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Reference: Cold Sweat
Was there something about Darnell having a conviction for possession - or am i imagining that?

Found this:- -  -    (taken from a longer article.)

"After police raided his home and found a stash of marijuana ready for selling, he was convicted of drug dealing and sentenced to 120 hours of community service.

Just two years later, Darnell was found violating his probation and was jailed."

Aside from his run ins pre BB Bez got done after BB for domestic violence and then again for going on the run and not meeting bail conditions, and then again (I think) for contacting her when he wasnt supposed to.

Yes Leccy, domestic abuse towards his partner -tried to strangle her (allegedly) and then went back for more. Thats Bez all over, a scally.
As a committed loony lefty, I can say one thing I admire about the right.  They are cohesive, they don't let minor differences in ideology divide them.  They gloss over the cracks and stick together.  Us lot, fractions all over the bleedin' shop.  Why is GG standing against GS?


If I was wantin' to be charitable to us I could say it's because we care more or really want the very best But nah, I dunno (I find this bit confusing) is it coz everyone has a pet project?  This is not the place, I fear, for interesting political analysis anyroad so forgive me thinking aloud, as it were.

Hey up Katty, nice to see you!

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