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Originally posted by Lacey:
Originally posted by captain marbles:
Originally posted by Lacey:
Apparently the BNP are starting a youth movement which involves:

Shooting, Self defense and nationalist ideology.

Didn't Hitler do something similar? Just a coincidence I'm sure.

Oh I'm sure it is...Wink

The present pope of the Catholic church was in the Hitler youth movement...go figure.Though if you were a teen at that time you would want to blend into the "crowd".It would take a very brave man/Idiot to stand up then and decree them all.
Originally posted by jonono:
Originally posted by Abo:
I wish in my area we had BNP cause I'd be voting for them. Although I live in a completely Anglo area I still see the need for what some call ridiculous radicalism. I am Patriotic, still believe in freedom of speech & would like to see our borders closed & the EU kicked out. I want money to start being put back into our own country. People are always whinging about how this country is going to rot, well let someone do something about it then. We've had polly parties promising to do something for years with no result.

I pity you, I do. 'live in an Anglo area'. What the hell does that even mean?
it means that you poms are always whinging about how towns/villages are being taken over by immigrants (I get it everyday) & yet when I state I live in in anglo area you cannot wait to see things that are not there. I have never in my life (except in the UK) lived in an area where there are only whities. As said before (but for your ignorance) I have come from a very multicultural society & you may be able to actually pick my ace by my log in name...........
Originally posted by Daniel J*:
So, back on topic! Smiler

Prince Harry and his Nazi sympathies. Or not. Did we ever get an answer from the poster of his picture in his famous fancy dress costume whether that was indicative or not?

The theme was 'Colonial or Native', wasn't it?

Maybe his education could be questioned, or maybe it was quite a clever comment on the definition of 'colonisation'. Ninja

Or, maybe, that was the only costume they had left! Wink
Originally posted by Abo:

it means that you poms are always whinging about how towns/villages are being taken over by immigrants (I get it everyday) & yet when I state I live in in anglo area you cannot wait to see things that are not there. I have never in my life (except in the UK) lived in an area where there are only whities. As said before (but for your ignorance) I have come from a very multicultural society & you may be able to actually pick my ace by my log in name...........

So, it's an Aussie term?
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:

how do you feel about the fact that a "bnp leaflet" showing a dead gurka soldier with a X over his face was handed to the sun who made a major story of how sick it was (now removed) and is now being distrubted in oldham too?

how do you feel when it turned out that the leaflet was actualy produced by the left wing "Tyneside and Wear Anti Fascist Association" supported by ÂĢ20k of local taxpayers money.

ok, so the bnp are racist but if they are scum what does that make these left wingers pulling labour funded stunts like this? are the left realy so scared that the bnp are gaining support that they feel they have to lie and create stories?

maybe one of our resident left wingers could explain why its acceptabe to sink to any depths to attempt to undermine democracy?

oh and fear not, those with longer memories will remember that the far right only rises whilst under a labour government, anyone remember the NF just before thatcher got in? so its safe to assume that as a uk political force they will be in decline once the conservatives are back in charge and setting about fixing the economy, just like last time.

erm sorry this is news to me, and I wasnt aware of this leaflet why would I be? cause I DONT read the sun...EVER

but that aside, I certainly would NOT agree with such a thing, there is no need whatsoever to LIE in order to discredit the B NAZI P as I believe one only has to listen to the crap they spout to see they do a good job of that themselves,

as for tax payers money its "probably" from some government grant that ALL small political parties/groups can apply for, wonderfull thing democracy,
I draw you attention to a link I have posted somewhere in this thread, to a video of Nick the Nazi openly admitting that he and his stormtroopers are LYING to the British public and that "when THEY control our media things will be different"
and I see no difference between the NF and the BNP in fact most of them are ex NF,
I wonder what gives the BNP idea that Winston Churchill would be one of their supporters or agree to them using HIS image on their leaflets, when he led this country in our struggle against their political friends?
I HATE the BNP and am NO friend of extreme left wing nutters either. Nod

i'll openly admit i knew nothing about it either untill joanna and the gurka campaign issued a press releases retracting comments they had made to the sun after being presented with the fake, so i went looking.

that said at present i'm viewing all the main contenders websites for the euro elections from the greens and liberals to the bnp and ukip fairly often just to see whats going on and what new dirt they are throwing at each other
Originally posted by electric6:
Originally posted by Comrade Ogilvy:

Yes in both threads discussion has been stiffled.

So hit us with hard evidence then?

I'm not even a Royalist and Harry would certainly be low on my list of people I admire.

I think he's a buffoon, trying to impress his hooray pals, no doubt...but hardened Nazi, indoctrinated though the family.

Nah, not buying it Shake Head

*bump again*
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
and for MY part I dont care if the royals are nazis, or lizards or whatever,
I just think that after Liz pops her clogs the monarchy should be disolved
they should be consigned to the history books, it's time to move on.
long live the British republic.

What would you replace it with? The horrible vision of President Tony ****** Blair and Cheree springs to mind, shudder.....
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Long live the Royal Family Nod Thumbs Up

I agree LL, the alternative would most surely be worse (even though I think Prince Charles is a prize prat)

Agree about Charles. Got no time for him or his wife. I am an ardent Royalist and shudder to think of what would be put in their place.
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
and for MY part I dont care if the royals are nazis, or lizards or whatever,
I just think that after Liz pops her clogs the monarchy should be disolved
they should be consigned to the history books, it's time to move on.
long live the British republic.

What would you replace it with? The horrible vision of President Tony ****** Blair and Cheree springs to mind, shudder.....

at least we would get the chance to VOTE them out of office every 4/5 years
old hippy guy
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by Liverpoollass:
Long live the Royal Family Nod Thumbs Up

I agree LL, the alternative would most surely be worse (even though I think Prince Charles is a prize prat)

Agree about Charles. Got no time for him or his wife. I am an ardent Royalist and shudder to think of what would be put in their place.

oooh yeah a democraticly ELECTED leader is an awful idea compared to what we have now,
old hippy guy
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
Originally posted by squiggle:
Originally posted by old hippy guy:
and for MY part I dont care if the royals are nazis, or lizards or whatever,
I just think that after Liz pops her clogs the monarchy should be disolved
they should be consigned to the history books, it's time to move on.
long live the British republic.

What would you replace it with? The horrible vision of President Tony ****** Blair and Cheree springs to mind, shudder.....

at least we would get the chance to VOTE them out of office every 4/5 years

Yeah and replace them with another money grabbing pillock, and would the tourist industry suffer? I think it probably would.

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