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Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:
The Queen would probably get on with him like a house on fire given that the Royals are one of the most sectarian and bigoted outfits in the world.

Sorry but what tosh.

Not really though is it ?

So we have evidence that one royal family member shook hands with that 'itler one. What about the Duke of Kent, the Duke of Edinburgh, Lilibet, and all the other members who joined up. Not forgetting Phil's Mum who was a war hero.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
And if you believe that reason, I've got a nice bridge you might be interested in buying from me.

It's not unreasonable to take that reason on face value. I'm well aware of the scrutiny of Wallace Simpson and the suspicions over Edward's loyalty. However, that's the reason we have, with documents and footage, and the rest. We'll have to wait a while yet I expect to see any secret government papers that may exist. If you have any that support an alternative reason over the reason most people accept then let's see the details. Mere suspicions don't warrant your bridge comment.
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

So now we aren't allowed to do fancy dress for fear of offending someone.
Political correctness gone mad Mad etc.

Nick Griffin would probably agree with you on that one.

There is a big difference between fancy dress to undermine, and the real thing.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by Irish-Princess:
The Queen would probably get on with him like a house on fire given that the Royals are one of the most sectarian and bigoted outfits in the world.

Sorry but what tosh.

Not really though is it ?

So we have evidence that one royal family member shook hands with that 'itler one. What about the Duke of Kent, the Duke of Edinburgh, Lilibet, and all the other members who joined up. Not forgetting Phil's Mum who was a war hero.

And I would refer you to the Queen Mum's famous quote (one of several) during the last world war when she was urged to take the children and leave London. "The King will never leave London, the children will not leave us and I shall never leave His Majesty". As well as (after Buckingham Palace had been bombed) "Now we can look the East End in the face".
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

So now we aren't allowed to do fancy dress for fear of offending someone.
Political correctness gone mad Mad etc.

Nick Griffin would probably agree with you on that one.

There is a big difference between fancy dress to undermine, and the real thing.

Yes, Nothing wrong with strapping on the jack boots and kicking back with some friends is there ?

In all seriousness though, he's a member of the royal family and given their nazi past he should have known better. Should've kept his junior nazi playkit for indoor use.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
now then I wouldnt like the BNP supporters on here to feel ganged up on, I WANT them to engage in debate with those of us who dont like the BNP and anything they stand for,
cause they (the BNP) love to feel their freedoms are being denied, ironic I know.
oh and WHY do SOME people justify their support by saying "look at the mess the present lot have got us into?" talk about frying pans n fires,
yeah the present lot have messed up so lets start rounding people up and "deporting" them,
and if that fails we will build nice little "holliday" camps for em, and that will make EVERYTHING nice and lovely again...ya know, like it used to be back in

how do you feel about the fact that a "bnp leaflet" showing a dead gurka soldier with a X over his face was handed to the sun who made a major story of how sick it was (now removed) and is now being distrubted in oldham too?

how do you feel when it turned out that the leaflet was actualy produced by the left wing "Tyneside and Wear Anti Fascist Association" supported by ÂĢ20k of local taxpayers money.

ok, so the bnp are racist but if they are scum what does that make these left wingers pulling labour funded stunts like this? are the left realy so scared that the bnp are gaining support that they feel they have to lie and create stories?

maybe one of our resident left wingers could explain why its acceptabe to sink to any depths to attempt to undermine democracy?

oh and fear not, those with longer memories will remember that the far right only rises whilst under a labour government, anyone remember the NF just before thatcher got in? so its safe to assume that as a uk political force they will be in decline once the conservatives are back in charge and setting about fixing the economy, just like last time.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:

how do you feel about the fact that a "bnp leaflet" showing a dead gurka soldier with a X over his face was handed to the sun who made a major story of how sick it was (now removed) and is now being distrubted in oldham too?

how do you feel when it turned out that the leaflet was actualy produced by the left wing "Tyneside and Wear Anti Fascist Association" supported by ÂĢ20k of local taxpayers money.

ok, so the bnp are racist but if they are scum what does that make these left wingers pulling labour funded stunts like this? are the left realy so scared that the bnp are gaining support that they feel they have to lie and create stories?

