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Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
The BNP have had the cheek to post a nice glossy leaflet through my door, one of their policies was to "bring our troops home and ensure they are not abused in the street by Muslims"! How exactly do they propose to do that?

Lack of respectable parties might encourage me to go "Green" but never BNP!

I got this too and I couldn't stop laughing at some of their ridiculous claims.

"It's not racist to oppose immigration and stop them taking our jobs-it's common sense" apparently.

The thought of the BNP getting any form of power or control terrifies me.

Out of interest, has anyone ever watched the Russell Brand thing, where he follows around a member of the BNP?
Originally posted by Sheils:
What you are all forgetting is that the BNP is a legal party, i will be voting for them, im sick of the 3 major parties, all they do is thieve and change the rules to suit themselves, thats why the country is in such a state.

the BNP are a bunch of NAZI scumbags and if you think differently perhaps you should watch the attatched video of Griffin attending KKK meeting in the US where he openly addmits that they LIE to the British public so that IDIOTS and cretins will vote for them,
edit try again
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
My BNP leaflet has as a key pledge: "Campaign to get Britain out of the EU and use the ÂĢ60 billion a year we'd save to restore the NHS and invest in British jobs".

UKIP says it's ÂĢ40 million a day, which is ÂĢ14.6 billion a year. One or both of them have got their sums wrong somewhere. Or is it me? Confused

wonder what a "British" job is? well I suppose they will need lots of camp guards, and there will no doubt be a ministry of "who can we blame now" Big Grin
old hippy guy
I don't think people should make a fuss about their attendence at all. When they hold marches, people shouldn't chant: they should be completely quiet and turn their backs. When they go to the Garden Party, everyone should simply ignore them. On forums, they should be simply ridiculed. Or perhaps engaged and then undermined by argument. Anything else gives them the fuel of publicity.
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
I don't think people should make a fuss about their attendence at all. When they hold marches, people shouldn't chant: they should be completely quiet and turn their backs. When they go to the Garden Party, everyone should simply ignore them. On forums, they should be simply ridiculed. Or perhaps engaged and then undermined by argument. Anything else gives them the fuel of publicity.

Ssssh Ninja
Originally posted by Sheils:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I'll be voting Green.

I would vote for a dog turd before I would vote British Nazi Party Nod

Hey old hippie guy, i am entitled to vote for who i want as you are, your opinion of the BNP differs from mine so, if you like dog turd then go for it.

But would it not be just a tad embarassing if the Nazis were beaten by the Dog Turd party?
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Sheils:
What you are all forgetting is that the BNP is a legal party, i will be voting for them, im sick of the 3 major parties, all they do is thieve and change the rules to suit themselves, thats why the country is in such a state.

And what you're forgetting is that the BNP are racist scum - legal or not - and that they have 'changed their own rules' to make themselves more palatable to voters, ie they've toned down the 'send 'em back' rhetoric for now, but only until they get elected.

What sort of 'state' do you think the country would be in if that lot got in?
Originally posted by Sheils:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I'll be voting Green.

I would vote for a dog turd before I would vote British Nazi Party Nod

Hey old hippie guy, i am entitled to vote for who i want as you are, your opinion of the BNP differs from mine so, if you like dog turd then go for it.

Of course you are entitled who you vote for, we live in a free country after all, but I doubt the freedom we all enjoy will not be the case should the BNP ever run this country.

Plus you have Darnell's photo under your forum name, a man of mixed race, something the BNP I would think are not big fans of.
Originally posted by carpet:
Originally posted by Sheils:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I'll be voting Green.

I would vote for a dog turd before I would vote British Nazi Party Nod

Hey old hippie guy, i am entitled to vote for who i want as you are, your opinion of the BNP differs from mine so, if you like dog turd then go for it.

Of course you are entitled who you vote for, we live in a free country after all, but I doubt the freedom we all enjoy will not be the case should the BNP ever run this country.

Plus you have Darnell's photo under your forum name, a man of mixed race, something the BNP I would think are not big fans of.

Darnell would confuse the hell out of them. He's not of mixed race, both his parents are black, but the albinism would cause a big commotion among the white supremacists. Because they're really, really clever, aren't they? Shake Head Laugh
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by carpet:
Originally posted by Sheils:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by kattymieoww:
I'll be voting Green.

I would vote for a dog turd before I would vote British Nazi Party Nod

Hey old hippie guy, i am entitled to vote for who i want as you are, your opinion of the BNP differs from mine so, if you like dog turd then go for it.

Of course you are entitled who you vote for, we live in a free country after all, but I doubt the freedom we all enjoy will not be the case should the BNP ever run this country.

Plus you have Darnell's photo under your forum name, a man of mixed race, something the BNP I would think are not big fans of.

Darnell would confuse the hell out of them. He's not of mixed race, both his parents are black, but the albinism would cause a big commotion among the white supremacists. Because they're really, really clever, aren't they? Shake Head Laugh

Oops, I had a Rachel moment there! Blush Of course his parents are black!
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:
The royals are nazi trash

Spurious bollocks.
There is a schoolboy error in the first two lines.
Phil's Mum is righteous before the nations.

What part do you disagree with ?

I think most of it is common knowledge.

Which C20th year did we have three kings?
Garage Joe

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