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...well, after about 3 years and numerous root fillings on the SAME tooth, the Dentist finally discovered that I have 5 roots in the problem tooth, (this was 7/8 weeks ago BTW).. the extra 2 roots had been left untreated (because he hadn't seen them), and they are in odd places..., odd that he actually photographed them to discuss on a Dental Forum (yes, that's right a Dental Forum)., we finally thought he'd cracked it and there's be no more pain....

...alas not I went back Today and he gave me 3 options :
Live with it.
Take the tooth out 
Get referred to a specialist 

..i chose the specialist (as I had a tooth out on the other side and I wouldn't be able to chew if I had it out)
Hopefully they'll be able to solve the problem and I can one day be pain free, so bloody annoyed it's taken so long for this to happen.  

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Sorry about your pain.  When I had a similar problem many years ago, my first reaction was 'take it out immediately!!!'  but the dentist wanted to do everything possible to preserve the tooth, so I went through another painful procedure and saved it.  Looking back, I'm glad.  I'm sure you've made the right decision in choosing to see a specialist.
I hate to sound negative but if it were me I would have the tooth out it is the only way you know you will definitely be pain free..sorry
I know what you're saying but I had the same tooth out on the other side (well, not the SAME tooth but you know what i mean to the back one at the top, I'll have problems chewing if i do...

When he took the other one out, he pulled an abcess out with it, then, months later (after alot of pain) he discovered a piece of tooth had broken off and been left in, he had to cut the gum, make 2 incisions (like this xx) and pull the fragment of tooth out....I wonder if he could've saved that tooth, I think taking it out was the easy option for him

After all the works he's RE-DONE on my teeth, I really want to save this one....fed up of it

I pay ÂĢ22 per month on Denplan so it won't cost to go to the specialist...thanks God...
The Devil In Diamante
I have gone to the ends of the earth to protect my teeth. The alternative is a nightmare. I also pay 22 GBP for Denplan.  When you think the amount people waste on cars and clothes and shit!
I know what you mean, i really want to keep this tooth, and I think he was a little hasty in taking the last one out TBH...ah well....fingers crossed
The Devil In Diamante
I've dragged this thread up from the 24th September because I am furious.

As you can see the Dentist said he'd refer me to the Dental Hospital in Manchester, and advised me this should take around 2 weeks to get an appointment, then hopefully my tooth should be right for Christmas.

A week later he phoned to say I had to fill in a medical questionnaire, that's another week after the promised referral! I filled in the questionnaire and dropped it back off at the Dentist on the 1st October.

I phoned the Denstist this Morning to see if  the referral had been sorted as I thought an appointment could've got lost in the post...guess what she said..."Have you filled in your medical questionnaire?", to which I replied "Yes, I handed it back in over the counter 4 weeks ago",...

... it is still there....nothing has been done, it's still sat on a desk waiting to be sent to the Dental Hospital!!!! 5 weeks and I'm so flippin annoyed....I could honestly cry.....

I politely voiced my annoyance and she did say that if I was in pain she can get me a prescription, I told her I'm not in pain as I'm taking that many bloody painkillers that my stomach will be packing in on me soon, plus the throbbing, aching waking me up twice a night.....I am gob-smacked....
The Devil In Diamante
DID, that's dreadful, remember reading the original thread and hoping you would get sorted quickly, now this.

If your surgery have any decency about them, they'll fax your details to the specialist, with a note of what they have done and push for the first available appointment for you.  Honestly, things like that make me so cross, as a receptionist with post duties, I ALWAYS made sure important post went out and always trained my juniors to do the same.

Toothache along with ear ache is the worst thing out, I really hope you get sorted out and quickly.
â™ĨPinkBabe1966â™ĨThe Angel under the tree!
I understand how you feel, I cry when i get really angry. Is there anyone you can complain to?
I've had a few issues with the Dentist and I phoned Denplan to see how I go about making a complaint and maybe switching Dentists.

