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well the london am has been requested to "rethink" who he is inviting to the bash, basicly he's been told that if he continues to insist on taking his furher his invitation will be withdrawn.

whilst obviously its pleasing in one way surely this has some pretty serious undertones since like it or not he is an elected am, does this mean in future that other publicly elected parties may be forbidden too?

maybe the best thing to come out of this is just to show what a bloody stupid idea pr is?
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:

whilst obviously its pleasing in one way surely this has some pretty serious undertones since like it or not he is an elected am, does this mean in future that other publicly elected parties may be forbidden too?

There doesn't seem to be any objection to the lucky ticket holder. The point is that he, by inviting the other nutjob, is attempting to undermine our Queen and her do.
One assumes that if we ever are invited that we would take a partner, not try to cause maximum publicity for ourselves.
Garage Joe

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