioned them about what happened? Oh, and what are the guards names?

Ooops.. did we miss that 


Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

By the way Will... Err Mr Riker Sir. Ensign Trope Was in Ten-Forward later on yesterday. He commented that you had requested plans for a class111 planetary probe Just mentioned it cos he was real pleased to have the chance to assist you. Specially since that kind of request would normally have gone through Geordi first..


Something is not adding up here.

Ro, Who is Ensign Trope?

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:
Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Okay, don't really understand how this works, but, am I allowed to ask questions? If so:

Beverley, I assume that you are attending to the sick: Dr. Rhom Eulan and the two guards, (the one with phaser burns who was at the scene and the one who had severe temporal disorientation) Is that correct? If so, how are they doing? Has anyone questioned them about what happened? Oh, and what are the guards names?

Ooops.. did we miss that 


Miss what Ro

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Is there any more info about the Guard who was phasered in the back while in the same room as Rhom who was stunned. 


Beverly do you have any medical records on the guards Temporal Distortion?

Both have phaser burns but as this comes under the temporal prime directive I am at present unable to release any information until I have permission from Capt Picard

Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

Ah Data, it was nice to see in in Ten Forward last night, even for such a brief time. You seemed quite preoccupied though, not your usual sparkly self at all. Mind you, you did seem quite cosy with that Dr Eulan.


To be continually sparkly is not good for an Android's circuits. 


Dr Eulan is a valued colleague and as much as his conversational style would tempt one to do so.......basic human interaction etiquette says he can not be ignored 

Data, what is Dr. Eulan's role, where is he from and why is he a particularly valued colleague of yours? Oh, and what is his conversational style? 

Originally Posted by Guinan:

It was as you say, Cmdr Riker, there were some loose tongues in here last night. I don't know if you'd like to have a word with Lieutenant Worf about the conduct of one of his security guards in here. He wasn't violent or rowdy, far from it in fact. He was talking, very freely, about some micro optic tracers, or something like that. He told us all how they are barely visible but can be used in conjunction with a tricoder, to monitor the movements of both people and objects around the ship. I thought I'd mention it to you rather than Lieutenant Worf as the poor chap was terrified of what he called the 'Wrath of Worf', especially as security has the responibilty for these tracers and their allocation to crew. Maybe that was why he was a sit tipsy, the fear of the Lieutenant and all that.

Guinan, what was the name of the guard you mention and why does he fear Worf?

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:

Okay, don't really understand how this works, but, am I allowed to ask questions? If so:

Beverley, I assume that you are attending to the sick: Dr. Rhom Eulan and the two guards, (the one with phaser burns who was at the scene and the one who had severe temporal disorientation) Is that correct? If so, how are they doing? Has anyone questioned them about what happened? Oh, and what are the guards names?

as I've said, that comes under the temporal prime directive which means I can't disclose any information until I have permission from Captain Jean Luc Picard.


In fact it's a tad annoying that Cmdr Riker is releasing my medical log records and something I shall be taking up with Star Fleet Command

Originally Posted by Guinan:


And a very Good Evening to you too Data. I realise that static in your cicuitry must be a most uncomfortable sensation for you, so I will explain my questions to Shuttle Chief Frath forth with. It is most simple, I merely wanted to send some of my refreshments to the archaeological team that are working on Delphi 4, the Ten Forward is so quiet without them. When you have lived as long as I have, you really learn to appreciate the little things.

Guinan,  Who are the archealogical team? And what is it that are they doing?

Originally Posted by Lt Commander Data Duck:
Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:

right night night scans to do and tests to examine


Goodnight Beverly. I do hope your scans and tests do not keep you from any midnight appointments. 


My intention was to pass this to you yesterday when I found it in Ten-Forward. Poor Spot's untimely visit to the veterinary with the restless index finger distracted me from delivering it to you in time. My sincere apologies. 




Data, did you find this the day of the orb going missing or the day before?

Originally Posted by Lieutenant Worf:

nuqneH all you honourable people and slappers


there is too much frivolity  on this ship - (it is a mission ship not  a playboys playground )- especially Vi  - Vi who is she??/

pass me the prune juice oh dude


No don'l nabevvo' y' yIglos


my version

i accompanied the orb to eh science lab for extra security. I noticed dat a- that auspicious dubious data duck kept hanging around - I saw dubious data duck handling the orb and carefully inspecting with  his duck shaped  tri thingy -  why?? did the duck substitute the orb - did touching it make it disappear or roll away or worse


also I personally accompanied the orb to the Science lab and immediately posted a guard to control access. Will(I am) - had time off from the voice and morphed him self here to tell me the great Worf that a guard was not necessary but i was not having that - jumped up nobody dude and my commands prevailed - why no guard to spirit away is it  a will/ duck conspiracy - i the great worf will guard the orb like my prune juice


Ask Ro about her starfleet record - secret clue 1

 - about 2 pages back page 2


Heswl - Ro- Heswl *SPIT*



knight know - hudHuq majqa'

Worf, is this the same guard as the one who was discovered unconscious with the phaser burns? What is/are the guard(s) name(s)?