First i have to raise the issue(s) with my Dentist, which could make things pretty uncomfortable, then, if I wish to switch Dentists, I'd have to have a full Dental Health Check, get any work done that needs doing (and pay out of my own pocket), then another Denplan Dentist will take me on once they're satisfied I don't need loads of's money I just don't have at the moment, and I pay ÂĢ22 per month for my Denplan (ÂĢ264 per year for crap service).....I shall be contacting them putting in a complaint, though I am going (in person) to my Dentists first and putting him on the spot
The Devil In Diamante
I've just phoned Denplan, they have advised me to write a letter to my Dentist, if I don't hear anything in another 2 weeks regarding my complaint, I should then contact Denplan and they'll take the complaint up for me, I can also ask for a copy of my Dental records as they belong to me....I am gonna be like a dog with a bone now...I am so pissed of with their bloody imcompetance!

The girl I spoke to this morning also told me they'd been on Holiday for 2 weeks So bloody what, other people have Holidays and still manage to do their jobs efficiently!

I am just completely astounded over the whole thing...
The Devil In Diamante
Just had a call. There is a prescription waiting for me to pick at the Dentists, and the Dentist has written a letter to the Dental Hospital and it is being sent off along with my notes Today!!!!

In the meantime I have written a formal complaint letter, including many other things that I think have been wrong over the last couple of last, I'm getting somewhere.....if I hadn't phoned this Morning, my referral would still be sat there.....idiots.....I'm going in to pick up the script at lunch and asking for a copy of my Dental records along with appointment dates and times....depending on how nice they are when I go in, I'm gonna 'sock it to them'
The Devil In Diamante
I've just been and picked up a prescription for a 7 day course of Amoxycillin, how the hell can they tell I have an infection without looking??????

I told the Receptionist it was not acceptable, to which she said "it's a genuine mistake"!!!! I'm glad about that, I mean, as long as it's a 'genuine mistake' I can live with waking up with a throbbing tooth 2 or 3 times a night!

This tooth problem has gone on for YEARS, it's only in the last few months he noticed the extra roots that had been left untreated over the years...I have written a 3 page letter which will be posted and a copy hand delivered a later on....I am fuming....
The Devil In Diamante
You're calmer about it than I would be!!
Pinkbabe, my fingers wouldn't type fast enough to get everything onto paper, i am bloody furious, even ore furious at being prescribed more antibiotics without having seen anyone....I don't like to take tablets if I can help it especially antibiotics.....I did put in my letter he must be one brilliant Dentist to diagnose another infection without even looking!

The letter is very long, but i felt I had to raise all my grievances rather than raise others at a later date....grrrrrrr....idiots.....
The Devil In Diamante
I have the best dentist story EVER!!!! 

My sister (and yes it was my sister and not me) had been suffering for days with horrendous toothache, by the time it got so bad that she wanted to see a dentist it was the weekend and so had to wait until after for an appointment.  She finally got there and the dentist was very sympathetic, he sorted her tooth out and was giving her loads of sympathy, you know the usual 'oh you poor thing you must have been in dreadful pain' etc.

Anyway, the dentist finished the tooth work and leaned forward with arms out stretched, my sister who was feeling very sorry for herself, grabbed him in a bear hug, thinking he was such a nice dentist for giving her a hug, when in actual fact he was only coming in to remove the dental bib from around her neck!

The foolish girl made the mistake of telling us (her 4 sisters) about this, and has never lived it down.  The story gets rolled out at every family get together!
it is still there....nothing has been done, it's still sat on a desk waiting to be sent to the Dental Hospital!!!! 5 weeks and I'm so flippin annoyed....I could honestly cry..... I politely voiced my annoyance and she did say that if I was in pain she can get me a prescription, I told her I'm not in pain as I'm taking that many bloody painkillers that my stomach will be packing in on me soon, plus the throbbing, aching waking me up twice a night.....I am gob-smacked....
OMG DID... that is awful You poor thing I hope you gave them hell!!! I had  problems for a couple of months last spring, so know how it gets you down I had a tooth out, and various other things, but mine eventually turned out to be a prob with the trigeminal nerve!!!  I hope they can get you sorted soon
You have a 5 rooted tooth  *faints*
Yes, and a couple of the roots are kind of joined by an arched root which cannot be seen

I put a status update on my FB tonight and a girl i used to work with commented about me still having trouble with my gnashers, I worked with her 6 Years that's how long it's been going on all in all and he only this year discovered the dodgy roots! I am completely and utterly dumbfounded at their flippin incompetence (sp), both the Receptionists and the Dentist....I've written a corker of a letter and am more than willing to go as far as i can with it....I am still bloody furious as well!

I need Vodka
The Devil In Diamante

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