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A lot of misdirected anger here imo...

If the BNP are rising in popularity then imo it is the Govt we've had for the past 12 years to blame. The Tories offer no real oposition since Neu Labour are basically a slightly more right wing version of them.

When people feel they are not being represented by the major partys they will seek some/any alternative. Fertile environment for a party like the BNP to rise.

Edit: For the record I'm not a BNP supporter, I can't stand any politicians tbh, doesn't matter what they promise, at the end of the day they all have nothing more than their own self interest at heart. well that's how I see it anyway.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by Abo:
Originally posted by Sheils:
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Abo:
No I do not agree with ethnic cleansing or the eradication of those that are deemed less than perfect

The BNP do.

Folks (rightly!) get caught up in the race debate...and that's good. People should be made aware that they (the BNP) are racist and not patriotic...but their disgusting views on other matters are usually overshadowed.

It's best to get the bigger picture Nod

Glad to hear you disagree with them on that.

SAME OLD................racist's, racist's...try another record its getting boring now. Roll Eyes
I know. And going back to nazi's constantly just shows how much people are living in the past. Look to the future people

you will be singing the future belongs to us next,(usualy accompanied by a military band and lots of goose stepping)
if we dont learn from the past we are doomed to make the same mistakes again, Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by The Secretary:
Oooh Leccy - I know this is neither the time nor the place, but I've just downloaded the Manics new album Nod Thumbs Up Big Grin

Innit aces!? Big Grin

Nicky can't sing for toffee, but I thought it was nice for him to do that for his mate. I know it's gonna become a classic after a few squillion listens (the album, not Nicky's singing!)

Yeah, still on it's first airing, but I'll persevere Ninja Big Grin
The Secretary
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
now then I wouldnt like the BNP supporters on here to feel ganged up on, I WANT them to engage in debate with those of us who dont like the BNP and anything they stand for,
cause they (the BNP) love to feel their freedoms are being denied, ironic I know.
oh and WHY do SOME people justify their support by saying "look at the mess the present lot have got us into?" talk about frying pans n fires,
yeah the present lot have messed up so lets start rounding people up and "deporting" them,
and if that fails we will build nice little "holliday" camps for em, and that will make EVERYTHING nice and lovely again...ya know, like it used to be back in

Old hippie, im sure glad you are not a
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
A lot of misdirected anger here imo...

If the BNP are rising in popularity then imo it is the Govt we've had for the past 12 years to blame. The Tories offer no real oposition since Neu Labour are basically a slightly more right wing version of them.

When people feel they are not being represented by the major partys they will seek some/any alternative. Fertile environment for a party like the BNP to rise.

I don't think you'll get anyone disagreeing with your view, it's the BNP and what they actually stand for that people are discussing and rightly getting heated about.
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
A lot of misdirected anger here imo...

If the BNP are rising in popularity then imo it is the Govt we've had for the past 12 years to blame. The Tories offer no real oposition since Neu Labour are basically a slightly more right wing version of them.

When people feel they are not being represented by the major partys they will seek some/any alternative. Fertile environment for a party like the BNP to rise.

which is EXACTLY what happened in Germany in the 1920s n 30s, which is why they should be fought at every oppertunity,
"rejoice not that the bastard is dead for the bitch who bore him is in heat again"

dunno who it was said that but it was spot on,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Sheils:
Originally posted by Soozy woo:

Al I've asked is why you want to vote for them? In all honesty I'm intrigued they appear to be gaining in popularity it would be interesting if someone actually spoke out about what attracts them.

Not being funny in any way but .............could it be that once it's put down in words it does seem to be irrational, racist and driven by hate?

Sorry but that is my business the reasons why i vote for a certain party, but perhaps if you read the news about the other parties then you may realise why the BNP are becoming more popular.


I only asked ................can you not say?
Soozy Woo
Originally posted by electric6:
"rejoice not that the bastard is dead for the bitch who bore him is in heat again"

Nivvor heard that afore in me life. LUVVIT! Big Grin

wish I could remember who said it, I know it comes up at the end of a film "Iron Cross" about the germans in russia, saw it years ago, but its truer now than ever before,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by electric6:
"rejoice not that the bastard is dead for the bitch who bore him is in heat again"

Nivvor heard that afore in me life. LUVVIT! Big Grin

wish I could remember who said it, I know it comes up at the end of a film "Iron Cross" about the germans in russia, saw it years ago, but its truer now than ever before,


“Do not rejoice in his defeat, you men.
For though the bastard is dead, the bitch that bore him is again in heat.”

