First pic of the day....mmmmmmmmmmmm
First pic of the day....mmmmmmmmmmmm
And the second...
(By the By...I would be leading my husband by the left ear if he was typing what I am typing . )
I'm safe Syd, mine just went to bed in disgust at BB starting again !!
They really thought it was all over last year. Thats what kills them.
*Closes eyes at Mrs B's Uploads*
Catch you later
(By the By...I would be leading my husband by the left ear if he was typing what I am typing . )
I'm safe Syd, mine just went to bed in disgust at BB starting again !!
They really thought it was all over last year. Thats what kills them.
*Closes eyes at Mrs B's Uploads*
Catch you later
I saw you sneaking a peek!!! Not that i blame you!!
He'd be more suitable for the regular BB series, I think.
He'd be more suitable for the regular BB series, I think.
yeah cos he will be on our screens for longer
Maybe he can do both.
i like your thinking
I want to be Bobby's girl!!
Yeah, just watched Triggs and he looks a bit of a bobby dazzler, (but maybe not the greatest conversationalist LOL!)
Oh and that clip on the C5: Tara's balloon philosophy... I'm not liking him flicking his fag ash on the floor
And the second...
I might have this as my desktop
I'm assuming that's not for the fag ash Zaph?
And the second...
I might have this as my desktop
he can't be thinking of me...there's no short action
Z. are a was getting a bit moist in here!
He'd be more suitable for the regular BB series, I think.
yeah cos he will be on our screens for longer
What a ratty pointy chin he has.
What a ratty pointy chin he has.
And the second...
I might have this as my desktop
he can't be thinking of me...there's no short action
Corrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Evening Bobby's Girls
What a ratty pointy chin he has.
If that's the worst you can come up with, he must be ok
Evening Baz
Hi Mrs B he is gorgeous.... mind you, if the put Charlie Sheen in I am going to have divided loyalties
Hi Mrs B he is gorgeous.... mind you, if the put Charlie Sheen in I am going to have divided loyalties
Oh, I fully expect to have the boudoir to myself should Charlie go in!! I may even flit between the two myself....IF Charlie is not too spaced out, that is!!
Hi Mrs B he is gorgeous.... mind you, if the put Charlie Sheen in I am going to have divided loyalties
Oh, I fully expect to have the boudoir to myself should Charlie go in!! I may even flit between the two myself....IF Charlie is not too spaced out, that is!!
Don't worry I won't be deserting the Boudoir...... unless he turns out to be a total divvy
Hi Mrs B he is gorgeous.... mind you, if the put Charlie Sheen in I am going to have divided loyalties
Oh, I fully expect to have the boudoir to myself should Charlie go in!! I may even flit between the two myself....IF Charlie is not too spaced out, that is!!
Don't worry I won't be deserting the Boudoir...... unless he turns out to be a total divvy
Awwww, bless ya! I don't care if he's a divvy...he makes my eyes happy! a long term lover of Rex, I know he faces an impossible task of trying to match my high I will just accept that Rex was the best HM ever and enjoy Bobby for what he has to offer!!!!!!
I want to be Bobby's girl!!
Yeah, just watched Triggs and he looks a bit of a bobby dazzler, (but maybe not the greatest conversationalist LOL!)
I keep reminding myself it is not all about how good looking he is I took one look at his torso and chiselled jaw and just knew we could connect cerebrally
Good to see you Supes
I keep reminding myself it is not all about how good looking he is I took one look at his torso and chiselled jaw and just knew we could connect cerebrally
Good to see you Supes
You too Triggs
I didn't say hello to everyone else, forgive me Hello everyone!!
I didn't say hello to everyone else, forgive me Hello everyone!!
Evening Triggs Feel free to connect with the lush one on a cerebral level...I shall connect with him on a much more basic level
I missed the first half hour of programme....please tell me our man got a mention then
I missed the first half hour of programme....please tell me our man got a mention then
Not really Mrs B I've just said that in the BB thread.... it's all Kerry and Jedward.......
I missed the first half hour of programme....please tell me our man got a mention then
Not really Mrs B I've just said that in the BB thread.... it's all Kerry and Jedward.......
I'm pinning my hopes on her demanding Bobby's bed in her diva strop...I know I would!!!!
*sprawls on bed and sobs loudly*
*sprawls on bed and sobs loudly*
Get a grip woman!!
This is going to cost me a fortune....I can only hope that Sally is verrrry unpopular
This is going to cost me a fortune....I can only hope that Sally is verrrry unpopular
you'll be back Mrs know we luvs you
psst Sally will go
This is going to cost me a fortune....I can only hope that Sally is verrrry unpopular
you'll be back Mrs know we luvs you
psst Sally will go
I hope she does...otherwise I'm left with Paddy, Jedward, Darren or the skinny Lucien to direct my hormones doesn't bare thinking about
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