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Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
MOST woman don't seem to like her as they are well jellus Nod

Also, referring to erinp's thread, calling her a 'nasty bitch' because she doesn't like skanky Primark? You girls are vicious!!!!! Shake Head
In my honest opinion, some of the people who hate Bea, have made out that what she said was a lot worse than it actually was; she only said that for someone who claims to be a fashion expert, Hira looks more like she shops at Primark. ANY excuse to bash Bea eh? And if there isn't a reason; 'some' people will find one Roll Eyes Don't tell me that these people slagging her off have never bitched about the way someone dresses or talks or acts... I would not believe a word of it. Laugh

As with Freddie, the people who dislike Bea will take the slightest smallest tiniest thing, and magnify it to make Bea look as bad as possible. Like the people bashing her have never said anything negative about anyone! Don't make me laugh!

TBH, I am finding some the remarks on the Primark thread rather pious and condescending. Shake Head NO-ONE is whiter than white, and EVERYone bitches about someone, sometimes.... You show me someone who says they never slag anyone off - ever; and I will show you a liar. Nod
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
MOST woman don't seem to like her as they are well jellus Nod

Also, referring to erinp's thread, calling her a 'nasty bitch' because she doesn't like skanky Primark? You girls are vicious!!!!! Shake Head
In my honest opinion, some of the people who hate Bea, have made out that what she said was a lot worse than it actually was; she only said that for someone who claims to be a fashion expert, Hira looks more like she shops at Primark. ANY excuse to bash Bea eh? And if there isn't a reason; 'some' people will find one Roll Eyes Don't tell me that these people slagging her off have never bitched about the way someone dresses or talks or acts... I would not believe a word of it. Laugh

As with Freddie, the people who dislike Bea will take the slightest smallest tiniest thing, and magnify it to make Bea look as bad as possible. Like the people bashing her have never said anything negative about anyone! Don't make me laugh!

TBH, I am finding some the remarks on the Primark thread rather pious and condescending. Shake Head NO-ONE is whiter than white, and EVERYone bitches about someone, sometimes.... You show me someone who says they never slag anyone off - ever; and I will show you a liar. Nod

Woo! Go Pixie Go!! Big Grin
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:

Woo! Go Pixie Go!! Big Grin
Blush LOL. I don't mean to be nasty to anyone on this forum, and I KNOW people are entitled to their views, but I think a few people are taking ANYTHING they can that Bea says, and blowing it up out of proportion to make Bea sound as vile as humanly possible.

And I really believe that EVERYONE slags someone off at some time or other, and the vitriol towards bea for making a mild off-the-cuff comment like that, is just uncalled for. I bet everyone who has been slating her, has said far worse about colleagues/friends/sisters/neighbours and so on. I wouldn't believe a word of it, if they said they have never made a bitchy remark about someone. Laugh
I agree Little miss spurs... I don't think women are jealous of BEA... I bet many women on here have a lot more than she has..... nice family, children, friends, a good job and so on, and are also attractive themselves... But I just feel that some people will blow anything Bea says out of proportion to make her appear as horrid as possible. Not ALL Bea-dislikers are like this of course, but a few are.
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I agree Little miss spurs... I don't think women are jealous of BEA... I bet many women on here have a lot more than she has..... nice family, children, friends, a good job and so on, and are also attractive themselves... But I just feel that some people will blow anything Bea says out of proportion to make her appear as horrid as possible. Not ALL Bea-dislikers are like this of course, but a few are.
what, like she totally blew out of all proportion the Frosties saga? Wink Seriously tho, I know what you mean. I liked her a week ago, but she does mess alot up for herself. And no matter what she says, she was told (by Marcus I think it was)that David was stealing food and although she didnt out and out accuse him, she was grilling him on what he was eating, whose it was etc, due to what she'd been told. When he picked her up on this, she blatantly denied all knowledge of anything. I think Davids pretty harmless and a nice guy. This sort of thing is what maybe putting people off her.
Little Miss Spurs
Well the woman who was on with Bob said Bea was evil probably the most evil housemate.I don't like Bea at all,Bea was jealous of Noirin from the start.

Bea, Lisa and Siavash,sat outside last night.Bea
Saying that Siavash and Noirin's was a fake romance.Siavash quickly interupted her saying it wasn't,that he had told Lisa in the beginning he wanted to marry that girl and Lisa could back him up on that.Bea quickly changed the subject.What can Siavash do to get it through her thick skull he doesn't fancy her.
Bea doesn't deserve the hatred directed at her. She can be quite cutting, and like them all, plays for the cameras, but her "wrongs" are blown out of proportion here.

By far the worst hm this series was Ken - Bea cut him right down to size - the others just stood by and let him have free run. She earned enough brownie points there to last the series, for me.
Originally posted by Bojangles:
Well the woman who was on with Bob said Bea was evil probably the most evil housemate.I don't like Bea at all,Bea was jealous of Noirin from the start.

Bea, Lisa and Siavash,sat outside last night.Bea
Saying that Siavash and Noirin's was a fake romance.Siavash quickly interupted her saying it wasn't,that he had told Lisa in the beginning he wanted to marry that girl and Lisa could back him up on that.Bea quickly changed the subject.What can Siavash do to get it through her thick skull he doesn't fancy her.

