well get out of her bed you p*at
She's won the worst gf in the world title, for certain
offically together
Second relationship with a girl
Second relationship with a girl
Ohhh Erin, you read my mind
You know she fancies Conor, she thinks you smell, she irritates you with her swearing and smoking.....but you like her and are together.....yeah right, for the cameras and the fauxmance....what a knob you are Luke
The truth is begging to be out..silly buggas thought that they'd have a BB romance, they've got f all in common..let's see how they try and get out of this one?
Second relationship with a girl
Ohhh Erin, you read my ind
Second relationship with a girl
and 24 with a bloke
The truth is begging to be out..silly buggas thought that they'd have a BB romance, they've got f all in common..let's see how they try and get out of this one?
Come Friday I hope one village will get it's idiot back.
Second relationship with a girl
and 24 with a bloke
Daily Star had a report that Scot got another warning for his drunken behaviour .I wonder if we get to see it .
Was interested to hear that his dad said last night on Bots that 'he's my boy'
Second relationship with a girl
and 24 with a bloke
Second relationship with a girl
And we now know that he approached Lauren (and was knocked-back) before setting-up with Ashleigh: "fake" doesn't do it justice...
She has no social awareness and no social graces either.
And she's naturally horrible.
Bit of a shit all round really.
The truth is begging to be out..silly buggas thought that they'd have a BB romance, they've got f all in common..let's see how they try and get out of this one?
Come Friday I hope one village will get it's idiot back.
Trash has done herself no favours thank heavens...she'll go, although Luke S is such a boring wimp
A Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the Luke Party
She's in for a penny too.
The truth is begging to be out..silly buggas thought that they'd have a BB romance, they've got f all in common..let's see how they try and get out of this one?
Come Friday I hope one village will get it's idiot back.
Oh so only his "second" relationship,,divot.maybe if he stopped loving himself so much he might stand a better chance.