maybe one of our resident left wingers could explain why its acceptabe to sink to any depths to attempt to undermine democracy?

oh and fear not, those with longer memories will remember that the far right only rises whilst under a labour government, anyone remember the NF just before thatcher got in? so its safe to assume that as a uk political force they will be in decline once the conservatives are back in charge and setting about fixing the economy, just like last time.

erm sorry this is news to me, and I wasnt aware of this leaflet why would I be? cause I DONT read the sun...EVER

but that aside, I certainly would NOT agree with such a thing, there is no need whatsoever to LIE in order to discredit the B NAZI P as I believe one only has to listen to the crap they spout to see they do a good job of that themselves,

as for tax payers money its "probably" from some government grant that ALL small political parties/groups can apply for, wonderfull thing democracy,
I draw you attention to a link I have posted somewhere in this thread, to a video of Nick the Nazi openly admitting that he and his stormtroopers are LYING to the British public and that "when THEY control our media things will be different"
and I see no difference between the NF and the BNP in fact most of them are ex NF,
I wonder what gives the BNP idea that Winston Churchill would be one of their supporters or agree to them using HIS image on their leaflets, when he led this country in our struggle against their political friends?
I HATE the BNP and am NO friend of extreme left wing nutters either. Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Yes, Nothing wrong with strapping on the jack boots and kicking back with some friends is there ?


(Don't you people watch Neighbours?)
Indeed. There didn't used to be anything wrong with Fancy Dress until Murdoch's lot saw an opportunity to have a go at the Royals.
I can't believe that I'm the only one here who has dressed SS stylie, or as the Pope or whatever.
It's done to take the piss not support.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Yes, Nothing wrong with strapping on the jack boots and kicking back with some friends is there ?


(Don't you people watch Neighbours?)
Indeed. There didn't used to be anything wrong with Fancy Dress until Murdoch's lot saw an opportunity to have a go at the Royals.
I can't believe that I'm the only one here who has dressed SS stylie, or as the Pope or whatever.
It's done to take the piss not support.

You omitted the other part of my post when you quoted...

In all seriousness though, he's a member of the royal family and given their nazi past he should have known better. Should've kept his junior nazi playkit for indoor use.

^ Will relaxing with friends engaging in some final solution humour. Shake Head
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Penny Gabrielwise:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

^ Will relaxing with friends engaging in some final solution humour.
Oh dear. Do you think by any chance he may be hiding Madeleine McCann under that armband? Eeker

Tasteless, to say the least.

Looks like Harry to me...NOT Will Ghost
Originally posted by Penny Gabrielwise:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Tasteless, to say the least.
Your own claims weren't exactly, um, 'flavoursome' either.

Not my claims, the official Portugese police claims. However...

1) I would never say anything as disgusting as you just did, and..

2) Could you be any more off topic ?
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

You omitted the other part of my post when you quoted...

In all seriousness though, he's a member of the royal family and given their nazi past he should have known better. Should've kept his junior nazi playkit for indoor use.

Shake Head

Yes I did. Blush
Sorry! The Royal Family don't have a Nazi past.
My family don't have a Nazi past either, but we have one hell of a sense of humour.
Garage Joe
So, innuendo aside, is Prince Harry a Nazi sympathiser? Is that what his fancy dress outfit is actually revealing, rather than merely a lack of sense and appreciation of public relations?

It seems to me that the case so far that the royal family are 'Nazi trash' is that the former King, Edward VIII, had some dealings with the Nazi regime in the late 1930s, some of the royal family attended schools where there was a philosophy of physical education (rather like the Scouts) appropriate for the time, and Prince Harry chose a fancy dress costume in rather poor taste.

Yep, I think they're damned. Ninja
Originally posted by Penny Gabrielwise:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Not my claims the official Portugese police claims. However...

1) I would never say anything as disgusting as that, and..

2) Could you be any more off topic ?

1) I laugh in the face of your fake outrage.

*does pretendy harrumph*

2) Do you like rice and peas?

Well I don't find it funny you ****ing sicko.
Comrade Ogilvy

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