Yes but the woman sat next to Bob was a 'woman'. *runs and hides*
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I agree Little miss spurs... I don't think women are jealous of BEA... I bet many women on here have a lot more than she has..... nice family, children, friends, a good job and so on, and are also attractive themselves... But I just feel that some people will blow anything Bea says out of proportion to make her appear as horrid as possible. Not ALL Bea-dislikers are like this of course, but a few are.

This was the case with Noirin but much much worse....Every word and action being criticised good lord folk were even saying they wanted to punch her in the face. Frowner
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally posted by Bojangles:
Well the woman who was on with Bob said Bea was evil probably the most evil housemate.I don't like Bea at all,Bea was jealous of Noirin from the start.

Bea, Lisa and Siavash,sat outside last night.Bea
Saying that Siavash and Noirin's was a fake romance.Siavash quickly interupted her saying it wasn't,that he had told Lisa in the beginning he wanted to marry that girl and Lisa could back him up on that.Bea quickly changed the subject.What can Siavash do to get it through her thick skull he doesn't fancy her.

Yes but the woman sat next to Bob was a 'woman'. *runs and hides*

The woman sat with Bob last night didn't have an axe to grind.Bea is no Femme Fatale as Noirin was in there.
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
LaughJealous...Jealous of what exactly?....I liked her when she first when in but was proved wrong....Aside for being a devious mare she's such a darn hypocrite....She of the 50 sexual partners having the bliddy cheek to call another HM a hussy for kissing....Says it all imo.
Indeed....Hypocrite... She is also working her way with Siavesh...
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
Originally posted by Cheeky-Pixie:
I agree Little miss spurs... I don't think women are jealous of BEA... I bet many women on here have a lot more than she has..... nice family, children, friends, a good job and so on, and are also attractive themselves... But I just feel that some people will blow anything Bea says out of proportion to make her appear as horrid as possible. Not ALL Bea-dislikers are like this of course, but a few are.

This was the case with Noirin but much much worse....Every word and action being criticised good lord folk were even saying they wanted to punch her in the face. Frowner
Now I didnt like her but that was OTT... Some BB fans go overboard sometimes.... Thats why we have had housemates complain about death threats Skull
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by ~LEE~:
LaughJealous...Jealous of what exactly?....I liked her when she first when in but was proved wrong....Aside for being a devious mare she's such a darn hypocrite....She of the 50 sexual partners having the bliddy cheek to call another HM a hussy for kissing....Says it all imo.
Indeed....Hypocrite... She is also working her way with Siavesh...

She is ....Vash set her straight last night again and good for him. Nod
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Originally posted by Teddy Bleads:
Originally posted by pretty~cocoa~eyes:
Ha the good ol' jellus argument Laugh.... BB has really started....

I think ther was a fair amount of tongue-in-cheek intended. ( at least I hope there was) Ninja
LaughI hope so too...

Don't worry, tongue is firmly in cheek. Still don't agree with the venomous attacks on Bea though Shake Head
Originally posted by Rawky-Roo:
Originally posted by darloboy07:
I'm liking Bea again prefer to to the likes of Lisa and Charlie although she will probably be out soon, she's a negative influence on Freddie but I like her talking to him and Marcus Big Grin.

You've seen the light little one.....welcome *opens arms in a jesus-y kind of way*

darloboy (Play The Game!)
Originally posted by Azure:
I am to old to be jealous and certainly would never have been jealous of that nasty back stabbing, conniving manipulater, Noirin was a user but Beatch has taken it to a new level.
Freddie the boring waffler I disliked that sanctimonious idiot from day one as did ALL the HMs thats why ALL the HMs nominated him from week one.
Laugh I always chuckle when I read your posts Azure. No BEAting around the bush with you is there! Big Grin
Little Miss Spurs
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Azure:
I am to old to be jealous and certainly would never have been jealous of that nasty back stabbing, conniving manipulater, Noirin was a user but Beatch has taken it to a new level.
Freddie the boring waffler I disliked that sanctimonious idiot from day one as did ALL the HMs thats why ALL the HMs nominated him from week one.
Laugh I always chuckle when I read your posts Azure. No BEAting around the bush with you is there! Big Grin

nope love I am an all or nothing kinda woman Big Grin
Seriously tho I dislike Beatch, Mucus and Smugwit I also disliked Noirin with a passion, I have since they were all first on my screen, I dont mind who wins as long as the above dont, one down three to go Big Grin
Originally posted by Azure:
Originally posted by Little Miss Spurs:
Originally posted by Azure:
I am to old to be jealous and certainly would never have been jealous of that nasty back stabbing, conniving manipulater, Noirin was a user but Beatch has taken it to a new level.
Freddie the boring waffler I disliked that sanctimonious idiot from day one as did ALL the HMs thats why ALL the HMs nominated him from week one.
Laugh I always chuckle when I read your posts Azure. No BEAting around the bush with you is there! Big Grin

nope love I am an all or nothing kinda woman Big Grin
Seriously tho I dislike Beatch, Mucus and Smugwit I also disliked Noirin with a passion, I have since they were all first on my screen, I dont mind who wins as long as the above dont, one down three to go Big Grin
Same as me then hun, tho I must admit I liked Bea for a very brief 3 days!!! Blush Hope Halfwit goes out next. He has really really piddled me off lately. He must have, as I have hated Marcus for an eternity! Mad
Little Miss Spurs

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