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I watched this carefully when it was broadcast yesterday.  Believe me it will appeal to a lot of people.  I used to live fairly close to Dagenham, Barking and those other areas around there and this is aimed fairly and squarely at people from areas like that.  People who have been totally swamped (that is the only word that fits) by immigration and who feel that their rights are being bypassed in favour of those who are pushing them aside to get to the top of the queue, in housing, benefits, jobs.  They (the BNP) are tapping into a rich vein of discontent and I can understand too how they are feeling.  Don't get me wrong the BNP are scum but I know their target audience.  I saw a letter recently from a guy who wrote "I moved into a nice little town called Barking 37 years ago, it doesn't exist any more".
I did not see their election broadcast as I did not want to throw up. However I have seen their views on defence which is basically complete withdrawal of all troops from all around the world with no exceptions, including peace-keeping missions. Presumably this would extend to refusing to provide troops to assist other countries where there had been a natural disaster.

I wonder what they would do with all the troops once they were back in the UK. I think I can guess how they would use them and I for one find that thought horrific.
El Loro
Reference: El Loro
I wonder what they would do with all the troops once they were back in the UK. I think I can guess how they would use them and I for one find that thought horrific.
Me too
They've also said in previous statements that they would dismantle the UK's free press and bring it under complete government control. So whatever they got up to would be kept quiet, or else..
So whatever they got up to would be kept quiet, or else..
I think we all know that they would get up to. I wonder what they would deal with me. I'm part English, part Welsh, part Irish, part Indian, part French Norman (if we go back to William the Conqueror's time), and that's for starters. I've probable got lots of traces of other countries in me, and so I cannot regard myself as a pure Aryan, so how would they deal with me and for that matter, most of us. I would rather be shot than accept rule under the BNP, and that in all probability is what would happen. And if that sounds inflammatory, well anybody who is thinking of supporting BNP better take a serious look at themselvesas and ask if they want to see a Nazi-like dicatorship set up in this country, because that is what they would be doing.
El Loro
Reference: El Loro
I think we all know that they would get up to. I wonder what they would deal with me. I'm part English, part Welsh, part Irish, part Indian, part French Norman (if we go back to William the Conqueror's time), and that's for starters. I've probable got lots of traces of other countries in me, and so I cannot regard myself as a pure Aryan, so how would they deal with me and for that matter, most of us. I would rather be shot than accept rule under the BNP, and that in all probability is what would happen. And if that sounds inflammatory, well anybody who is thinking of supporting BNP better take a serious look at themselvesas and ask if they want to see a Nazi-like dicatorship set up in this country, because that is what they would be doing.
I'm Welsh, Irish, English, French and Jewish. What would they make of me, I wonder? There are practically no "pure-bred" English/British in the UK - most of us have genes from elsewhere, including Griffin. Actually, I'm not totally convinced that all of his are human..

I think your vision of life under the BNP is spot on. People who think it's scare-mongering are just deluding themselves.
I think its sad if 'they' start to make us even think like that.  I don't care where anyone comes from, if they want to be part of this country, if they share our ideals, take pride in being 'British' or 'English' or whatever and don't want to impose what they think is the way we should be over the way we are then that's OK with me.  Talking about being pure bred is 'their' way it should never be ours.
It's reassuring to know that so far no one in this thread has given the slightest bit of support for Griffin and his cronies.
As far as people who think that talking against the BNP is scaremongering is concerned. then consider that Hitler rose to power following the collapse of the then German economy. We haven't had that type of collapse, but we have had the worst recession since the 1920s/30s. We have comparatively high unemployment, and with the probable cuts in public spending, unemployment could increase (I hope it doesn't). If we look at Barking, one of the BNP's hot spots, the proportion of people looking for work (based on the year to June 2009) is 7% compared to the UK rate of 5.6%. More significantly is the rarely advertised statistic of jobs density. This compares the number of jobs to the working age population. The UK ratio is 0.83. The Barking ratio is 0.51. The proportion of people on Income Support compared to unfilled jobcentre vacancies is 6.4 claimants per vacancy for the UK. This rises to 17.1 for Barking. I would be very surprised if there isn't a connection between unemployment and BNP hotspots.

My statistics were taken from the Barking page of the Office of National Statistics.
El Loro
I also think he is not very bright
I know!!   I can't beleive how stupid he is!  Those of us that are not pro BNP have had a real fear of this party securing more & more power in this country... 

we should just let the bloke talk & talk & talk & talk...   and his following will shrink back to the hardcore group of people who love to hate & find someone else to blame their own lack of fulfilment on!
Reference: El Loro
As far as people who think that talking against the BNP is scaremongering is concerned. then consider that Hitler rose to power following the collapse of the then German economy. We haven't had that type of collapse, but we have had the worst recession since the 1920s/30s.
  Having recently returned from Poland and a visit to Auschwitz, I have to say that Griffin and his followers terrify me. There are so many similarities between the Nazi propaganda of WW2 and the poison being peddled by the BNP, it is frightening.
Quote: "we don't hate anyone"

(Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP, in his younger days)

(John Tyndall [on left], founder of the BNP)

It's just so obvious that they're really just misunderstood patriots, isn't it?

(Incidentally; to get those pictures, I had to trawl through some very distasteful websites...I feel the need to take a bath now.
With Jeyes fluid and a scrubbing brush....)

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