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Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Long live the Royal Family Nod Thumbs Up

I agree LL, the alternative would most surely be worse (even though I think Prince Charles is a prize prat)

Agree about Charles. Got no time for him or his wife. I am an ardent Royalist and shudder to think of what would be put in their place.

oooh yeah a democraticly ELECTED leader is an awful idea compared to what we have now,

So you think the Queen has done a bad job?
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
at least we would get the chance to VOTE them out of office every 4/5 years

Unless we end up with Fuhrer Griffin! Glance

Show us yer umlauts Lilibet!
The first "U" should have 'em or else you must put an "E" afterwards......... i before e except after........ etc
: pedant :
Garage Joe
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Long live the Royal Family Nod Thumbs Up

I agree LL, the alternative would most surely be worse (even though I think Prince Charles is a prize prat)

Agree about Charles. Got no time for him or his wife. I am an ardent Royalist and shudder to think of what would be put in their place.

oooh yeah a democraticly ELECTED leader is an awful idea compared to what we have now,

So you think the Queen has done a bad job?

I didnt say that,BUT, what has SHE done that an ELECTED head of state couldn't do? AND what if she had done a lousy job? WE would be stuck with her.
look at the USA are they worse off because they are a republic?
I lived in the REPUBLIC of Ireland for years, they seemed to manage quite
well without a royal family and their tourism industry is a major part of their economy
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Blizzie:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
at least we would get the chance to VOTE them out of office every 4/5 years

Unless we end up with Fuhrer Griffin! Glance

Show us yer umlauts Lilibet!
The first "U" should have 'em or else you must put an "E" afterwards......... i before e except after........ etc
: pedant :

Eeker Dont mention the umlauts, I did and look what happened!

Rev. Dim Dale
Originally posted by Moonbeams:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
oh sod this, I am gonna put my PC on, I am using my PS3 to post, its a pain in the Rse n ya cant do smileys. BRB.

Really? I didn't know you could do that on the PS3. Everydays a learning day.

PHEW all PCd up, yeah you CAN use the PS3 but its a bit like sending a text on a mobile, ya have to spell out each word by moving the cursor over each letter and pressing X, a proper pain Nod
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Long live the Royal Family Nod Thumbs Up

I agree LL, the alternative would most surely be worse (even though I think Prince Charles is a prize prat)

Agree about Charles. Got no time for him or his wife. I am an ardent Royalist and shudder to think of what would be put in their place.

oooh yeah a democraticly ELECTED leader is an awful idea compared to what we have now,

So you think the Queen has done a bad job?

I didnt say that,BUT, what has SHE done that an ELECTED head of state couldn't do? AND what if she had done a lousy job? WE would be stuck with her.
look at the USA are they worse off because they are a republic?
I lived in the REPUBLIC of Ireland for years, they seemed to manage quite
well without a royal family and their tourism industry is a major part of their economy

Oh well each to his own but I rather like the tradition of this country.
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
I'm not interested in the royals, and I'm nobody's 'subject', thank you Shake Head

aye, I would rather be a citizen than a subject,
I love it when people say they are a British citizen, you aint, you are a British subject and your "civil rights" can be removed at anytime Cool

But shirley civil rights have nothing to do with the Royal family. To use extremes would you rather be a Norwegian or a Burmanese? Or whatever TF they call 'em nowadays.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by squiggle:

Oh well each to his own but I rather like the tradition of this country.

Me too Nod As you say, each to their own but I would rather have a Royal Family than not Big Grin

the Dutch have a royal family, we could have one like theirs Nod

Garage Joe
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
I'm not interested in the royals, and I'm nobody's 'subject', thank you Shake Head

aye, I would rather be a citizen than a subject,
I love it when people say they are a British citizen, you aint, you are a British subject and your "civil rights" can be removed at anytime Cool

That's not really true, is it? We're a constitutional monarchy. Political power lies in the House of Commons, which is democratically elected. The main change happened in 1688 in the Glorious Revolution. I reckon you're thinking of an absolute monarchy if you think we're 'subjects' in any meaningful political sense.
Originally posted by Blue Diamond:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by squiggle:

Oh well each to his own but I rather like the tradition of this country.

Me too Nod As you say, each to their own but I would rather have a Royal Family than not Big Grin

Me three Big Grin

I think anyone who was out and about on the day of Diana's funeral know that the majority of people in this country have a real deep feeling for royalty. Some people say it was hysteria, it wasn't. We were travelling and people on the motorway (even lorry drivers) were pulling over to show their respect. Unforgettable.
Originally posted by squiggle:
I think anyone who was out and about on the day of Diana's funeral know that the majority of people in this country have a real deep feeling for royalty. Some people say it was hysteria, it wasn't. We were travelling and people on the motorway (even lorry drivers) were pulling over to show their respect. Unforgettable.

Sorry squiggs, but I thought all that was completely nuts Confused

I'd been to the funeral of someone I actually knew, a few hours before Diana died, and even though he was even younger than her, and everyone was devastated, we didn't act like the loons who kept vigil outside Kensington Palace.

That whole hoo-hah left me cold, frankly.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by squiggle:
I think anyone who was out and about on the day of Diana's funeral know that the majority of people in this country have a real deep feeling for royalty. Some people say it was hysteria, it wasn't. We were travelling and people on the motorway (even lorry drivers) were pulling over to show their respect. Unforgettable.

Sorry squiggs, but I thought all that was completely nuts Confused

I'd been to the funeral of someone I actually knew, a few hours before Diana died, and even though he was even younger than her, and everyone was devastated, we didn't act like the loons who kept vigil outside Kensington Palace.

That whole hoo-hah left me cold, frankly.