What does that mean: why no guard to spirit away?

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Well Riker You and Geordi both seem to have had a heated day Yesterday because I Heard the 2 of you having an argument later in the afternoon on the the Bridge Remember Geordi saying"You are not competant to touch that probe or anything else to do this equipment on this ship."

If I remember rightly to which you replied," 


Once more my attention is drawn to Geordi.


Why so much contention over what used to be clearly defined operating procedures on this Star Ship.


Every one is acting very strange ever since that Orb came on board. 




Ro, What are the clearly defined operating procedures?

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Worf, I never saw the info you posted about my Star Fleet record there is something wrong with the computer Keeps saying I can't access other peoples messages.. ?? Big hole there I'm afraid.


Anyway my Star Fleet record is common Knowledge. Everyone knows how awkward I can be but only when it's necessary. Remember it was Captain Picard that requested I serve on this ship not you!


Sometimes I have to do things that look a little suspicious. It's what I do.

Can you give us some examples of these behaviours please?

Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Whats criminal here is you Vi seemingly thinking all men go for women with boobs 3 feet in front of their chests and I don't need a wonderbra (There's nothing to put in it). The rest of me makes up for that.


Hey so I'm a bit of a bad gal that has seem a lot of action, There are things I have done that leave a bad taste in my mouth. But that was in the line of duty, not the kind of sucking up you do to stay on top.


*Smudges ink on Vi's hand*

And what exactly, would these be Ro? And who exactly  have you had any sexual relations, (in the broadest sense of the word!) with?

Originally Posted by Guinan:

Oh Data, you ask a woman who has travelled our vast galaxies for 100s of years such a question. You will know, obviously, of the planet Earth? Well, many moons ago on that planet was a land mass called England and in the north of England was a place called Newcastle. It was here that I witnessed first hans the amazing power of alcohol. It seemed to turn the most hideous of females into highly desirable ones. It also seemed to protect them against their harsh winters. They were able to venture out in the snow and freezing temperatures wearing even less than Vi. I decided to go about acquiring some of this alcohol and have been recently experimenting with it. As you can see, it has worked wonders for Ro, she has pulled the Commander. I am hoping that the consignment I sent to Delphi 4 on the shuttle will help them stay warm on their exploration.


Guinan, Which Commander has Ro 'pulled' btw?

Originally Posted by Guinan:

Oh and Ro, whilst you are here, just thought you should know that I overheard a guard from the science lab saying that 11pm last night, Worf caught you coming out of the lab and that you were carrying one of those awful gray engineering bags. He's claiming that Worf has revoked your clearnce to the lab. Surely this isn't so? Is it?


*pours Ro a large drink and waits for answer*

Which guard Guinan? Name please

Originally Posted by Guinan:

Oh and Ro, whilst you are here, just thought you should know that I overheard a guard from the science lab saying that 11pm last night, Worf caught you coming out of the lab and that you were carrying one of those awful gray engineering bags. He's claiming that Worf has revoked your clearnce to the lab. Surely this isn't so? Is it?


*pours Ro a large drink and waits for answer*

Worf, can you confirm if this happened as described^^^ and if so describe the details of what exactly happened please  

Originally Posted by Geordi:

Has anyone seen Data today?...


Yesterday evening in engineering I saw him looking shifty at the "Hardware Replicator" fiddling about making something that from what I could see looked like the "Orb"!.......


he had a sneaky smile on his face,  when I confronted him I thought I heard a "Wibble Wobble, Wibble Wobble" sound underneath his excuses for being there, it reminded me of the sound I had heard from the "Orb of Knowledge".....


he hid it in his blue engineering bag.

Data, did this happen^^^ as described? Can you explain what you were doing? What was your explanation/excuse?

Originally Posted by Beverly Crusher:
Originally Posted by Ro Laren:

Is there any more info about the Guard who was phasered in the back while in the same room as Rhom who was stunned. 


Beverly do you have any medical records on the guards Temporal Distortion?

Both have phaser burns but as this comes under the temporal prime directive I am at present unable to release any information until I have permission from Capt Picard

Beverly, So, the guard with temporal disorientation is the same as the one with phaser burns?

Why does RE's condition come under that directive?

Is RE a medical Doctor/a colleague of yours?

Originally Posted by Supercalifragilistic:
Originally Posted by Guinan:

Oh and Ro, whilst you are here, just thought you should know that I overheard a guard from the science lab saying that 11pm last night, Worf caught you coming out of the lab and that you were carrying one of those awful gray engineering bags. He's claiming that Worf has revoked your clearnce to the lab. Surely this isn't so? Is it?


*pours Ro a large drink and waits for answer*

Worf, can you confirm if this happened as described^^^ and if so describe the details of what exactly happened please  


Good luck with that one. All I can ever understand from that one is 'prune juice'.

Izzy Gonyett

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