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The British National Party's leader is set to attend a garden party hosted by the Queen, according to a colleague. Skip related content
Richard Barnbrook, a BNP member of the London Assembly, said Nick Griffin will accompany him as his guest at the event at Buckingham Palace on July 21.

All members of the Assembly have been invited to the event.

Mr Barnbrook said: "I imagine there will be a to-do and a hoot. These things are going to happen more and more as the party goes forward."

A BNP spokesman added: "Richard Barnbrook has got an official invite in his capacity as a member of the London Assembly and he is allowed to bring a guest, which will be Nick Griffin. For him to snub an invite from the Queen would be absurd.

"It is something people are going to have to get used to because if we get elected MEPs, this is the kind of thing we are going to be doing on a regular basis. It is the emergence of a party from beyond the pale to mainstream."

The event will come after the June local and Euro elections, which could see the BNP gaining more local council seats and their first MEPs.

Political experts have warned that disillusionment with mainstream politicians over the MPs' expenses scandal and fears over jobs and immigration could lead to a surge in support for the party.

The BNP campaigns for the "voluntary resettlement" of immigrants back to their countries of origin, claims white Britons have become "second class citizens" and wants to bring back corporal and capital punishment for criminals.

A spokesman for Buckingham Palace said he could not confirm individual invitations.

He said: "A number of organisations and bodies receive an allocation of tickets for the garden parties so it is a matter for those organisations who they invite."

I bet her husband should get on great with him then!, I'm sure there must be some way of stopping that Griffin bloke from attending! Eeker

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Demantoid:
"It is something people are going to have to get used to because if we get elected MEPs, this is the kind of thing we are going to be doing on a regular basis. It is the emergence of a party from beyond the pale to mainstream."

Never, never, never.
You can't polish a turd, and you can't make the BNP respectable.

I wish that were true in everyone's minds but judging by what's going on in certain parts of the country at the moment, I'm not sure everyone is feeling the same way. I saw a documentary on the way they're smarming around in Barnsley at the moment. The expenses scandal has made many people believe that there are no respectable political parties out there, I think the issue of respectability may help the BNP a lot in terms of protest voting. I dread to think what will happen to any social cohesion in some areas if the BNP do make gains. It just doesn't bear thinking about. Frowner
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
"It is something people are going to have to get used to because if we get elected MEPs, this is the kind of thing we are going to be doing on a regular basis. It is the emergence of a party from beyond the pale to mainstream."

Never, never, never.
You can't polish a turd, and you can't make the BNP respectable.

I wish that were true in everyone's minds but judging by what's going on in certain parts of the country at the moment, I'm not sure everyone is feeling the same way. I saw a documentary on the way they're smarming around in Barnsley at the moment. The expenses scandal has made many people believe that there are no respectable political parties out there, I think the issue of respectability may help the BNP a lot in terms of protest voting. I dread to think what will happen to any social cohesion in some areas if the BNP do make gains. It just doesn't bear thinking about. Frowner

Lack of respectable mainstream parties doesn't make the BNP any more appealing in my book. They're scum, and other parties' failings doesn't make them any less scummy.
Originally posted by Lindsxdx:
The BNP have had the cheek to post a nice glossy leaflet through my door, one of their policies was to "bring our troops home and ensure they are not abused in the street by Muslims"! How exactly do they propose to do that?

Lack of respectable parties might encourage me to go "Green" but never BNP!

change your postie. Thumbs Up
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
"It is something people are going to have to get used to because if we get elected MEPs, this is the kind of thing we are going to be doing on a regular basis. It is the emergence of a party from beyond the pale to mainstream."

Never, never, never.
You can't polish a turd, and you can't make the BNP respectable.

I wish that were true in everyone's minds but judging by what's going on in certain parts of the country at the moment, I'm not sure everyone is feeling the same way. I saw a documentary on the way they're smarming around in Barnsley at the moment. The expenses scandal has made many people believe that there are no respectable political parties out there, I think the issue of respectability may help the BNP a lot in terms of protest voting. I dread to think what will happen to any social cohesion in some areas if the BNP do make gains. It just doesn't bear thinking about. Frowner

Lack of respectable mainstream parties doesn't make the BNP any more appealing in my book. They're scum, and other parties' failings doesn't make them any less scummy.

