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I always thought Josie was jealous of Corin Keever attaching herself to her has brought out the worst in her she is far more vocal and bitchy since Keever has been on her own,she  is is the kind of person who could bitch non stop as for JJ he has done himself no favours being with them two all day/night mostly the bitchiness was orchestrated by Keever I  always thought  she was worse than Shabby,Corin will have the last laugh  when them three are long gone.
Marg he's every bit as spiteful imo,he was sat like a big girls blouse with women bitching.... Good grief in his eyes Ben charms females in RL,he acted as though that was a crime ....Give me a charming bloke as opposed to him, his attitude towards females is appalling.
Agree Lee and what does he look like with that tea cosy on his head
I agree with what you are saying Lee all I am saying is they all bitch but not like venemous Keefer as for Ben he bitches all the time.. yes he does but we all think that is funny fair is fair
Fair is fair Marg but two wrongs don't make a right....Ben wasn't in the bathroom or in anyway shape or form involved last night,well aside from being bitched about,when and if I see Ben or any of them being as malicious or scathing as they ,yes they,were last night I'll most certainly have no problem saying ....TBH I feel it is a futile  to excuse/defend the actions of someone by saying XYor Z does it too.
Hi Marg - I thought that initially, but I`m beginning to see cracks in the mask.  There`s something a bit snidey there - something I don`t trust but we`ll see
I see Corinn as being normal, she is trying to enjoy the experience. After last night, watching part of it, I had to switch off. No one deserved that much venom and spite from Keeva and JJ, she's done nothing to warrant that apart from having one rant about them wrecking the bedroom, which at the time JJ agreed with. No one shouted and ranted as much that night as him, I hope this gets back to her and she walks the bloody floor with the three of them.
I see Corinn as being normal, she is trying to enjoy the experience. After last night, watching part of it, I had to switch off. No one deserved that much venom and spite from Keeva and JJ, she's done nothing to warrant that apart from having one rant about them wrecking the bedroom, which at the time JJ agreed with. No one shouted and ranted as much that night as him, I hope this gets back to her and she walks the bloody floor with the three of them.
 I agree (yet again) Dame Ann, and as you know , I too had to switch off. As I said in another thread, their total inability to comprehend that someone may actually be genuinely nice  says more about their characters than anything that comes out of their mouths! They are measuring Corin (and others) by their own personalities, and coming up way short, IMO.
I agree (yet again) Dame Ann, and as you know , I too had to switch off. As I said in another thread, their total inability to comprehend that someone may actually be genuinely nice  says more about their characters than anything that comes out of their mouths! They are measuring Corin (and others) by their own personalities, and coming up way short, IMO.

and yet again Baz, I agreed with your post in the other thread 
Iffy is turning into a right nasty stirring little cat.

She has been since day #1.

A lot of forumers gave her a second chance when she started up her sweet and innocent ACT, and distanced herself from Shabby and Caoimhe.  The reality is she distanced herself from them the week they were both up and popular concensus in the house was one of them would be evicted.  In other words, she was in damage limitation mode.

When she's bitching like she is now, and the same yesterday, we see her all-new sweet and innocent act really is just an act.
Spot on Scotty
Thanks Baz 
I can`t bare when anyone gets picked away at and that`s what seems to be gradually happening to Corin. I know it`s a game and all that but it`s downright cruel.
They seem to have adopted a mob mentality against her.
They`re like sheep baaa baaa.
They`ll be chewing grass soon.

Go Corin!
I find it odd that they can see themselves as multidimensional characters, and yet if Corin has a couple of outbursts, it means shes fake!
Complete hypocrites

I think Corin has done well to not have an outburst long before now, all she's done is listen to other HMs and their problems and be an all round nice person....jealousy is one of the worst traits in a person....and jealousy will bring out all their nastiness..
The Devil In Diamante
hanks Baz  I can`t bare when anyone gets picked away at and that`s what seems to be gradually happening to Corin. I know it`s a game and all that but it`s downright cruel. They seem to have adopted a mob mentality against her. They`re like sheep baaa baaa. They`ll be chewing grass soon. Go Corin!
I agree again Scotty That's one of my biggest dislikes too.... the *ganging up*.....
You think Not me....
 I would only say one or two people Baz, its understandable to dislike her as she has unfairly attacked Corin... who certainly isnt the worst HM. But a minority have attacked Caoimhe solely on her looks, which does make you think had it been because she is incredibly bitchy, why would you aim insults towards her appearance?
Iffy is turning into a right nasty stirring little cat.
Turning in to? She has been since day one katty. She believes she`s good at disguising it with her baby voice, big sad eyes and fixed grin while she`s slating. Nope!
I thought Govan was nasty. She puts him in the shade. For me..she`s the biggest biatching interfering stirrer in the house!

And breathe
I would only say one or two people Baz, its understandable to dislike her as she has unfairly attacked Corin... who certainly isnt the worst HM. But a minority have attacked Caoimhe solely on her looks, which does make you think had it been because she is incredibly bitchy, why would you aim insults towards her appearance?
When Caoimhe went in on launch night, I thought she was a stunning girl and very striking looking. But it's strange how an ugly personality can make someone seem less and less attractive, the more you see of them. Real beauty shines from within - and so does real ugly, I'm afraid.
. But a minority have attacked Caoimhe solely on her looks, which does make you think had it been because she is incredibly bitchy, why would you aim insults towards her appearance?
I agree about that Mr M & P  But I will say that I think the nastiness that she seems to have inside, tends to show on her face.

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