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Former Member

The Little Things Add Up


Big Brother messes with you on a whole new level.  Little things that seem insignificant soon add up to something that’s going to really start grinding your gears.

No matter how they cut it to look like fun and games, there were 23 other hours of psychological warfare to contend with.

Let’s start with the heating.  It’s always one extreme or the other with no consistency.  For instance sometimes it would be freezing cold in the bedroom, then when you hop into bed they’d crank it right up and make it way too hot.  Remember there are no windows, there’s no fresh air in there at all, it’s impossible to breath properly and it’s completely in their control.  The best part is that they have vents over some of the beds that blow out the opposite to the rest of the room, therefore most people think it’s too warm and a handful think it’s too cold.

And the door hinges, bloody hell, they were like something from a comedy haunted house. The longest, loudest creak I’ve ever heard from a brand new door! You think, there’s 11 people in that bedroom, let’s be prudent and say half will get up in the night for a whizz.  That’s at least 10 times you’re going to be woken by that creak! And the rat-runs around the house! Corr, they really mess with your mind.  I could hear people out there on the telephone and running around.  Sometimes they’d bang into the mirrors with the cameras and wake in a fright as you can see through the mirrors when it’s dark.  I had the same bloody dream/nightmare every night about giant rats at the windows!

Then there’s the diary room.  It’s ridiculous.  I was very rarely ever allowed in.  I’d press the button and wait, and wait, press it again and wait.  That’s why there’s footage of me laying on the floor outside, it was a silent protest.  However when others wanted to go in, they’d only have to walk towards the door and it would open, they didn’t even need to ring the bell.  That played on my mind a little bit, it made me think Big Brother was somehow against me.  When I was actually allowed in the diary room, I used it to talk about what was on my mind.  I know this sounds ridiculous but it’s very easy to forget that you’re being broadcast and fall into a false sense of security.  It feels very safe in that room.  I went in there and spoke my mind and thought nothing more of it.  If anything, it helped me gather my thoughts; let’s not forget there are no pens or paper in there and I’m list kind of guy.  I love making lists. I make them for everything.

Big Brother sometimes called people to the diary room over the tannoy.  I suspect he was BB’s black ops guy. Strangely Darryn was being called into the diary room 2 or 3 times a day every day.  I only ever got called in when I was up for eviction or it was part of a task.  I wonder how he knew Marco Pierre White was coming into the house, the day before he came in?  Did that conversation make the edit?  Before entering the house I was asked to fill in a questionnaire for BBBOTS, it had all sorts of random questions on it.  For instance, name someone you’d like to punch in the face. I said Barney the Dinosaur.  God forgive me, but he’s not a real person and I think his nose could take it, I was playing it safe.  Next question, name two celebrities you hate. I said the two Jeremies; Jeremy Kyle and Jeremy Paxman.  I don’t hate them, I don’t know them, I’m just not a fan of their work.  Guess who brought up all 3 of those people in the house. You guessed it, Darryn did.  By day 3 he had his “Circle of Trust” singing “I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family”.  For those that don’t know that’s our pal Barney’s signature tune.  What man in his 40s seriously in his right mind would even think about Barney the frickin Dinosaur.  The only reason I don’t like the bloody thing is because I had trouble sleeping as a kid and that show would be on in the early hours every morning.  By week 2 we were all hearing about his best mate Jeremy Kyle.  I smell a rat.

(Taken from DS)

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