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How many bins do you have?  How often are they emptied?  Are the collection agencies a bit of a nightmare if the bin lid isn't shut tight?  Do you get them cleaned?  How much does that cost?


 Our bin men are being shits recently but it seems they are just following orders so I'm wondering what the rules are where you live.  The bin cleaning is irrelevant.....I just threw that in there for nosiness

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Brown bin for garden and food waste - collected weekly

Blue plastic box for glass and tins - collected fortnightly

White canvas bag for newspapers - collected fortnightly

Black bin for household waste which can't be recycled - collected fortnightly

Green canvas bag for plastic bottles etc - collected monthly.


Sons clean the bins using the powerwasher.


Hmm we only have 2 bins.  A blue one for recycling and a black one for everything else yet they are being strict when it comes to the black one and won't empty it if it's even slightly open.  They are only done on a fortnightly basis and we're constantly having to go to the dump with stuff inbetween collections.


I think the brown bin is badly needed and they've given them to some towns in the area but not ours 



1 fortnightly

3 weekly


If the bins are not put on the edge of the property they are not emptied.

When they are emptied they are not always left where they where put. Indeed, most times they are not even left outside the house.


Tuesdays, when three of the four are emptied, its like a dodgems game if you have to walk down the road. Weaving in and out of bins 


We don't have wheelie bins, or bins..    I really really wish we did. 


We are provided with black bags for general household waste, clear bags for plastics & cardboard, and a green plastic container for tins & bottles, and white Hessian bags for garden waste


Weekly collections for household waste, then we have alternate weeks on the recycled stuff. 


The binmen are good, regular as clockwork, once a week..   and if its a bank holiday weekend then everyone knows their collection will be a day later, with the Friday peeps stuff getting collected on a Saturday.   Can't complain really


Remember the days when you only had a bin and the binmen used to come to your garden and lift it over their shoulder resting on their backs and walk back to the truck with it, and even better if they spilled anything out of it they used to sweep it up and not let it blow every where like they do these days.  #nostalgia


We have large communal bins emptied twice a week, more because i live near the sea and have the seagull problem, plus always aware of rats Sister lives about two miles away and has wheelie bins, only emptied once a fortnight, and has different coloured small bins she has to keep in the house for newspapers etc. If the wheelie bin doesnt close the bin men wont empty them , nor pick up anything in bags either on top, or beside them

3 1/2 A normal bin A recycling bin A garden bin And a big box for glass They're emptied fortnightly, alternating recycling/normal rubbish and the garden bin is only emptied in summer, also fortnightly. I've never had them cleaned, I don't know what they charge. We do wash them out ourselves with the hose though. Also, they don't seem to have an issue with the lid, mine's frequently fuller than it should be but they've always emptied it. They do have a habit of just chucking the bins back anywhere though, and I mean chucking! I've seen them nearly hit my neighbours car
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Two massive communal ones.




Same They empty them really noisily at about 6am on a Tuesday


I'm fortunate that they seem to come between 8.30 - 9.00. 6am is a bit early me thinks... 

One of out collections is about mid -day, the other at about 8 a.m


Until April (when we will get 4 wheelie bins)  we have black bags for household waste which is collected every week on a Monday morning.  At the same time we have green bags for garden waste which are collected every 2 weeks.  You must not tie these bags and only garden waste without any soil is allowed in them.  The alternate week we have a green box where you put bottles and jars and cans but no caps.  We also have a blue box for paper and cardboard.


As of April at very great expense, we're allegedly having  wheelie bins for all of the above 

Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Two massive communal ones.




Same They empty them really noisily at about 6am on a Tuesday


I'm fortunate that they seem to come between 8.30 - 9.00. 6am is a bit early me thinks... 

I wouldn't mind so much really, but there does seem to be a lot of crashing around and banging


Three - a grey one for ordinary rubbish, a green one for garden waste and a blue one for recycling with a caddy inside it for papers, and plastic and glass and cardboard goes in the body of the bin.


I put the recycling one and the ordinary one out every two weeks, and the green one (when collections start again) the week in between.


I don't have them cleaned. I wouldn't pay it 

Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:
Originally Posted by SazBomb:
Originally Posted by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities:


Two massive communal ones.




Same They empty them really noisily at about 6am on a Tuesday


I'm fortunate that they seem to come between 8.30 - 9.00. 6am is a bit early me thinks... 

I wouldn't mind so much really, but there does seem to be a lot of crashing around and banging


That's because they probably work on the theory "If I'm up, then every other bugger can get up too!".


Even though they take the bins past my window, I don't always hear then, especially since I had all new double glazing fitted.

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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