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Reference: Yella
So is Xochi being playful with you tonight lol. Oh I'm useless at history, when at school the teacher would discuss things from the past I'd mentally glaze over and look out of the window, I glazed over at most subjects lol, which is how come I never had good marks, except for spelling
Yes, they take it in turns!

I was always too busy being naughty at school to learn much.
Like writing 'wine' as 'urine', when discussing what the Romans used to drink, and trying to convince my History teacher that it was how I wrote my Ws!

But I've always been fascinated by natural history and Darwin's Theory of Evolution etc. Don't know much about it, but I still love it!
at history, when at school the teacher would discuss things from the past no wonder you glazed over, they should have discussed more up to date affairs. then you could have all joined in
Lowon, I just couldn't relate to the past, I wasn't there, I didn't live it so didn't get the point lol. Since becoming an adult I've kinda realised that to many history is important, it tells a story, but personally there's been very few times when I've related to it, I just think ok that happened but move on to what's happening now lol.
Yellow Rose
So is Xochi being playful with you tonight lol. Oh I'm useless at history, when at school the teacher would discuss things from the past I'd mentally glaze over and look out of the window, I glazed over at most subjects lol, which is how come I never had good marks, except for spelling Yes, they take it in turns! I was always too busy being naughty at school to learn much. Like writing 'wine' as 'urine', when discussing what the Romans used to drink, and trying to convince my History teacher that it was how I wrote my Ws! But I've always been fascinated by natural history and Darwin's Theory of Evolution etc. Don't know much about it, but I still love it!

Quote "writing wine as urine"'ve reminded me that some think drinking urine is good for us, maybe it is lol but wine tastes better heehee.

Re Darwin's theory of Evolution. Personally I've never believed that we're descended from Apes, if we had the Ape population would have been wiped out by now through evolution, instead they continued their line.

Watched Sky News the other night and a skeleton has recently been found that is 1 million years older than a previous skeleton, although ape like in appearance it is not an ape but assumed by those who know about all this as the skeleton of the original homo sapien. I found that very interesting, and it backed up my long held theory lol
Yellow Rose
Re Darwin's theory of Evolution. Personally I've never believed that we're descended from Apes, if we had the Ape population would have been wiped out by now through evolution, instead they continued their line.
I think Darwin proposed that at some point Homo sapiens took off on separate branches of the same family tree YR , so yes, we are all descended from the same place. The discovery I think was the earliest evidence of that separation that has been found so far.
I just think ok that happened but move on to what's happening now YR, a very positive to attitude to look to the future, we can have some input there, whereas can't change the past
Exactly!!! we can't change the past whether it's history or culture, why cling on to it especially if it's negative. We need to focus on a positive future, which isn't easy maybe as we're surrounded by negative stuff through the media, they love it and feed it to us daily, I stopped buying newspapers many years ago after years of being an avid reader of many of them, but, I watch Sky News so still see what's fed to the masses but I make my own decision as to what to take in and what to reject as hype for someone else's agenda that may serve them but not me.
Yellow Rose
it is not an ape but assumed by those who know about all this as the skeleton of the original homo sapien. I found that very interesting, and it backed up my long held theory lol

I think this planet was formed from the remnants of Mars--- some catastrophic event that took place there. We have the same same Bio-clock as there,   We are being naieve thinking we are the only living people in the universe. Judjing on what has been achieved on this planet in the last 60 years-- this is merely a drop in the ocean to what other species on other planets could have achieved.
Re Darwin's theory of Evolution. Personally I've never believed that we're descended from Apes, if we had the Ape population would have been wiped out by now through evolution, instead they continued their line. I think Darwin proposed that at some point Homo sapiens took off on separate branches of the same family tree YR , so yes, we are all descended from the same place. The discovery I think was the earliest evidence of that separation that has been found so far.
Yes I think that was a point that was mentioned on Sky, that at some point there was a separation between Apes and Homo Sapiens. Evolution is a very slow process so it must have been a very long period of time before that happened, and I wonder how that came about.
Yellow Rose

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