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Pushing the boundaries! (I think that's how they describe it)

When the Lord Chamberlain was abolished and there was no official censor for work on the theatre stage, many in the world of theatre went mad.
They produced all sorts of rubbish in their new found freedom and excitement.
Not only could female nudes actually move, but we could now have male nudity.
Apart from the rubbish it also enabled some artistic and creditable examples of shock tactics.
Then films wanted to push the boundaries. "How far can we go to shock people."
Computer graphics have helped enormously in this enterprise. (I believe there is currently a TV series which delights in showing bodies being ripped to shreds, de-limbed and tortured.)

But I veer towards the view that once they have had their fun, they often return to better (rather than shocking) films. Likewise, I think that theatre has largely realised that no amount of flesh compensates for bad productions.

It's shock tactics. Rather like a 'teenage' phase, which they grow out of.
(Sorry - that's rather long-winded.)
One might say that visual media should not shy away from reflecting and re-enacting the world we live in.  With all it's attendant horrors.  Whilst there's a skill in stepping back and allowing the audience to experience atavism they themselves create in their own head - prime example, Texas Chainsaw Massacre which actually has very little explicit gore yet has achieved a reputation as an appallingly violent film - there shouldn't be an embargo, moral or otherwise, in getting us up close and personal with all our numerous little societies have to offer in degradation.

One might say that if one was pretentious and over involved.  I'm not, so I totally never just said that. 
It's called faecal vomit and sadly it is possible and yes I have seen it

         Velvet ~ *see you in the threadkillers*
Lord above!  *pleased i havn't had my brekky

(Im coming over all religious like  this morning )

We have sussed the threadkilling malarky, if you post hellos and basic pleasantries, your more likely to kill a thread than if you post controversy and cack subjects.
Ev (Peachy)
Reference: Antiope
Shakespeare wrote some exceedingly violent stuff
The most gruesome being Titus Andronicus. This was filmed as Titus in 1999, and is well into the 18 certificate range for its bloodletting and gruesomeness. The closest Shakespeare film to a video nasty. I haven't seen the film as I don't want to be sick, but I have read about it.
El Loro
I can usually stomach most gory stuff but seeing/hearing vomiting can set me off.
Same here.

Especially when i'm near them.

I don't as a rule have time for The gore and the blood thirsty films, but there is the odd few that intrigue me, depending on the story, or what is being interpreted. 
Saying that one film may repulse one person and be of interest to another.
I was in a jolly mood at Halloween and watched  The black sheep (tongue in cheek horror) It was the best laugh i had had..this also had the influence of who i was watching it with.  

So it all depends on the mood of the situation, on another day this may not have appealed to me.

Getting it on ebay though lol.. 
Ev (Peachy)
I am sort of watching 'The Disappeared'.  They have just shown a close up of someone vomiting - no holes barred. Call me a prude but how exactly does this ever contribute to the plot? And its the same with TV on I'm a celeb and BB tasks.. Why do they think that watching someone throw up is entertaining. Am I missing something here?
I agree completely... I always thought I hated it so much cos I'm an emetophobe (vomiting phobia), but I recently went through CBT therapy for it and am doing a lot better.... I can watch it but its still really unpleasant. Now, I guess this is how everyone feels - no one wants to watch that so what does it add? Some retching sounds would get the point across surely?

I used to like Ladette to Lady but stopped watching when they started showing them vomiting... one episode said 2 of them had to clean the minibus as punishment for being sick in it the night before, and showed them trudging off with buckets of soapy water.... is that not clear enough? Oh no, we need to be shown close ups of them scraping vomit off the seats
but I recently went through CBT therapy for it and am doing a lot better....
 Sounds interesting, especially if it works. 

I think its the smell and being close to someone who is vomiting with me. That does it for me every time..

I am  only slightly better watching it on TV. 

Did your therapy involve getting close and personal with the sickies?
Ev (Peachy)
Did your therapy involve getting close and personal with the sickies?
not actual real people, but it did involve watching videos It built up to that though, it was very gradual for me... i've always had the phobia since I was little, but it was made much worse after someone vomited on the bus when I was going home from work one day. For a while we just talked about stuff then I had to start looking at pictures, then I was supposed to go to videos but that was too much of a leap and it had to be broken down First, videos small with no sound, then full screen with no sound, then small with sound, and finally full screen with sound... the sound really sets me off, ugh! But it took a while, I was going once a week for a few months, and they give you homework to do in between sessions - it's really worth it though, I'd definitely recommend it to anyone else who is suffering because of it
I am okayish with other people being sick in a clinical situation- I suppose my mask of professionalism slips on,
I have cleared up all sorts of vomit - including faecal, bile, heamatemis ( blood) as well as my pwn children's.

BUT I cannot touch cat vomit - it really makes me heave and I am terrified of being sick myself

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