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Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
now then I wouldnt like the BNP supporters on here to feel ganged up on, I WANT them to engage in debate with those of us who dont like the BNP and anything they stand for,
cause they (the BNP) love to feel their freedoms are being denied, ironic I know.
oh and WHY do SOME people justify their support by saying "look at the mess the present lot have got us into?" talk about frying pans n fires,
yeah the present lot have messed up so lets start rounding people up and "deporting" them,
and if that fails we will build nice little "holliday" camps for em, and that will make EVERYTHING nice and lovely again...ya know, like it used to be back in

how do you feel about the fact that a "bnp leaflet" showing a dead gurka soldier with a X over his face was handed to the sun who made a major story of how sick it was (now removed) and is now being distrubted in oldham too?

how do you feel when it turned out that the leaflet was actualy produced by the left wing "Tyneside and Wear Anti Fascist Association" supported by ÂĢ20k of local taxpayers money.

ok, so the bnp are racist but if they are scum what does that make these left wingers pulling labour funded stunts like this? are the left realy so scared that the bnp are gaining support that they feel they have to lie and create stories?

maybe one of our resident left wingers could explain why its acceptabe to sink to any depths to attempt to undermine democracy?

oh and fear not, those with longer memories will remember that the far right only rises whilst under a labour government, anyone remember the NF just before thatcher got in? so its safe to assume that as a uk political force they will be in decline once the conservatives are back in charge and setting about fixing the economy, just like last time.

this is BRILLIANT. are you for real??
Originally posted by electric6:
I will once again
I don't care how many mates you have to back you up, statements like that are nothing short of sick and you know it, at least I hope you do.

Explain how it is sick?

I'm not seeing it myself.

It was in very bad taste to say the least, was it not ?

Not to mention completely off topic.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Sheils:
What you are all forgetting is that the BNP is a legal party, i will be voting for them, im sick of the 3 major parties, all they do is thieve and change the rules to suit themselves, thats why the country is in such a state.

What you are forgetting is that the atrocities of Nazi Germany were carried out 'legally' as well. However as humans it's up to us to recognise if something so abhorrent is right or wrong. So 'legal' is hardly got anything to do with it.
Originally posted by jonono:
Originally posted by Sheils:
What you are all forgetting is that the BNP is a legal party, i will be voting for them, im sick of the 3 major parties, all they do is thieve and change the rules to suit themselves, thats why the country is in such a state.

What you are forgetting is that the atrocities of Nazi Germany were carried out 'legally' as well. However as humans it's up to us to recognise if something so abhorrent is right or wrong. So 'legal' is hardly got anything to do with it.

JESUS H CHRIST (not at you Jono) this bloody worries me
Originally posted by Abo:
I wish in my area we had BNP cause I'd be voting for them. Although I live in a completely Anglo area I still see the need for what some call ridiculous radicalism. I am Patriotic, still believe in freedom of speech & would like to see our borders closed & the EU kicked out. I want money to start being put back into our own country. People are always whinging about how this country is going to rot, well let someone do something about it then. We've had polly parties promising to do something for years with no result.

I pity you, I do. 'live in an Anglo area'. What the hell does that even mean?
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by electric6:
In any less taste than constantly and obsessively speculating about what may have happened to her?


I disagree.

Big difference between discusssing the official Portugese police report and having a laugh at madeleines expense.


Even if the other FM is a mate.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by jonono:
Originally posted by Abo:
I wish in my area we had BNP cause I'd be voting for them. Although I live in a completely Anglo area I still see the need for what some call ridiculous radicalism. I am Patriotic, still believe in freedom of speech & would like to see our borders closed & the EU kicked out. I want money to start being put back into our own country. People are always whinging about how this country is going to rot, well let someone do something about it then. We've had polly parties promising to do something for years with no result.

I pity you, I do. 'live in an Anglo area'. What the hell does that even mean?

It means, that everyone in his area is white anglo saxon, no doubt tall blonde haired and blue eyed, I love it,
it just gives ya an insight into the way SOME BNP supporters think,
and then they say "but I'm not a racist"
Shake Head
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Still off topic eh ?

All this because I once created a thread with links to the OFFICIAL PORTUGESE POLICE REPORT on the McCann case.

I personally don't have a clue what you have posted in teh past, I was just agreeing with the observation with this forum's sick obsession with that particular topic.
Originally posted by jonono:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Still off topic eh ?

All this because I once created a thread with links to the OFFICIAL PORTUGESE POLICE REPORT on the McCann case.

I personally don't have a clue what you have posted in teh past, I was just agreeing with the observation with this forum's sick obsession with that particular topic.

Okay, well I agree there.

I came in here to talk on topic, if you go back a few pages you'll see for yourself who pulled it off topic.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
It means, that everyone in his area is white anglo saxon, no doubt tall blonde haired and blue eyed, I love it,
it just gives ya an insight into the way SOME BNP supporters think,
and then they say "but I'm not a racist"
Shake Head

At the times when one wants to refer to an area where recent immigration has not occurred, what's the correct term?

My upbringing was in a town of about 50,000 people where the only family not of whatever ethnicity I am was a Chinese family who ran the only not-a-chip-shop take-away.

I live in a very multi-ethnic area now and it's bloody great by the way. Wouldn't change it at all. Smiler
I very much doubt Griffin will be allowed to attend, I heard it discussed on the radio the other day and he will have to pass 'clearance' to be allowed in and since he has (I understand but may be wrong) convictions of fostering racial hatred and indeed there is documented proof of such, he is likely to be deemed a 'security' issue and not allowed in anyway. It's just the BNP trying to grab attention. Of course if he doesn't get allowed in they'll love it as they can say 'oh poor us look at us in our suits and non skinhead hair, we are so respectable, innit' and 'it's a shame us poor white middle class males don't have a voice' blah blah blah
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by electric6:
In any less taste than constantly and obsessively speculating about what may have happened to her?


I disagree.

Big difference between discusssing the official Portugese police report and having a laugh at madeleines expense.


Even if the other FM is a mate.
Um,. your expense.
Originally posted by Penny Gabrielwise:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by electric6:
In any less taste than constantly and obsessively speculating about what may have happened to her?


I disagree.

Big difference between discusssing the official Portugese police report and having a laugh at madeleines expense.


Even if the other FM is a mate.
Um,. your expense.

Um.. No Madeleines expense actually.
Comrade Ogilvy

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