I agree 100%. I'm just not sure everyone else does. Quite a few people I never thought could be seduced by the remedial, bigotted crap the BNP spouts seem to be much less afraid to admit to giving them serious consideration now. That horrifies me.
Queen of the High Teas
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:
Originally posted by Demantoid:
"It is something people are going to have to get used to because if we get elected MEPs, this is the kind of thing we are going to be doing on a regular basis. It is the emergence of a party from beyond the pale to mainstream."

Never, never, never.
You can't polish a turd, and you can't make the BNP respectable.

I wish that were true in everyone's minds but judging by what's going on in certain parts of the country at the moment, I'm not sure everyone is feeling the same way. I saw a documentary on the way they're smarming around in Barnsley at the moment. The expenses scandal has made many people believe that there are no respectable political parties out there, I think the issue of respectability may help the BNP a lot in terms of protest voting. I dread to think what will happen to any social cohesion in some areas if the BNP do make gains. It just doesn't bear thinking about. Frowner

Lack of respectable mainstream parties doesn't make the BNP any more appealing in my book. They're scum, and other parties' failings doesn't make them any less scummy.

I agree 100%. I'm just not sure everyone else does. Quite a few people I never thought could be seduced by the remedial, bigotted crap the BNP spouts seem to be much less afraid to admit to giving them serious consideration now. That horrifies me.

It horrifies me too, but I honestly think the vast majority of people have more sense. Those that don't never really had it to begin with and can't blame Gordy and co for that.
I think those silly Ukippers are more likely to benefit.
Originally posted by Garage Joe:
Originally posted by Poolshark:
Richard Barnbrook, a BNP member of the London Assembly, said Nick Griffin will accompany him as his guest at the event at Buckingham Palace on July 21.

I had no idea that he, er, had the geigh, as it were. That's one section of the Blitish public safe forever then.

Originally posted by Demantoid:

Never, never, never.
You can't polish a turd, and you can't make the BNP respectable.

and yet the way the economy is, the left wing unions on their "british jobs for british workers" campaigns and strikes and of course mp's expenses are all making the bnp seem more acceptable by the day, couple that with their (surprising) support for the gurkahs and their anti eu stance and its looking like they will do well (for them) in europe and in the local elections.
Originally posted by Queen of the High Teas:

I agree 100%. I'm just not sure everyone else does. Quite a few people I never thought could be seduced by the remedial, bigotted crap the BNP spouts seem to be much less afraid to admit to giving them serious consideration now. That horrifies me.

as i said i'll openly admit voting for them in this times euros elections, doesnt mean i'd give them the time of day in any uk election though, but i can say that because i love my countrty and in europe the bnp will help that, in the uk they will not help it.
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Demantoid:

Never, never, never.
You can't polish a turd, and you can't make the BNP respectable.

and yet the way the economy is, the left wing unions on their "british jobs for british workers" campaigns and strikes and of course mp's expenses are all making the bnp seem more acceptable by the day, couple that with their (surprising) support for the gurkahs and their anti eu stance and its looking like they will do well (for them) in europe and in the local elections.

Sorry, but I was brought up to be left wing, and no amount of glossy leaflets will turn me into a right wing fascist, which is what the BNP are.
Originally posted by Demantoid:
Originally posted by Big Brothers Big Scam:
Originally posted by Demantoid:

Never, never, never.
You can't polish a turd, and you can't make the BNP respectable.

and yet the way the economy is, the left wing unions on their "british jobs for british workers" campaigns and strikes and of course mp's expenses are all making the bnp seem more acceptable by the day, couple that with their (surprising) support for the gurkahs and their anti eu stance and its looking like they will do well (for them) in europe and in the local elections.

Sorry, but I was brought up to be left wing, and no amount of glossy leaflets will turn me into a right wing fascist, which is what the BNP are.

you should make up your own mind.

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