Bertolt Brecht
Thumbs Up
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by electric6:
"rejoice not that the bastard is dead for the bitch who bore him is in heat again"

Nivvor heard that afore in me life. LUVVIT! Big Grin

wish I could remember who said it, I know it comes up at the end of a film "Iron Cross" about the germans in russia, saw it years ago, but its truer now than ever before,
Zwartboek I think it was
Originally posted by Abo:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by electric6:
"rejoice not that the bastard is dead for the bitch who bore him is in heat again"

Nivvor heard that afore in me life. LUVVIT! Big Grin

wish I could remember who said it, I know it comes up at the end of a film "Iron Cross" about the germans in russia, saw it years ago, but its truer now than ever before,
Zwartboek I think it was
actually no it was coss of iron. Brill movie
Originally posted by old hippy guy:

which is EXACTLY what happened in Germany in the 1920s n 30s, which is why they should be fought at every oppertunity,
"rejoice not that the bastard is dead for the bitch who bore him is in heat again"

dunno who it was said that but it was spot on,

I agree with you but I think the nazi ideology has to be fought on more than one front. The current Govts obsession with getting us all onto a central database and carry I.D. papers (for example) really couldn't be more nazi.
Comrade Ogilvy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
A lot of misdirected anger here imo...

If the BNP are rising in popularity then imo it is the Govt we've had for the past 12 years to blame. The Tories offer no real oposition since Neu Labour are basically a slightly more right wing version of them.

When people feel they are not being represented by the major partys they will seek some/any alternative. Fertile environment for a party like the BNP to rise.

which is EXACTLY what happened in Germany in the 1920s n 30s, which is why they should be fought at every oppertunity,
"rejoice not that the bastard is dead for the bitch who bore him is in heat again"

dunno who it was said that but it was spot on,

It was Brecht that said that, a brilliant playwright in my opinion.
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by paace:

Its a horrible, nasty, meaningless statement.

Stand alone, mis-directed, yes I could see it would be.
In context (as it was) Nah. It's Cool

I don't know the context but I can't see any in which its okay. A mother is not totally responsible how her children turn out, and no two children are the same.
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by paace:
I don't know the context but I can't see any in which its okay. A mother is not totally responsible how her children turn out, and no two children are the same.

It's about ideologies, not mothers.

What Blizzie said ^^^ (but better than me Big Grin )

I was away on another thread.
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by paace:

I don't know the context but I can't see any in which its okay. A mother is not totally responsible how her children turn out, and no two children are the same.

The context was all important,it had nowt to do with actual mothers...(as in female parents)

Thanks Blizzie and leccy. Standing alone its meaningless.
Originally posted by paace:
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by paace:

I don't know the context but I can't see any in which its okay. A mother is not totally responsible how her children turn out, and no two children are the same.

The context was all important,it had nowt to do with actual mothers...(as in female parents)

Thanks Blizzie and leccy. Standing alone its meaningless.

I think Blizzie is one of the wisest people on this forum.
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Abo:
I think actually that those that Hitler mentions in his eugenics criteria is what most political parties are made up of including the BNP. And come to think of it most of society without be too general.

I have no idea what you are on about there Laugh

Do you agree with/support/sympathise with eugenics (in a general sense) and/or specifically with the Nazi criteria?

Simple question. Smiler

As an aisde, Nazi Germany wasn't the only country interested in Eugenics. I think it developed in Sweden as a social policy in the 19th century and was used right up to ~1975. Sweden steralised epileptics, the mentally disabled, and even people with 'social problems' in order to strengthen their race. They're not proud of it now and it's a very touchy subject over there.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Abo:
I think actually that those that Hitler mentions in his eugenics criteria is what most political parties are made up of including the BNP. And come to think of it most of society without be too general.

I have no idea what you are on about there Laugh

Do you agree with/support/sympathise with eugenics (in a general sense) and/or specifically with the Nazi criteria?

Simple question. Smiler

As an aisde, Nazi Germany wasn't the only country interested in Eugenics. I think it developed in Sweden as a social policy in the 19th century and was used right up to ~1975. Sweden steralised epileptics, the mentally disabled, and even people with 'social problems' in order to strengthen their race. They're not proud of it now and it's a very touchy subject over there.

Yeah, but look at Abba
Originally posted by Abo:
Originally posted by Sheils:
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Abo:
No I do not agree with ethnic cleansing or the eradication of those that are deemed less than perfect

The BNP do.

Folks (rightly!) get caught up in the race debate...and that's good. People should be made aware that they (the BNP) are racist and not patriotic...but their disgusting views on other matters are usually overshadowed.

It's best to get the bigger picture Nod

Glad to hear you disagree with them on that.

SAME OLD................racist's, racist's...try another record its getting boring now. Roll Eyes
I know. And going back to nazi's constantly just shows how much people are living in the past. Look to the future people

That's exactly what Ernst Roehm said, and look what happened to him. Laugh
Garage Joe

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