I too was rather hoping that no-one would bring up the Diana hysteria. Much as though I have nothing against the Royal Family I tend to file the Diana funeral with Baby P, Madeline McCann, cheating MPs, Karen Chantelle Sharon Shannon Matthews and all the other ill thought out social control carp.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by squiggle:
I think anyone who was out and about on the day of Diana's funeral know that the majority of people in this country have a real deep feeling for royalty. Some people say it was hysteria, it wasn't. We were travelling and people on the motorway (even lorry drivers) were pulling over to show their respect. Unforgettable.

Sorry squiggs, but I thought all that was completely nuts Confused

I'd been to the funeral of someone I actually knew, a few hours before Diana died, and even though he was even younger than her, and everyone was devastated, we didn't act like the loons who kept vigil outside Kensington Palace.

That whole hoo-hah left me cold, frankly.

I found it really touching. Mind you, I was blazing mad about the way she had been treated by Prince Charles and Camilla, and I think half the country was too. There was a lot of dignity and respect in the folk I saw and a sense of loss for someone who, although we had never met her and there have been some terrible things said about her since, we identified with. She had the common touch.
Originally posted by squiggle:
I found it really touching. Mind you, I was blazing mad about the way she had been treated by Prince Charles and Camilla, and I think half the country was too. There was a lot of dignity and respect in the folk I saw and a sense of loss for someone who, although we had never met her and there have been some terrible things said about her since, we identified with. She had the common touch.

TBF she must have been the only person who didn't know of the relationship with the Duchess of Cornwall, the one with Lady Tryon, and the fact that he was voted, "Shit of the year!" at his club.
Surely someone could have taken her aside and pointed her in the right direction.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:

TBF she must have been the only person who didn't know of the relationship with the Duchess of Cornwall, the one with Lady Tryon, and the fact that he was voted, "Shit of the year!" at his club.
Surely someone could have taken her aside and pointed her in the right direction.

And there was another one as well, can't recall her name. Princess Diana was so young and innocent (in the old fashioned sense) when he met her and after her mother leaving when she was so young she was the last person who should be treated so callously.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:

TBF she must have been the only person who didn't know of the relationship with the Duchess of Cornwall, the one with Lady Tryon, and the fact that he was voted, "Shit of the year!" at his club.
Surely someone could have taken her aside and pointed her in the right direction.

And there was another one as well, can't recall her name. Princess Diana was so young and innocent (in the old fashioned sense) when he met her and after her mother leaving when she was so young she was the last person who should be treated so callously.

Indeed! We said at the time it would end in tears. Alas! We didn't think anything so tragic would occur.
Garage Joe
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:

TBF she must have been the only person who didn't know of the relationship with the Duchess of Cornwall, the one with Lady Tryon, and the fact that he was voted, "Shit of the year!" at his club.
Surely someone could have taken her aside and pointed her in the right direction.

And there was another one as well, can't recall her name. Princess Diana was so young and innocent (in the old fashioned sense) when he met her and after her mother leaving when she was so young she was the last person who should be treated so callously.

Indeed! We said at the time it would end in tears. Alas! We didn't think anything so tragic would occur.

well,....oh dear, wonders if he dares....ok he does,
I felt sorry for DI she was a decent person, who was seen as "suitable breeding material" to continue the royal "line" she was one of the only "royals" that I had time for, poor lass, Nod
old hippy guy
I thought Diana was a lot tougher and cleverer than she's given credit for but I have massive respect for how she reacted when the Aids epidemic was at its peak. While the then editor of Private Eye was wondering whether Aids suffers should be confined in quarantined areas somewhere away from these shores Diana very publicly hugged some of those in the final stages of the disease during a hospital visit.
I'm convinced that her action did more to change public attitudes to the disease than any amount of advertising campaigns.
What she did could have seriously damaged her up till then shining public profile and was an act of bravery in my eyes.
That cut her an enourmous amount of slack in my eyes and, though I wasn't one of the tearful throngs who lined the street for her funeral procession, I was genuinely saddened by her death.
The girl done good when the safest thing was to do nothing.
captain marbles
Originally posted by captain marbles:
I thought Diana was a lot tougher and cleverer than she's given credit for but I have massive respect for how she reacted when the Aids epidemic was at its peak. While the then editor of Private Eye was wondering whether Aids suffers should be confined in quarantined areas somewhere away from these shores Diana very publicly hugged some of those in the final stages of the disease during a hospital visit.
I'm convinced that her action did more to change public attitudes to the disease than any amount of advertising campaigns.
What she did could have seriously damaged her up till then shining public profile and was an act of bravery in my eyes.
That cut her an enourmous amount of slack in my eyes and, though I wasn't one of the tearful throngs who lined the street for her funeral procession, I was genuinely saddened by her death.
The girl done good when the safest thing was to do nothing.

Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Garage Joe:

TBF she must have been the only person who didn't know of the relationship with the Duchess of Cornwall, the one with Lady Tryon, and the fact that he was voted, "Shit of the year!" at his club.
Surely someone could have taken her aside and pointed her in the right direction.

And there was another one as well, can't recall her name. Princess Diana was so young and innocent (in the old fashioned sense) when he met her and after her mother leaving when she was so young she was the last person who should be treated so callously.

Indeed! We said at the time it would end in tears. Alas! We didn't think anything so tragic would occur.

well,....oh dear, wonders if he dares....ok he does,
I felt sorry for DI she was a decent person, who was seen as "suitable breeding material" to continue the royal "line" she was one of the only "royals" that I had time for, poor lass, Nod

Spot on OHG, that is exactly how she was viewed. I didn't say they were perfect only that they were better than the alternative Big Grin

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