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Originally Posted by jacksonb:

well that was  pretty good tonight.


 one dickhead down only  a few more to go.


 im a bit bothered now that i dont find luke s as annoying as i used to.


i spose everything is relative.

I feel the same about Becky if I am honest..She actually showed backbone standing up to the two wankers, and she made me chuckle when describing Aaron's change in personality when he is around Connor.

Senora Reyes
Originally Posted by Senora Reyes:
Originally Posted by jacksonb:

well that was  pretty good tonight.


 one dickhead down only  a few more to go.


 im a bit bothered now that i dont find luke s as annoying as i used to.


i spose everything is relative.

I feel the same about Becky if I am honest..She actually showed backbone standing up to the two wankers, and she made me chuckle when describing Aaron's change in personality when he is around Connor.

Well the pair of you can just stop that nonsense right now 


I think Luke S realised he was onto a loser with dumb and dumber and has been trying to distance himself from them for a while now.   he's not quite worked out how to ditch the gf without looking like a scumbag or she'd be toast too.


This week on Big Brother it was a vote to  save housemates who faced the public vote.

Deana and Becky proved popular with the crowd  and jumped for joy when they were the first two be saved followed by a surprised  Conor.

Which left Arron Lowe to face the boos of the  waiting crowd as he said goodbye to the house.

Out! Arron Lowe became the fifth person to be evicted from the Big Brother house tonight

Out! Arron Lowe became the fifth person to be evicted  from the Big Brother house tonight

Visibly upset when Brian Dowling announced  he would be leaving, the 23-year-old jumped out of his seat and yelled: 'Yeah  f**k off!'

After a mini-tantrum in which he kicked  furniture, the model hugged Conor who was equally as upset and told him to  continuing doing what he was 'meant to do' in the house.

Upset: Arron kicked the furniture in the house when he received the news he would be leaving

Upset: Arron kicked the furniture in the house when he  received the news he would be leaving


Best buds: On exiting the house the 23-year-old hugged Conor and gave him some wise words to follow

Best buds: On exiting the house the 23-year-old hugged  Conor and gave him some wise words to follow

During his interview with Brian, a calm and  collected Arron said the volume of boos received from the crowd did not bother  him.

Calling his housemates who put him up for  nomination as 'Backstabbers', he admitted that he believed Deana would be  exiting the house.

He also said: 'We're all backstabbers -  welcome to the jungle.'

'Welcome to the jungle': The model told Brian that all the housemates were 'backstabbers'

'Welcome to the jungle': The model told Brian that all  the housemates were 'backstabbers'

After watching footage back which showed off  his prankster way in the house Arron could help to burst into  hysterics.

Still in a fit of laughter he said: 'I didn't  care but I didn't realise I was that bad; I'm like a 10  year-old!'

During his time in the house Arron was seen  getting close with Conor Mcintyre and the pair soon formed a  bromance.

Honest: Although Arron admitted that he hadn't always been himself in the house he said he had no regrets

Honest: Although Arron admitted that he hadn't always  been himself in the house he said he had no regrets

He told Brian that he got along well with  the 24-year-old personal trainer because he was the only person he thought was  trustworthy.

'He was just a G, and he didn't care. I  trusted him.'

And defending himself against claims that he  became intimidating when paired with Conor, he said: 'I didn't want to be seen  as a bully, I am a kindhearted guy, I don't care what people  say.'

Arron added: 'I know I upset a few people but  I was me in there, life is for living, I don’t have any regrets.'

'She was just too boring': When asked why he didn't get along with Deana Arron's answer was short and sweet

'She was just too boring': When asked why he didn't get  along with Deana Arron's answer was short and sweet

Brian than questioned Arron, who is now the  fifth housemate to leave the show why he didn't like Deana Uppal.

Somewhat stuck for words, Arron's answer  lacked a decent explanation as to why he clashed with the 23-year-old model who  is currently Miss India UK.

Keeping it short and sweet his words were: 'I  don't know, she's alright but she was just too boring.'

On why he thought he was seating outside the  house talking to Brian, he quipped: 'The public saw me as a little wind up, a  little torment and thought "get that little b***tard out!"'

However he admitted that he wasn't his true  self but felt he couldn't be his real and instead was the annoying version of  himself.

Shocking: Arron revealed that despite his issues with Deana he wanted Becky out next

Shocking: Arron revealed that despite his issues with  Deana he wanted Becky out next

When asked by Brian who he wanted out of the  house next, he shocked by saying 19-year-old Becky Hannon who he called an  'actress'.

Explaining his reasoning behind his choice he  said: 'She was just a proper actress, she's so annoying, but do you know what  she's must be entertaining to watch.'

Back in the house Deana said she believed  that the eviction had gone how she hoped.

Happy: Deana took to the Diary Room with Becky after they were saved to express her gratitude to those who saved her and she said she felt 'evil' had been 'overcome'

Happy: Deana took to the Diary Room with Becky after  they were saved to express her gratitude to those who saved her and she said she  felt 'evil' had been 'overcome'

Speaking to Big Brother in the Diary room  with Becky shortly after they were saved, the 23-year-old said:  'For the first time in the house, this week good has overcome  evil'

Earlier in the show Big Brother had asked the  four who face evition why they believed they deserved to stay.

Arron said: 'I'm not a mute and I'm not an  actress'.

But Becky was quick to say otherwise and  called him out for being a poser, she said: ' Arron only talks about  modelling'.

Whereas Conor deemed himself as the only  'real' housemate, in his words: 'I'm the only real person in the  house.'

And fighting her corner Deana was quiet to  bad mouth bubbly Becky: 'Becky is an actress.'

Awkward: The housemates up for nomination shared a chat with Big Brother in the diary room

Awkward: The housemates up for nomination shared a chat  with Big Brother in the diary room


Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

We might be stuck with Conor till the end now.

NO WAY -  they all heard the boos just like us - he will be up again next week hopefully 

He might be up next week but that doesn't mean he'll be evicted.


 But who will he be up with? thats our problem





Originally Posted by erinp:
Originally Posted by Videostar:
Originally Posted by MrsH:
Originally Posted by Videostar:

We might be stuck with Conor till the end now.

NO WAY -  they all heard the boos just like us - he will be up again next week hopefully 

He might be up next week but that doesn't mean he'll be evicted.


 But who will he be up with? thats our problem





Caroline maybe.?

Originally Posted by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing:

I know we dislike most of them, but don't we dislike Connor more than any of the rest? So wouldn't that mean that it would be academic as to who was up with him?

no,he has just survived a four way tie .Should he be up on a one to one It will depend opn who he is with .

Conor V Shivonne

Conor V Caroline/Ash/ then he would be gone

Originally Posted by jacksonb:
Originally Posted by Toffeekins:

Anyone else think that Aron had already been told to try and distance himself from Connor during the interview. 

i saw his dad talking to him before bbots  interview, i reckon his dad had a word in his shell like.

If he was mine that word would be 'gimme your key, your bags are on the path'


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